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Posts posted by Mindthinkr

  1. So if I have read about this correctly, Shannon was on her way home after retrieving her phone from the restaurant. Did she go home first and pick up Archie? I hope she didn’t go to the restaurant with her dog and leave him in her vehicle while attending the party. Had she left him with John while attending? If she did that it sounds like her excuse so she could stay connected with John and see him. No matter, Archie did not belong in her car while she was driving drunk. Anyone see her alcohol level (if she blew)? I doubt she would hire Emily for legal counsel. More likely a DWI legal specialist as I’m sure she doesn’t want to be spilling her thoughts and secrets to someone who may blab like Emily.  (Even if Emily was tight lipped a lot of those women would surmise things by her demeanor when asked certain questions which could be misinterpreted) Shannon is in for a journey. Not one I’m interested in watching for my entertainment. 

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  2. 2/5 for the first week. I’m going to bring some alphabet soup. I need to get the letters and words forming better in my brain. 

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  3. Having moved from a town house to a single family home I wasn’t prepared for all the extra expenses. Taxes, insurance, home repairs (I had to install new air conditioning and am looking at a new roof), yard maintenance, painting and decor, garbage collection, etc plus I have 2 HOA’s. Although I love where I’m living, now I think how much easier it would be at my age to just get back into a townhouse or condos. Nah, I like not listening to neighbors fight and their dogs pooping in my backyard. Until I can’t handle the extra time and expense I’ll stay put. 

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  4. Congratulations 🎉 @SunnyBeBe on that substantial weight loss. How kind of you to consider how your friend would feel about joining a spa retreat so close to a death (period of mourning). I think you idea of how to celebrate it, albeit a bit later, is a fine one. Here is a magnolia flower from my back yard to celebrate you. 


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  5. Last night I saw Imitation of Life was on. I thought I had watched it before and I had, but what I saw was the later version (1959) with Lana Turner. I’m so glad I did the rewatch last night because I think I liked the 1934 version with Claudette Colbert better. 

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  6. Ages ago I was in Florence with my daughter and brought her a leather backpack for about $100. As I’m an equestrian I told her how to clean it and condition it as I would my saddle. Here it’s decades later and it is still usable.  I imagine that the price to buy a new one of those today would be out of my price range. 

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  7. 5 hours ago, NowVoyager said:


    Kelvin Hunter's $10 million lawsuit against DebMar-Mercury is moving forward. He is saying he was fired for his personal life, not for his job performance.

       Does WW have a stake in DebMar-Mercury? I’m wondering if this is going to hit her pocketbook. She is no longer drawing a big talk show host income and I’m sure all those rehab stays have put a dent in her purse. 
       I think he is back to managing her and therefore could draw an income from any earnings, but I hope I’m wrong about that. That’s another reason I believe she isn’t pursuing her career at this time. 
        Sadly from all I’ve read I no longer believe she is ever going to be able to make a comeback. Now all I seem to see is her paparazzi pics where she is still wearing those inappropriate short shorts with fishnet stockings and clumsy boots. If she ever expects to get back into the workplace I think she needs to class it up or stay on the radio/podcast venues where she isn’t visible. Hopefully one where there is editing available for when she loses her train of thought or goes into a long winded tangent. To quote Shania Twain: “It was good while it lasted, but now I’m past it.” 

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  8. 6 hours ago, skatelady said:

    I use the same starter word every day, and it hasn't yet been a winner - so I can't switch to a different one because one of these days it'll be a winner and I don't want to miss it!

    I'm so ridiculously obsessed with maintaining my streak (over a year) that on my mountain hiking days I Wordle on the summit (yesssss, I just verbed a noun...)! Normally I do my puzzles in the morning with my coffee (ah, retirement), but on hiking days I leave the house super early and don't have time. So it's my summit treat. My friends think I'm insane. Post-Wordle view from atop Mt. Washington in New Hampshire:


      I’ll need to mention that to my daughter. She has taken up hiking. For Labor Day she went to the Smokey Mountains and hiked up Pilot Mountain, Hanging Rock, and Haw River State Park. I’m glad since her divorce she has found something she’s enjoying doing that’s healthy. 

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  9. 19 hours ago, nokat said:

    Well Spectrum and Disney are at it again.

    Yesterday my neighbor wanted to watch the F1 race. He was horrified to find out we (Spectrum customers) no longer have ESPN. I’m going to have to get HULU if I want to watch my ice hockey games (the whole family watches and then we text about it on a family thread.)  I’m already paying a lot of money for cable and where I live it’s the only available option. I hope this situation gets worked out soon (pre hockey season). 

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  10. 28 minutes ago, Absolom said:

    Who pins a giant heart on a kid on the first day of school?  Someone please tell me that's something she added to the photo.

    I think it was added to cover the name of something like the name of the school. 

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  11. My daughter liked her flowery patterns and bought a few of her dinnerware/pans. She was so disappointed that they almost immediately chipped or looked rough. I’m leery of eating anything made in her household goods. They are all about the money and I don’t want to support them financially so I’ll never buy anything from their line. 

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