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Sarah 103

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Everything posted by Sarah 103

  1. I think this is where Siegfried mentioning something about "young people" (I can't remember the exact line) is significant. Because younger people were starting to use the word "date" to mean one thing (romance), while older people used the word to mean something else (an appointment).
  2. I think it's about right. That term was in use in the 1930s in America so it doesn't seem too surprising that the word would also be used in other English speaking countries. One of the best parts of the episode was the Tristan subplot. It was fun seeing him nervous on a date.
  3. You are not alone in that. If it's a case of the week procedural that's more or less a play-fair mystery, playing along and trying to solve the case is part of the fun of watching.
  4. As a regular viewer, I do not know who is guest hosting as a serious audition and who is doing it for fun. There may be people with ties to the industry and insider knowledge who have a better idea of who is seriously auditioning and who is guest-hosting for fun. I would love for Wanda Sykes to be the new host, but she has so many other projects it's unlikely.
  5. I loved her suggestion about how to deal with the classified documents involving the Justice Department closing its eyes and counting to 10 and if documents appear on the table, they won't ask questions. I know Wanda Sykes has a number of projects, but I would love for her to be the new permanent host. She could be doing this week of guest-hosting as a fun way to earn a paycheck between other projects, but this also could have been a serious audition for her.
  6. I knew the team would get out of it and I loved seeing how they managed to pull it off. I loved seeing Breanna become all of the other team members in a single episode. It was a great way to demonstrate how much she has learned from each of them, and even if she doesn't have Elliot's skill set, she can still impersonate his voice/speech pattern. (It's a distinctive speech pattern). I felt terrible for Elliot. It's heartbreaking that he thinks he is irredemable and that what he has done in the past is so terrible there is no coming back from it, but he will help, defend, and protect his current team with everything he has.
  7. @wonderwoman Something that will totally mess with your head but in a fun way is watch an early episode of Magnum PI and then follow it up with an episode of Blue Bloods.
  8. I like Baez and Danny as work partners/friends, as opposed to anything romantic. I'm rooting for Maggie the psychic, but I am not sure if they would have Danny remarry or have him in a serious long term relationship.
  9. It wasn't just the physical appearance, it was the way he moved and carried himself too. I think casting did a great job, but also that Miles Teller did his homework. I enjoyed the football scene and the fact that it had more of a plot motivated reason to exist than the vollyball scene. I enjoyed this movie. It was pure summer blockbuster fun. I didn't see it until it came out on DVD, but I throughly enjoyed it. It felt like a throwback in the best possible way. I gave a DVD copy to my dad because I knew he wouldn't get Paramount+ for just one movie.
  10. This episode did a fantastic job of explaining why Siegfried seems so much older than Tristan than he actually is, and why they seem more like father and son than older brother and younger brother. Siegfried had to take on more responsibilities at a young age when both parents died young, but the war accelerated or turbo-charged what had already started. Siegfried wasn't just dealing with the loss of his friend, he was dealing with the knowledge that another war was coming, and he knows how devestating it could be. He also still hasn't gotten over the needless death/destruction of all of the horses at the end of the war. That's a significiant amount of mental or emotional stress. When Siegfried was describing the horse during the first visit, I thought "that sounds like PTSD," and a quick google search confirmed that horses can develop PTSD. Answering randomly instead of trying to think of what is the closest seems very in keeping with Tristan.
  11. I could actually see this working well and being a fun episode. I don't have all the details figured out, but here's what I have so far. Based on the con the team is trying to pull off, they need the trial to happen and for Harry to be the lawyer or one of the lawyers on the case in the courtroom. For the con to work, Harry doesn't need to win the case, he just needs to make sure the trial lasts for a certain number of days. However, Harry does end up winning and Brianna is completely and totally shocked that the system worked.
  12. I'm okay with Danny dating other people, but I'm rooting for Maggie the psychic as the romantic endgame.
  13. It's pretty common for teenagers to have friends a year younger or a year older. Also, Gwen and Nate are siblings pretty close in age, so even if Leia is some of her new friends might very well be old enough to have a driver's license.
  14. @tennisgurl and @callie lee 29 Casting did a great job with Jay Kelso. They absolutely look like father and son.
  15. I think they explained it within the episode. Eric was injured during space camp, and I'm guess Donna is staying with Eric to help take care of him. Also, Leia didn't seem too upset about her parents missing her birthday.
  16. I liked seeing Jamie under pressure. The pastor was awful in so many ways. I wonder if Danny will actually have a long term relationship or if we will never hear from Laura again.
  17. I agree. I think the guest hosts are going to be a mix of people who are guest hosting for a week as a serious audition, and people who are guest hosting for a week because it's a fun way to earn a paycheck between other paying commitments.
  18. I would love to see another episode that is similiar to "The Rundown Job" from the original series but with less of 24 feel to it. Parker takes the lead, and the episode is more old school, because of how Parker was trained.
  19. I got Siegfried Farnon, which I am okay with. I wasn't sure which character I would get, so it was fun to find out.
  20. In her day to day proffessional working life, she is Astrid and no one refers to her as Lady Astrid on the job. When fancy official invitations to social events are delievered, they are probably addressed to Lady Astrid. There is no way the entire team are getting arrested and going to jail, so my guess is season 3 picks up with them somehow getting out of it.
  21. This is true, but ignores something important and significant. Before the 1970s, possibly earlier, when premarital sex resulted in pregnancy, there was tremendous pressure on the couple to marry to ensure that the baby was not born out of wedlock.
  22. I think your scenario presents the bigger risk. Unlesss Hollywood guy has an absolute fortune, that would an awful lot of people running around who could destroy his life and career with the secret of his homosexuality. Unless he could afford to pay blackmail/hush money to every plaything he's discarded, I doubt this is something he does all the time.
  23. My guess is that it was an old kitchen and the heating elements didn't work properly. Overall, I enjoyed the episode. I liked Tristan really learning from his mistake. I can't remember her name, but I wonder if the Dalmation's owner is being set up as a possible love interest for Tristan. It was fun to see Helen and Mrs. Hall figure out how to get Sigfried and James on speaking terms again.
  24. Also, James B Sikking played the dad on Doogie Howser, M.D.
  25. I grew up watching this movie, but there are some things that I have only recently picked up on as an adult. Ralphie's father offers him a sip of wine, he tells him he can take off the bunny outfit, and buys him the rifle/BB gun. He is a good father, and not really the feared authority figure you would expect from Ralphie's narration. The only thing that bothers me is that when Ralphie's mother mentions that thier son got into a fight, I would think that the Old Man's first question would have been "Who won," because he seems like that kind of guy.
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