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Sarah 103

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Everything posted by Sarah 103

  1. I love watching Ralph and Cabe together and want more scenes of them interacting. I posted this in another thread, but I hope it's okay to post it again here. I would love an episode where Paige is supposed to chaperone a field trip, but on the day of the trip she is horribly sick, so Cabe offers to take her place because it's his day off. Something goes horribly wrong and it's up to Ralph and Cabe to be the ones in the field to save the day while the rest of the team provides support.
  2. Correct. It varied state by state. It was illegal in Texas, but legal in New York. What Roe v. Wade did (or was supposed to do) was create a uniform guide/code for all of the states. The decision was supposed to indicate what kinds of restrictions were constitutional, and when during the pregnancy limits on abortion were constitutional. You skipped Casey where the standard became "whether a state abortion regulation has the purpose or effect of imposing an "undue burden," which is defined as a "substantial obstacle in the path of a woman seeking an abortion before the fetus attains viability." (https://www.oyez.org/cases/1991/91-744) The most recent case, Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, created a new standard. A restriction on abortion must have a medical/safety reason for existing. The regulation must in some way exist to protect the life or health of the mother, not just exist to make it harder to have a legal abortion .
  3. My guess is that as their music careers develop the ratio of music to melodrama will change, but I could be wrong.
  4. What struck me was how Cleve went from being a kid idolizing Harvey Milk (I still think the bit with the shoes on the table was probably my favorite single shot of the entire series) to being a leader and part of the older generation. I loved that they showed his evolution.
  5. What is the real meat of the story? Is the end point the Million Dollar Quartet Session or is the end point the fall of Sun Records as a major creative force in rock and roll, because those are two different end points. On another note, I am loving the hair, clothes, music and cars not necessarily in that order.
  6. I can see the argument that it's sexist to give the lesbian couple the story about parenting, because it reduces women to their role as mothers. However, if these are the characters they are working with, and they want to show the challenges that same sex couples with children face, than the Roma, Dianne and Annie story is the best way to do it. None of the other characters they are following are in relationships where they are raising children. When they showed footage from 1992 of the quilt on the National Mall, I cried. I've spent a great deal of time in D.C, and know how big the National Mall, so to see it covered by the quilt gave me a real sense of the magnitude. One summer I was interning in D.C, and when I found out the quilt was going to be displayed, some of the other interns and I went to see it on our lunch break. It was an amazing experience. If you have the opportunity to see the quilt displayed, please go. It is a moving experience.
  7. I think so. Annie was born around 1977-1984, which would make her around 35-40. To your second point, that's part of And the Band Played On had such an impact on me. What struck me what was that it was all so recent. While I was very young when most of the events book were happening (and not born for some of the earlier parts), a good chunk of it took place within my lifetime.
  8. Parts of it are dated, but it's still powerful. And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic by Randy Shilts Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution by David Carter Behind the Mask of the Mattachine: The Hal Call Chronicles and the Early Movement for Homosexual Emancipation by James T Sears Pre-Gay L.A.: A Social History of the Movement For Homosexual Rights by C Todd White
  9. I can see why the A hasn't caught on, because in many cases it seems like it would be covered under something else. If one co-worker is pressuring an asexual co-worker to have sex with them, and the asexual co-worker isn't interested, that should be covered under sexual harassment. I'd have a hard time picturing someone not being able to rent an apartment because they are asexual, because how would the owner know or even suspect the renter is asexual? It seems like the issues/experiences would be too different to merit common cause.
  10. I loved that Randy Shilts was mentioned, and the way he was mentioned. Reading his book "And The Band Played On" during my freshman year of high school changed my life. I thought Cleve putting his feet up the way Harvey did was adorable. I liked that they only showed Harvey in archival footage. It keeps the focus on our lead characters, who in most other stories would be the background characters.
  11. With the skills they have? There's no way they just walk off into the sunset. They could make a killing (no pun intended) in corporate espionage. That being said, I agree with other people. This isn't the story of the Cold War. This is a story set during the Cold War. When the series ends is going to be driven by the characters, not major moments in history. I think the story will end sometime/well before 1989 or 1991.
