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Posts posted by Mindthinkr

  1. 1 hour ago, Straycat80 said:

    Only one episode left? Thank God, I don’t know how much more of these cliché scenes I can take. I won’t be surprised if Zoe ends up giving her baby to Lacey. 
    And I’m tired of seeing Edwards PTSD and finding those letters didn’t help. I really, really wanted this kid to be ok in the end but I’m not holding up much hope right now. 

    I didn’t even think of her giving Lacey the baby. Good thinking. 
    Edward needs professional help, and those letters might push him over the edge. 
    Thank goodness only one more episode. I’m about over this. 

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, ZettaK said:

    The "it ain't about the pasta" episode was on earlier. Bravo is showing reruns for hours.

    Seems like that’s all Bravo is showing this week. They are capitalizing on the scandal. 

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  3. 6E288610-D32A-4E8A-B8B5-FC5E545B6C48.thumb.jpeg.5be88213e148be8f5afe9e0c5ec40e1a.jpeg

    This may give you a better view of the dress. It’s like a jacket on a hanger front and then the ends band together and travel down into her Nike area. You can even see the tag on the back of the neck portion of the folded shirt. It definitely makes a statement. The long gloves look like they have fingernails painted on. She has a garage of vintage clothing. Why ever would she choose this hideous one? She sat with Harry. He looked like a typical attendee in a regular tuxedo. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

    Bad body odor. I know some people have medical conditions and such but I just had to move a row back at the hockey game because the guy next to me smelled bad and not even turning my head was enough to avoid it. Going to Walmart? Fine do what you want. If you’re going to be out in public sitting next to someone in close quarters you should at least try to shower and wear clean clothes. When a hockey game is 2.5 hours long I don’t want to be in a tight seating space by someone who smells bad. 

    Did you go to the Hurricanes game? It was painful to watch. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

    My mom got a new shelter dog. A 3yr old Terrier mix named Daisy Mae. After Mylie died, she had been really wanting a new companion.


    Daisy Mae looks like a happy little girl and should be a wonderful companion for your Mom. I applaud her adopting and not shopping. 

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  6. One thing I’ve learned from watching Jeopardy is that I’m very out of date on a lot of pop culture or the new music stars. The only TSs I got was Border Collie (shoutout to @saber5055) and drummer. FJ was an instaget as I have traveled that route many times. 

    • Like 9
  7. 7 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    Spotted this in another forum. Thought maybe someone here would have a tip.

    Have they tried the usual ones? A Dawn dish soap, Oxyiclean75AB582C-FD1E-45CD-A131-4E3B0988F346.jpeg.bd05192fd5af9e1b01b55b065752e069.jpeg, lemon juice and putting it in the sun (don’t try this on a colored fabric as it may bleach it), 



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  8. Some of this gossip seems plausible to me. I’m sure Wendy thinks Kevin took enough. Between the settlement, what he took during their marriage (money to buy his then mistress a car, a home and goodness only knows what else), and what he took as EP of her show). He was used to living high on the hog. Somehow I think she has some money squirreled away somewhere. She is always still wearing designer duds, traveling, hasn’t lost her NYC primary residence etc. If Wells Fargo truly closed her access to the money then how could she have afforded these things? (Not that I trust that bank either. They have been been in the media for some shady practices and I’ve even had neighbors that had big difficulties with them) Everything doesn’t add up. If she’s playing cray cray to keep from paying him, then good for her. I don’t trust my memory on this, but I think she only had to pay him alimony for 3-5 years and only if she had steady employment. 
       I can’t imagine a reality show starring Wendy. What could the premise be? Watching her read gossip magazines in her lymph suit? Playing with the kittens (who should now be full grown cats)? Perhaps a dating show; although what kind of man would be attracted to her (other than for his 15 minutes of fame or her money)? This will be interesting if indeed it does play out. Thanks for the info. 

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