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Sarah 103

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Everything posted by Sarah 103

  1. It feels like the series had a multi-season arc in mind, but they aren't confident they are going to have multiple seasons so they are cramming everything into one season and it feels rushed.
  2. When the midwives were discussing his life expectancy and his ability to live/lead a normal life, the thought that went through my head was "yes, if he manages to avoid getting HIV/AIDS from a blood transfusion, until they had a test to identify infected blood samples/products." Slightly on-topic/slightly off topic: I want to see a Dr. Turner (It can be Patrick or Timothy, I don't care which one) dealing with the AIDS crisis. Someone slightly older who was alive/going to school during this era may be able to give a more helpful/accurate response. I think of those home-ec classes as being uniquely American, and starting in what Americans call high-school during the 1940s. I'm not sure Nancy would have had those kinds of classes when/where she went to school.
  3. I agree. The show could easily/sucessfully do 3 stories per week. The previous format of Danny storyline, Frank storyline, and then wild card (usually Erin or Jamie) worked well. I hadn't thought of it as 10 minutes per storyline when you have 4 of them, but that would explain why usually one storyline feels rushed or underdeveloped. There just isn't enough time to do them all well.
  4. Or cameras? At least hand-wave the camera's malfunctioning in the area due to a glitch.
  5. That's a facinating point. Sheldon deeply cares and was worried about Missy and Paige, as evidenced by his attempt to try and find where they went.
  6. I enjoyed the clip show. I would be okay with more episodes like this one.
  7. I liked the Jamie/Eddie storyline, but it also felt rushed. I like it when we actually get to see part of the investigation and the characters put the pieces together. My favorite scene was the dinner. Henry has a more interesting past than I ever expected.
  8. I think you can have both. A big part of the show is the relationship between Todd, his siblings, and his mother so dramatic moments throughout the season exploring the family history/relationships/dynamics doesn't seem too out of place. They've sort of been doing it all along, dropping little bits and peices during conversations.
  9. I agree. I love when they do person on the street segments, and I hate when TDS tries to do more scripted SNL like sketches. It would have been great to have more screen-time with the person on the street segment, and just skip the bit with the kids. @possibilities that's fantastic that he might be available! Right now, I am rooting for John Leguizamo or Hassan Minahaj to become the new permanent host.
  10. This is a guess/pure speculation. The only reason they doing multi-million dollar cons every week is to pay back Daphne. Under more normal circumstances, they run the bar as a legitimate source of income and to pay thier expenses between multi-million dollar cons. They clearly prefer doing thorough research and leaving as little to chance as possible when it comes to jobs.
  11. I think Paige wanted to believe in a fantasy, even if only for a few moments. Let's run away and become mermaids speaks to a certain degree of innocence on Paige's part. She could have suggested a topless bar or a place like Hooters, but she wanted to be a fantasy creature that would also appeal to Missy. She also may belieive that because she is a genius she would be able to figure something out. I thought that was great too. He was right, but Paige was the one who pointed out that based on how far the girls had already traveled, Daytona Beach made more sense. Making more sense being a relative term in this situation. I want Paige and Missy to stay friends. I like that Paige is the one person who is legitmately honestly by choice friends with both Cooper twins and that both Cooper twins would want to spend time with. I wish there had been a longer converstation between Paige and Missy comparing their respective home-lives. What it is like being the genuis who gets all of the attention and the pressure, and what it is like being the over-looked sibling. I really enjoyed this episode.
  12. I think that has been my problem with the season. There doesn't seem to be a clear story-arc. Maybe it all fit together towards the end of the season. If they wanted to make season 3 more about Bo and her arc, I would be on board for that, but they would have needed to spend more time with her and have more scenes with her. All of the peices don't quite make sense. Something that Stranger Things does really well is during the season they have seperate groups of characters investigating different things, but at the end of the season, everything comes together and the characters realize the different investigations are all connected which leads to the big dramatic season finale. I don't see that happening with this season of The Mandalorain but there's still some episodes left so maybe it will all make sense when we get to the season finale.
  13. I rewatched it recently and there's something I could quite figure out. I'm using spoiler tags just to be safe. I understand why it needs to happen that way for plot reasons, but I can't figure out an in-universe reason, so thanks to anyone who can help.
  14. The music is great, but it is Alan Menken so it's not surprising. The man is a legend. My favorite song is "King of New York"
  15. I was really impressed with John Leguizamo's first night too. He's been one of my favorites so far. Does anyone know if this is a serious audition for him or if he's filling time between other projects?
  16. I'm pretty sure I've seen the contestants show each other thier cards before. It doesn't matter if the contestants know each other's quirks.
  17. I decided they are operating under TVLand logic and you roll with it. Not everyone is willing or capable of doing that, which I totally respect.
  18. I think the mistake was having them find out thier true identities so early in the series. After the first two episodes, I thought I had a pretty good idea of what the season/series was going to be and now I realize I was completely wrong. I was expecting a season of cat and mouse, and tons of near misses with Emma and Charlie, plus a caper/con/heist of the week. I like the relationship between the siblings. Birdie knows when something is wrong with Charlie, and he will be honest with her. David and Emma have a similiar dynamic.
  19. One of my favorite parts of "Let's Make A Date" is seeing thier reactions after they read the card and in some cases immediately wondering what they got.
  20. Sarah 103

    Disney Films

    I have seen other cult classic movies get a thread, so I created one for Newsies (1992) in the movies section, and since it is a Disney movie, I thought some people on here might be interested.
  21. I discovered the movie decades after it came out when a friend I had a university class with recommended the movie to me. My best guess as to how the movie became a cult classic (and if other people have different theories/reasons please share them) is that because the movie didn't do well at the box office it was inexpensive to license for cable/Disney Channel in the 1990s, so people (especially girls) discovered it on television, then told friends/classmates who rented it on VHS, and discovered that it was a legitimately solid musical (at a time when musicals were not popular or in fashion), and for pre-teen girls, lots of cute guys (Christain Bale is only one of them). I don't think Christian Bale is the only reason the movie became a cult classic.
  22. I have seen other cult classics get thier own topic, and since this movie is also a cult classic, I thought it might be a good idea for fans to have a place to discuss the original 1992 movie.
  23. I love that Wayne went into the audience for dancers during the TA song in Greatest Hits. If I had been the host, I would have awarded each dancer points and brought them back onstage for the end credits as or at least to dance behind the winners.
  24. I just watched the 1950s version for the first time earlier this year. I absolutely loved it. If this is the place to talk about the older Zorro series, I have a question. Did they drop hints that Alejandro actually had suspicions who Zorro really was before the reveal to the audience that Alejandro knew? Were the clues that he knew more than he was letting on? It's a 1950s action/adventure series from Disney, so the answer may be "no," but I thought I'd ask. I love that in the 1950s version, Zorro is very much a guile hero. It will be hard for the new version to be as good as the old version. I hope they don't go the route of dark, gritty reboot. I perfer a lighter touch.
  25. The next round of hosts have been announced: Roy Wood Jr. April 3-6th Jordan Klepper April 17-20th Desi Lydic April 24th-27th Dulce Sloan May 1-4th Michael Kosta May 8-11th I am looking forward to Roy Wood Jr. and Dulce Sloan. I guess they feel to be fair and give all of the correspondents a chance to guest host (they haven't announced the dates for Ronny Cheing and Lewis Black yet), but Jordan Klepper doesn't do his best work behind a desk. In the field he is beyond amazing, but I can't picture him as the host.
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