  12. I'm not sure if it's age so much as personality. Offstage, especially early on during his career, Elvis was shy. I could see someone who is naturally shy to begin with, being in a place he is not sure he is supposed to be in at all, the reaction would be to hide in the back and try to be less obvious.
  13. I agree with you. He is totally the kid brother of the team. Cabe Gallo is the dad, and the birth order of the siblings goes Walter, Toby, Happy, Sylvester.
  14. I like this idea. It's similar to something I thought would be a fun episode involving Ralph. Paige was supposed to chaperone a field trip, but on the day of the trip is horribly sick, so Cabe offers to take her place because it's his day off. Something goes horribly wrong so it's up to Ralph and Cabe to be the ones in the field to save the day. Your version could be a lot of fun too.
  15. Oleg is one of my favorite characters on this show. I also love his clothes. I think he wins best dressed. I can't wait to see what happens to him.
  16. This is part of my big (somewhat unsupported) theory about Henry. He knows more than people realize and give him credit for. I like the idea what while Paige asked/had to be told, Henry will figure it out on his own, but will not say anything. Philip and Elizabeth won't even realize that he figured it out on his own until he tells them that he knows the truth.
  17. I want Stan to figure out who Philip and Elizabeth really are, but not capture them. He is just a few steps behind them, and they escape. Based on the fact that there are only two more seasons, I do not think the show will go as far as the end of the Cold War. I want the last scene to be a flash forward. It will be a series of intercuts of the characters watching the fall of the Berlin Wall (sort of like the way they showed many of the characters watching The Day After). We will see where each character ended up and get some idea of what they are doing.
  18. I'd love to see Amy and Sheldon get married. Stuart will somehow become an important person in a small comic book publisher/company. This sets up a spin-off series about Stuart and his co-workers. In this hypothetical spin-off, there is a comic-con episode where the original Big Bang Theory cast makes an appearance.
  19. I love this idea. I've always thought a great series finale would be Amy and Sheldon getting married at Comic-Con. Not necessarily getting married at the hotel, but getting married nearby while still in costume.
  20. This would have been so much better than the actual episode. You would have to modify the episode a little to make this work, but it would be a massive improvement. At first, Penny is willing to go to Comic-Con for Leonard to make him happy, and because he's been going to stuff for her that he isn't a big fan of. Leonard senses she isn't that excited, and rattles off the reasons he suspects she's changed her mind (the crowds, the panels that don't interest her, the cramped hotel room), and she says "Yep, that it's it," but Leonard suspects there's something more, and wants to know what's wrong. Finally she admits that she's worried about being recognized for "Serial Ape-ist."
  21. I would love to see an episode with a flashback as part of it. They could show us what Henry or Frank was like as a detective, or what Henry was like when he was Police Commissioner. I know we've had the occasional story at dinner, but I think a flashback as part of an episode might be fun. I'd also love an episode where get a flashback and see Danny and his generation as kids or teenagers.
  22. It was interesting to see Nikki acting more like Jamie, and Jamie acting more like Erin. Yours may be my favorite description of Jamie and Eddie ever. Me too. I would love to see him in a position similar to Anthony Renzulli. It would be fascinating to see how Jamie deals with conflict and what his style of leadership would be. It would be wonderful to see him visit his father and grandfather to get their advice on leadership and how to deal with the situations he would face in that role.
  23. I really enjoyed the first episode. Does the fact that it is listed as season 1 mean this could go beyond a single season, or is this a limited/mini-series and the season 1 designation is just standard operating procedure. Does anyone know/what to predict where season 1 will end, and if this goes to multiple seasons, what the overall end point might be?
  24. Me too! After the music, those are the main reasons I'm watching. Cadillac Records was a fictionalized version of Chess Records from Chicago. This is more of a Hollywood retelling of the Sun Records/Million Dollar Quartet Story.
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