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Posts posted by Mindthinkr

  1. @Scarlett45 Iam glad your Mom has a good support system in the hospital and hope she makes a full recovery. 
    Happy birthday to you sister who I’m glad isn’t acting out while your Mom is absent and glad she has many new things to focus on. 
    I'm very happy to hear you have a much deserved vacation on the horizon. 
    You deserve the break and that you can count on M to keep the peace when you are away. Hugs 🧸

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  2. 4 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

    Sooo...would you come with me to Safeway and hand over my $4.00 (1 Powerball & 1 Mega Million), pretty pleeeeeze? I'll treat ya to a Starbucks beverage 😎

    It would be my pleasure. No Starbucks needed 😂

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  3. I went to the racetrack and won $225.00 on a $2 bet. That was it for the night. Then years later I went to Las Vegas with a high school friend and won enough to pay for my plane fare, room (mind it wasn’t a big expensive hotel), a really nice dinner out and came home with over $500 extra in my pocket. I went with the caveat that I would allow myself to bet $100 on the trip…no more. I’m well over a thousand ahead. So now I just don’t bet save the occasional lottery ticket. I just don’t think that kind of luck lasts. 

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  4. 12 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I’m not really big on snarking, but came here to see if anyone else has friends who eat sugar, diary, high carb….idk.  My extended family still does, but most of my friends are pretty selective with their diet and are either vegan or pescatarian.  I can’t imagine me serving them waffles with syrup! Ha!  But, I guess there’s a market for it.  

    I have a weight issue (I weigh 75 lbs), so I still eat dairy and a sourdough English muffin every morning. The reason I probably am so small is that I’m basically a vegetable and salad lover. Mind you, I’m short not anorexic. However pancakes or waffles would be a once a year splurge. I don’t have the taste buds for high fat or sugary dishes. Yuck 

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  5. 19 hours ago, NowVoyager said:



    🙄 A lame insurance scam. The insurance folks are on to his shady ways, too. Hired a meteorologist to prove there was no precipitation on the day he claimed rain damage to his luxury vehicle. Suck it, Kelvin!

    I laughed because his MO is so transparent. 

    • LOL 1
  6. 3 hours ago, BetyBee said:

    My Mom passed away this morning. My brother found her. She died peacefully in her chair this Christmas morning. She was 93. My heart is broken. 

    I’m very sorry to hear about your Mom. Sending hugs 🧸

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  7. I’m gutted about Saber. She loved pecan pralines and I used to mail her a box every time I went to New Orleans. Next time I’ll eat one in her honor. We shared a love of horses as well. 

    2/5 this week.
    I’ll bring pralines for all of us to nibble when we toast her memory. 

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  8. @Notabug Glad you are well on the mend. What great insurance coverage you have. Most people I know who have had that need to go to a physical location to get their PT. It seems like a hassle during their recovery (having to get dressed for the cold, getting in and out of the car). I hope your path to being all better continues and you are able to enjoy your holiday season to whatever extent that you are comfortable with. Best wishes. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, Sweet-tea said:

    Kim looks rough. 

    I thought so too. 
    I also didn’t care for the way she bulldozed her way to Sutton who was seemingly in the middle of a conversation with another lady. She’s out of practice on her social skills. Staying alone during the pandemic can do that to a person. 

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  10. I have good news. My daughter’s ex still hasn’t decided whether or not he’s going to see his 3 children (when or not). So my daughter invited me to come up Christmas Day, have dinner with them (depending on him maybe the kids) and stay overnight. Gratefully a neighbor has offered to feed my cats so I can go. I’m tired of him holding up her plans and am glad she has chosen to be proactive and decide what she wants to do. I look forward to the time with her and hopefully some of the kids. (He’s not a great guy anymore. He has a favorite child and doesn’t care about leaving the other two out 😢) Otherwise I would have been home alone. 

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