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Posts posted by Mindthinkr

  1. 28 minutes ago, Absolom said:

    Who pins a giant heart on a kid on the first day of school?  Someone please tell me that's something she added to the photo.

    I think it was added to cover the name of something like the name of the school. 

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  2. My daughter liked her flowery patterns and bought a few of her dinnerware/pans. She was so disappointed that they almost immediately chipped or looked rough. I’m leery of eating anything made in her household goods. They are all about the money and I don’t want to support them financially so I’ll never buy anything from their line. 

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  3. @JTMacc99 I heard from my SIL this morning. Unfortunately when her niece opened up a B&B she gave her Aunt Harriet’s recipe book and how to make those pickles. Sorry. I disappointed too as they really were so so good. 

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  4. 4 minutes ago, BooksRule said:

    I had to let my Alice girl go over the Rainbow Bridge this morning.  She was my baby girl cat for 19 years, but 19 years didn't seem long enough to me. I still have her sister, and I hope to have her for some time to come (although she has her health issues as well).  Alice had been declining over the last few weeks so I was semi-prepared, but I guess you're never really prepared.

    At least I got to be with her at the end.  The vet and his staff were so kind.  The vet talked me through the whole procedure and let me be with her afterwards as long as I wanted. I should get her ashes back in a few days.

    So far her sister hasn't seemed to notice that Alice is gone (she's sleeping), but I'm going to watch her around dinnertime to see how she acts. 

    My sincere condolences. 😿🌈💔

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  5. IMG_1744.jpeg.fc56468654e2f85c7feee502b3b24031.jpeg

    I have such long whiskers. I’m counting down to my 20th birthday in two months.

    Love Squeaky 💛🐈‍⬛

    Thursday is International Black Cats Appreciation Day so post your pictures. 


    I’m a panfur. Hear me roar. Love BB 💚🐈‍⬛

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  6. @Clanstarling Just saw this yesterday, but didn’t have the time to go back. I’ll get to this today and give you those tallys later this afternoon. Thanks. 

    The totals for those weeks were 1/5, 2/5, 1/5, and 1/5 (I really need to up my Jeopardy game!) 

    Yes, I was on vacation first to visit kids and then to Europe and had forgotten to go back and add my scores. My apologies. 
    Thank you for your time and effort to keep all of our scores 🥰

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  7.     My stepdad lay dying in his hospital bed. He was in pain and moaning. When he was lucid he wanted me. I began my day with him at 7am. I’d go home at 11pm and then would get a call from the nurse at 2am and have to go back in. They were insisting he had 2 pillows under his head (breathing was not his issue) and he never slept with any pillows. When he no longer had lucid moments and was in constant pain I asked his MD for some IV pain relief. (His age was 94). The Dr flatly said no as he didn’t want him to be addicted. I called the head of the hospital on his private cell phone and complained. Dad (what I called him) had pain relief within a hour. I know I’m lucky because I know who pulled the strings there. I feel terrible for any other person suffering and hitting a brick wall when their loved one’s care is concerned. He died peacefully a few days later. 
        I could go into the many wrongs I tried to right, but the memories are still difficult these many years later.

    I Hope sharing your story @Gramto6 was cathartic. My condolences. 

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  8. 23 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

    Can you eat watermelon? Take a platter of cubed watermelon, sliced mint leaves and some very small cubes of feta (or, forget the feta and toss in blueberries). Dress it with a little Citrus Vinaigrette by Ina Garten.  It's pretty, tasty, & healthy! And it's definitely not rude to look out for your health! 🍉

    I just made this for company last week and my only suggestion is that it tastes brighter if you use both mint and basil. 

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  9. I just began this a week or so ago. I’m now in S6 (sick in bed at home) and other than it having some tropes and predictable plots, I’m finding it enjoyable enough to follow it to the end. I also have 4 other people I know that are just getting to it. We are having some fun discussions about the show. 

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  10. 2/5 I’d just like to mention (I don’t have time today to catch up on the season thread as I’m in the midst of a family reunion) that I pre-guessed French Foreign Legion as soon as I saw the FJ category on Thursday. 
    It was wonderful playing and sharing insights with all of you this season. See everyone when the new season begins. Stay safe and be well 

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  11. @Bastet Sending big virtual hugs your way. I feel terrible for you, but in my heart know that you will ultimately make the right choice when the time comes. I wish they could have found the source of this mystery illness. That must be frustrating. 
    All of our paws are in for you and Riley 😻

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