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Posts posted by Mindthinkr

  1. 36 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

    I was out yesterday, running errands, and I passed a car that was totally packed -- the driver and three people in the back seat, plus a dog in the front passenger seat.  It cracked me up.

    In my mind they were fighting about who got to ride shotgun. When the driver had heard enough he sat the dog next to him. 😂

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  2. 8 hours ago, Ancaster said:

    Are they actually allergic to onions, or just "allergic"?  ie, don't like raw (?) onions.

    One is actually allergic and can’t even have a sauce if it’s had onions in it. I believe him as he is not into drama or putting others out of their way. The other I think says he’s allergic, but will eat something with onions in it if he can’t see or taste them. The latter and his wife are “allergic” to a lot of foods they just don’t like. For instance she says she’s allergic to red sauce (spaghetti), but loves the vodka sauce. They are very picky and hard to cook for when they come over. They have to “approve” the menu etc. Frankly I’m over trying to please them. 

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  3.     I thought Kyle was rude wearing a hat to a screening. I hope the people behind her could see the movie. At the very least she should have taken it off for the movie. Also, what was the single match that was placed in the headband? 
        Sutton cracked me up when she wondered if Hermes made a western saddle. Is she going to ride that new gelding or is he for someone else to show? He looks like he might be a handful. 
       Denise looked so different. She also looked a bit off as in a bit loopy. I wasn’t a fan of her tight bun on the top of her head. Almost too severe for her new face. 

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  4. 12 hours ago, BooksRule said:

    I would love to post a photo of my two kitty girls here but I'm not sure how to do it so that it fits right.  Any advice on how to do this?  I just have a photo I could choose that has both of them in it that I've saved on my computer in the 'pictures' file.

    I go to a site called Resize My Image. It’s free. I follow their simple instructions and usually their finished product allows me to post it on here. My difficulty is usually that it’s too big and I can shrink it by half. I hope this helps you.  

    • Useful 3
  5. I hope you are right about Brendan working on the Kelly Clarkson show. If anyone got a raw deal working for WW it was her crew and behind the scenes gang. She’d cut out at the last minute on a live show, take time off all too often, and I don’t see how working for her back then was reliable income. I hope everyone was able to find gainful employment. 

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  6.      I also miss the days of reading this thread and sharing an observation or gossip with y’all. I tried to watch that video (YouTube), but it quit after a minute and I couldn’t get it to keep playing. So Kelvin is selling everything. He must miss the money train WW provided. I seem to recall as long as she’s not working she doesn’t have to pay him extra money for being her manager. I wouldn’t work either if it went to him, his mistress or their child. It’s not Wendy’s responsibility. 
        For gossip I read the AGC Blinds. They usually give you a clue, but some are unnamed. Occasionally I’ll look at Page Six. A lot of it depends on how many ads or nonsense I have to scroll through. 
         I miss all of you and your witty tongues. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week if I don’t get back to this thread again over the holiday. Hopefully we will get a snippet about what WW is up to soon. 

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  7. 4 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    Watch Dorit eat that tuna melt. She stabs it with her fork, then holds it in her hand and just starts pulling small pieces off to put in her mouth.


    So chic.

    Rarely do I see any HW that has good table manners. Lots of them eat with their mouths open and it grosses me out. 

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  8. 16 hours ago, CalicoKitty said:

    My good news today is that the brain tumor that was discovered 2 weeks ago is small enough for radiation, so they don't have to cut into my skull.  The radiation should keep it from growing any larger.  So far I haven't had any symptoms, so I'm glad it was found now rather than later.  It was just happenstance.  I was really dizzy after a chiropractor adjustment, and just happened to have an appointment with my primary the next week.  She suggested a carotid ultrasound and brain CT, but really thought the dizziness was connected to allergies.  The CT showed a tumor, I had an MRI, and saw the neuro doc all within two weeks.  I really like the doctor, but I will have to drive a little over an hour to Reno for the radiation treatments.  No idea when or how many yet, but I don't mind since the alternative means actual surgery.  This was the best news, and I am very happy tonight.

    I’m grateful you don’t have to undergo surgery. I’m also hoping the radiation takes care of the rest of it along with all our prayers 🙏🏻

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  9. Finally heard from my daughter yesterday. My grandkids want to spend the day with their cousins so she is planning to have the day home alone. She works 2-3 jobs to keep her ship afloat. I imagine that a day off is some luxurious me time. I’m having dinner with a neighbor’s family. She asked me to bring mashed potatoes which I’m happy to do. 

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  10. 15 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    Absolutely. It's just that if he were aware of what's happened to him, he would be mortified. He prided himself so much on leaving something substantial for his grandson. The way he lives, I hate to say it but I wish he had gone when my mom did. These last years have broken my heart. He can't speak or walk and he doesn't recognize anybody. It's no way for the smartest, the most generous, kindest, most talented man I've ever known to go out.

    I lost my Mother to Alzheimer’s and it was terribly sad to watch. My heart goes out to you and your family. The medical system seems to drain us of whatever we have during our last years. It shouldn’t be a for profit business. 

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