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Posts posted by Mindthinkr

  1. 41 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

    I just bought a couple of longer jackets on sale from Lands' End (that's the way they spell it).  Both are down, and one of them is "packable" and fits into a small bag.  The other one hasn't arrived yet, but I'm hoping it I like it.  It is supposed to be super warm.  I like that this company rates the warmth of their coats and jackets so you have some idea if it will be warm enough for what you need.

    I’ve bought from them and been happy with my purchases. 

    • Like 4
  2. 28 minutes ago, Mountainair said:

    I’m just glad to have a Carolina team worth pulling for. My Panthers are letting me down spectacularly and I’m not much into college football. 

    These west coast games are going to kill me though. I stayed up until almost 2 this morning watching last nights game texting with my brother. Can’t do that during the week. It was a great game ending in a shoot out and we are still undefeated! 

    28 minutes ago, Mountainair said:


    #CauseChaos #LetsGoCanes 

    Hurrah Jordan Martinook 🏒

    Funny you chat with your brother during the game. I do too except last night was much too late for us. I hope they do well ton. 

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  3.    I didn’t get to this until now. My issue was the character Gratz. She looked familiar and I couldn’t put my finger on it. Finally in the last episode (when she was getting more close ups) I realized that she was on the show ER. She played Dr Corday. 
       The distraction might have helped me continue on with this limited series. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, kristen111 said:

    Should we try that DuckDuck thing or what?  I don’t even know what that is

    It’s a search engine and works very well. It also limits the amount of ads o get from looking at something. I love it and have the Duck Duck Go app installed on my iPad. 

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  5. 38 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    I feel the need to place this somewhere with the hope that typing it will get it out of my mind.  I used to work with a guy named Jon Jansen.  A friend would always follow his name with Jingleheimer Schmidt, and start singing that song.  Whenever Shannon Storms Beador mentions John Jansen, I immediately think John Jansen Jingleheimer Schmidt, that's my name too!  Why can't she just say John?  Does she forget who he is if she doesn't use his full name?  Is that why she refers to herself by her full name? Also, you're welcome for the earworm.  

    It reminds me of Lisa Rinna. She doesn’t say her husband Harry. She always calls him by his full name Harry Hamlin. 

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  6. 39 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

    I have this book from the library.   I almost returned it when other books I want to read came in because of the style but I'll keep trying. 

    It does get better once you get past the format and adapt how you read it. 

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, BetyBee said:

    Rough night last night. My adult niece called in tears. My husband's sister has been pestering her for money and "mementos" since their other sister passed away last December. SIL's "proof" that she is owed money is sketchy, at best, more like she took a trip to visit her sister and now wants to be reimbursed for her travel from a few years ago. She has never cared for our niece (who is a lovely person) and clearly wants to get what she thinks she's owed and cut all ties. I've been putting up with her selfish crap for decades and I'm really mad at myself for not speaking up sooner. Without going into too much detail, SIL crossed a line yesterday and I want to be done with her. I think my husband will agree, but I want to talk to him before I do any blocking. I just keep imagining her grasping fingers going after my kids after I'm gone, or even me if I were to lose my husband. Thankfully, we do have wills, leaving everything to each other and then to our kids and grandkids. I've never spoken against her to my kids, but I do feel that I have to warn them. We're several years younger than her, so maybe she'll go first! 


    I’m glad you have your wills in place, but I would warn your children. They might be susceptible to a sob story during a time of mourning. I wouldn’t put it past her to hit them up when they are most vulnerable. 

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  8. I just finished Murder in the Family 

    I wasn’t a fan a first about the writing style (done as interviewing people as they tried to solve the case), but once I got used to it it flew by. Lots of twists and turns. 



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  9. 8 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

    I find this truly shocking, @Mindthinkr! Can't you go back to the house(s) where you left them and ask to retrieve them? I love my pie plates, and I'd be really ticked off if people just kept them.

    They felt entitled to them. After I’d go anyone who’d want the rest of the pie got the pie dish. My mother thought this was the way it should be. She was a piece of work. 

    6 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

    You've been very generous to continue baking pies for them all these years.

    Thank you 

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  10. 1 hour ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

    Will Heather end up on RHoBH?! That would be a better fit for her.

    Those ladies would probably knock her down a peg or two. 
    She could go head to head with Kyle about being an actress which could be entertaining. Yes, I think it might be a better fit as well. 

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  11. I m the designated pie maker in my family. I usually make 4-6 of them. Pumpkin, apple, pecan, mincemeat and occasionally lemon meringue. I cheerfully do it altho it does come with one small peeve. I have never gotten a pie plate returned. It would be blasphemous to use a disposable metal one in my family, so I’m usually scouring the thrift stores for inexpensive ones during the year. 

    • Mind Blown 10
  12. I found it amusing when Whitney was having dinner with Austin, that when Craig (and Olivia) were asked to join, everyone else wanted to know if the invite included them as well. Of course all of them want to go to his house. He’s the producer, serves champagne at a casual dinner, and the house. I’d like to go. Let me clarify. Just to meet his Mother and have a martini with her. I can do without the cast. 

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