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Posts posted by Mindthinkr

  1. 4 hours ago, Jst2Wld said:

    Anyone want to bet Wendy gets back together with Kelvin? If the conservatorship allows it?

    If she were to I’d lose any modicum of respect that I’m trying to have for her.  Does she even have a support system? Every time I read anything about her she is either having health issues, financial problems and estrangement from her son and siblings. 

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  2. I like reading all of your insights and hearing you chat about the particulars of the show from when you were on. 
    I came up with Rita Ora, anemometer, Pasteur, and smallpox. I’m really bummed about not getting the Hindenburg for personal reasons. 

    • Like 3
  3. 4 hours ago, Leeds said:

    Not about my family but I had to post this somewhere - I was in a meeting today and someone mentioned that she learned from her brother that his son had died via text!!!  Who does this?

    (Mods: please remove the post if this is the wrong place.)


    I’m a bit shocked, but in his defense he could have been too broken up emotionally to call his sister (without breaking down into sobbing). Some people don’t chat on their phones anymore. They do everything by text. 


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  4. 4 hours ago, blackwing said:

    I've long wanted to start this series but there's so many books, I found the thought daunting.  But you've convinced me, I'll add "Relic" to my TBR list!

    I did try their Gideon Crew series some years ago, I definitely read the first one but for some reason, didn't continue.

    Personally Relic wasn’t one of my favorites, but all of our tastes vary 📚

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  5. Why is it that when someone passes away that other family members always think that they are due something? I’ve seen so many unhappy outcomes. Even when the is a will and then the Executor isn’t fair. Spell it out what you choose to leave. 

    • Like 10
  6. 7 minutes ago, blackwing said:

    The Forgotten Room, by Lincoln Child.

    I read that book as well and enjoyed it. 

    I especially like the books he has written with Douglas Preston about FBI agent A. Pendergast. I have read them all. At times I found them to be a bit lackluster, but some of them are real stand outs. I began with Murder of Crows and The Cabinet of Curiosities. They remain my favorites.   

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  7. 7 hours ago, SHD said:

    For some reason I said Wall of Hadrian. Would that have been a no-go? I feel like they wouldn’t have accepted that.

    I liked the champ’s story about Jason Schwartzman’s tips for how to gain weight. I’m not famous, but I, from personal experience, know several other effective methods if anyone needs tips. LOL 


        I’d gladly take any tips on how to gain weight as long as it isn’t a diet of junk food (too much salt or cholesterol laden). No matter how hard I try I can’t get to 80 lbs and yes, I have addressed this with my MD. 
        Although I ran a few categories, the only TS I came up with was Buffy. I didn’t even have a good guess for FJ. 

    • Like 2
  8. On 6/10/2023 at 2:10 PM, Spartan Girl said:

    Has anybody read Yellowface by RF Kuang? Holy. Shit. I can’t put it out. When the writer’s strike is over, this better get optioned because damn. 

    I got this book yesterday based on your post I’m halfway through it and it’s so good. Such an interesting perspective. Thanks for letting me know about it. 

    I find this thread valuable for finding something new, interesting, or different from my usual reading tastes. 📚

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  9. 8 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    Heather and Terry were both on WWHL tonight. They mentioned selling the house because of “empty nest” but didn’t talk about anything else house wise. 

    I thought the other noteworthy thing she said about the home was that they lived in it for 6 years. In their 30 years of marriage she stated that’s the longest they had ever resided in any place. Their usual commitment to a place was around 3 years. She also stated it was Terry’s dream home…not hers. 

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  10. I started out strong and ran the Misheard Lyrics and Silver State, but none in DJ. My TSs were decoy, divorce, Iron Chancellor, Dead Sea Scrolls, and Machu Picchu. I saved my week (so far) by getting FJ correct. 

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