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Posts posted by Mindthinkr

  1. I think so but I haven't seen to much bonding between them as other housewives have always been present. 

    I wish we could view these women doing more 'things' together besides the eating scenes. An example would be a ski trip. Sonja would make a funny bunny drinking and flirting at the lodge, a non-skiier would be funny to watch trying to learn the snow plow and gee wouldn't the producers love showcasing Bethenny's skills at parallel skiing (don't know that she can). Heck, there are a few places within 1.5 hours of the city for skiing. What about taking the women horseback riding? Hmm..wonder who would be silly enough to wear shorts and get saddle sores? A scavenger hunt could be interesting. I'd love to see Carole and Adam out of their normal habitat (her apt). Put them (all of the women)  into a cooking class where they learn to cook a new cuisine. What about a ropes course and zip line venue? Those are just a few off of the top of my head but I could elaborate with more but y'all get the idea. Give them something to do so we can discuss how they do it rather than their personalities (which can be stale at this point). I hope the new girl Tinsley can breathe some fresh life into this franchise. 

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  2. 3 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

    Thanks for this reminder. I had forgotten Dorinda's close ties to the Clinton's. This was probably really personal to her. 

    I had also forgotten that backstory re: Richard and Dorinda. You'd think that this would have given her a big thing in common with Carole to discuss, giving them a reason to be become closer friends. Everyone is chatting about how Carole has the potential to be OTT this season with all of her election speak. I wouldn't mind seeing Carole and Dorinda becoming closer now that it appears that Bethenny is loosing patience with Carole. Out of this blossoming friendship I would also like them to discover other things that they have in common to get us out of the ruts that are being formed in the road called housewife street! 

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  3. 10 hours ago, Diana Berry said:
    On 4/20/2017 at 0:35 PM, Happy Harpy said:


    Unsurprisingly, my favorite scenes involved Aaron and Kimble. But didn't she say last week that she didn't particularly want to be Vice-President? I like that Emily is more of a hardball player but yes, I'd like Aaron to be less obliging. Nice scene with Reed Diamond's character for a moment I had the feeling that FBI and Politicians were actually living in the same universe [sarcasm]. I also like Seth and Emily as a team. I don't feel like the writers know where they're going, so I'd rather see more of those characters I enjoy.

    I love Maggie Q and Malik Yoba but Mulder and Scully they aren't. And what a disappointment in the end. It's episode 17. Someone everybody knows and remembers should have been in that helicopter. Fail, show. Major fail.

    This show doesn't dare. That's its other problem. The political intrigue can't be captivating if it stays at the level of My Little Poney, Friendship is Magic. It can't be a thriller if every reveal falls flat after much hyping. It's a pity.

     Been ages since I've seen Linda Purl.  She looks great.

    I agree that Linda Purl looked great and I also enjoyed her role in this. I'm just a tad sad that it's to be a short one (at least it seems that way although they could show how her early onset dementia could interfere with her decision making process causing POTUS to have to kibosh something that she does because her judgement on it might be off). It seemed like a one and done guest role when her last words to him were something to the effect of 'remember me like this...or this way' (sorry I can't give you a verbatim). I think the role of her stepping in a a SCJ had potential and I loved the mutual respect that hers and Kirkmans characters portrayed. Opportunity missed? 

    • Love 6
  4. 3 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

    I'm not sure being married once (before Tom) would qualify Luann as a serial marry-er.  I don't think you can be a serial anything if you've only done it once.

    Yes, I see what you mean.  Let me correct that to man-fiend...or addicted to men...maybe the attention or sex. 

    • Love 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, QuinnM said:


    I thought she had left that job when she moved to be with the rich boyfriend.  The one she was with for years before she eloped with the Count while he was out of town?

    She did that? Oh my. Tom better beware. A serial marrier (I know there's no such word but it seems to fit, except in the Counts case it was Hypergamy).

    I wish they could film and get it onto the screen in a much shorter time. I feel all of this is redundant at times (I.e.: Carole and the election,  LuAnn getting married, Bethenny's divorce and child custody issues). Gosh we haven't even seen the holidays begin so it's still going to be awhile until Lu's I do's. 

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  6. 7 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:
    33 minutes ago, escape said:


    Well if Dorit is being credited as LVP's designer maybe she inadvertently provided the wrong powder container to the makeup artist.

    Dorit wouldn't do something mean like that to LVP. She was their meal ticket on to the show. 

    • Love 4
  7. LadyChatts....I love your idea of Old School versus New School!! Yes please on the certain ways of doing things that task each of their specialties and differences. Lol on the one lone candy bar!! Seems to me that this season has provided them (well perhaps because of Ozzy) with a bunch to eat. The show used to be more calculating on wearing them down.  

  8. 2 hours ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

    fortunately I am 62 and too old to care anymore;

    High five! They say that the first impression that you make in the first 7 seconds about sums up how you feel about a person. Not that this cannot be overcome. I think that production might have been more selective and discerning about the couples after their faux pas last season. I think that of all of them have a chance at it but based on my gut I don't think the Italian ones will last. That big large family that they have is going to have a lot to say about what they should do (traditions, how they show respect in their cultures families). I do however wish all three well. If they are all kind, all should work out. 

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  9. 13 hours ago, Evil Queen said:
    14 hours ago, topanga said:

    The sociologist and the pastor actually repeated the same sentence, word for word. Something like, "If these marriages don't work out, there's no annulment. They'll be headed to Divorce Court." 


    This is so true! Even when they brought the 2 newer ones in, nothing changed. The script stayed the same stupid bs crap as it had been before. Its a joke and has been for awhile now. 

    No, first they have to go to that Marrige Boot Camp show lol! 

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  10. 18 minutes ago, wings707 said:

    I honestly do not think LVP had the intention of pulling her skirt up and exposing her crotch.  It would be totally out of character for her for her to do that.  

    She did however do that to herself when the grannie panties conversation came up on the bus. I do not think that LVP was going anywhere near her lady bits but would have lifted her hem, to her hip exposing whatever panties were there (but we all now know there were no panties). So I wouldn't necessarily think it was out of her character. LVP can have (and enjoy) her naughty side. 

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  11. 1 minute ago, Martinigirl said:

    How do we know LVP was going to stop at the thigh? Erilka stopped her before she went any further

    That's how I saw it. That Erika stopped her hand from going any farther. Can't more than one person take the blame and can't more than one of us be right? IMHO LVP shouldn't have even thrusted her hand towards Erika's hem...teasing or not. It put Erika on guard;  it gave Erika a knee jerk reaction to stop her hand. 

    As I've stated before I'm going to have to go back and rewatch and I'm just too tired to do so right now. The 5 am starts are getting to me. 

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  12. 2 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

    Doesn't mean Kim didn't look like an asshole. If that is the case,  calculated and mean, right? 

    If LVP hadn't stuck her hand up her dres NNE of this would be an issue. THIS is why I believe Erika was being set up. 

    I agree with that. None of this would have been blown out of proportion if LVP had kept her hands to herself. Who even discusses panties in mixed company? LVP is the vinegar in the grade schoolers volcano explosion. 

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