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Posts posted by Mindthinkr

  1. B32C7607-DD96-41A0-91F9-3017FA7A8B0E.thumb.jpeg.25f87993fd57cebbe11798877309b6de.jpeg

    Update: BB’s cataract is progressing, but gratefully his Uveitis is under control with the two different eye drops he gets daily. He has dieted from 24 lbs down to 14. This took 18 months, but he’s been a very good sport about it. Next I’m considering putting him on the Solensia drug when he sees the vet for his 6 month check up later this month. She said it would be fine, but I’m still doing research. (According to her he can have 2 doses 30 days apart. Then needs to have a break as she’s seen too many felines have a dermatitis side effect if they continue with it every month) The vet he sees for his eyes is a specialist. 
    Since he will be 20 in 3 months I consider everything day a blessing. 

    This is his sister Squeaky. She’s been fine ever since she had the radiation treatment for her thyroid 3 years ago. They are the same age. 


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  2.    In my travels I ave seen all fashion of bathroom facilities. In Spain they had footprints with a hole between them. Unfortunately I’m so small it was difficult to keep my feet that far apart and take care of business. 
    Some places are clean and range to disgusting. Having a toilet does not guarantee cleanliness. 

    • Like 6
  3. 1 hour ago, zamp33 said:

    Oh and why should Steve leave -

    I like to think he had a slight epiphany. Living in that apt has the issue with his son or ex wife being there at any time. 
    If he gets a new apt closer to his bar he has more privacy. A place to hop to for hanky panky. Privacy, peace and quiet. He has done all the right things for so long. I understand the show is not about men, but it’s time for him to move on with his life and for Miranda to see just what she left in order to be with Che. Starting with Steve’s revenge body 🔥

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  4. Unfortunately there is nothing that seems fresh in this series. It needs a boost. I also don’t see it as coming from cameos a la Gloria Steinem, Candace Bergen or upcoming ones with her running into her ex boyfriend or Samantha. It needs writing without a formula or a new perspective. 

    • Like 12
  5. 8 hours ago, Bastet said:

    Well, we almost made it,

    Same. A friend on the board of our HOA wrote me privately yesterday to ask me what I thought about the Thin blue line flag. Neighbors were fined for hanging theirs. Considering what happened in AZ I said it was probably not worth the cost of litigation.
    Whatever happened to tolerance? 

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  6. 11 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

    Me too!

    I just don't understand why people have to be so rude and demanding to someone that is there to help them. 

    Too many people feel entitled these days. I come from the age when you earned  what you got. That includes respect. 
    I especially dislike it when someone is rude to servers or staff. 

    • Like 9
  7. My FJ guess was the Congo. Don’t ask me why; as like others African geography is not my strong suit. 

    Otherwise I did so so. I came up with Seville, Fugu, the missed DD of Savannah Georgia, systolic and diastolic, wise and foolish, Rhodes, Dali, Unser and factional. 

    • Like 8
  8. 49 minutes ago, BlueSkies said:

    I dealt with like a really abrasive customer today.  It's like she wanted me to stop and drop everything right there and accommodate her.  The issue was I couldn't get her off the phone until I said Yeah I'll do it for you.


    So I wrote that her number and when that number comes up on Caller Id I am not answering it.  


    I probably didn't handle that conversation well but it felt like she was coming through the phone and was going to strangle me. Like I actually prefer customers or what not that straight up scream at you versus keep nagging at you 

    Sorry you had to deal with that. 

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  9. 50 minutes ago, BlueSkies said:

    I just can't tell you how many people like lack situational awareness like that.  Or how much timing truly is important when asking somebody something or what not.  Many people these days IMO have no concept at all of it.  Like certain questions or what not could and should wait 

    My mother had a rule. When Dad came home never bother him with anything negative etc until he had time to unwind, have a cocktail, and eat. I ignored the “rule” one day. Big mistake. 

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  10. @Scarlett45 I applaud you for getting it put together so fast.

    It was interesting what you said about the size issues. I see people in the grocery store on those scooter carts. Sometimes they look like they’re trying to ride a child’s toy as they are so big their knees stick out funny. 

    Boo on the delivery people for not making sure they literally handed it over to you (or someone in your household). I don’t know about where you live but theft is bad in my city. Some thieves actually follow UPS trucks and steal what they deliver. I’m sure those motility chairs are not cheap. 

    • Like 5
  11. I was at a barbecue so went by the archive to play. I got little neck clams, baked Alaska, terrier, Whippet, stratosphere, Scotland, Rhône, todo el mundo, and believe I would have gotten stencil had I seen the picture. I was way off in FJ. 

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  12. 10 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

    No $ no honey! I’m not surprised she left Kevin senior.

    Unless I’m missing something…I’m not surprised she left Kevin Sr. When he got his mistress pregnant and was flaunting her in public, I think it was the last straw for Wendy. It wasn’t so much she couldn’t live with what he was doing. She couldn’t live with the gossip and humiliation. 

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  13. Great buy @Leeds 👏🏻👏🏻

    I have a peeve. I was away and drove home on a two lane 70 mph speed limit highway (I-95) for a few hours. Why do people drive side by side and block traffic from passing while they are driving at 68mph?  People tried using their lights, honking, hugging their bumper (trying to push them) to no avail. They’d just go slower. I doubt they even knew each other as their license plates were from different states. Was I ever happy when I got to my exit. 

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  14. I finished Yellowface and and am now halfway through reading Horse by Geraldine Brooks. It’s a good book with many facets. Horse racing, equine art, museum restoration and racism pre-civil war all woven nicely together. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, Trey said:

    There certainly were a lot of ts's.

    I got the ts's or missed DDs of Finland, PIE, Pinocchio, Victoria & Albert, Billy the Kid Rock, bittersweet, Latvia, Borgia, and RICO.

    For FJ I fairly quickly came up with Ghost and was gobsmacked when that wasn't correct.  In my defence, I've never watched Titanic.

    I have never watched Titanic either. Is this close to being a part of the Jeopardy curse considering what happened last week? I guessed On Golden Pond for FJ. I guess I was way off in more ways than one! 

    I knew Finland, Victoria and Albert, Guggenheim, Billy the Kid Rock, and Felipe. 

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