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Posts posted by Mindthinkr

  1. On 4/5/2023 at 9:10 AM, oliviabenson said:

    Wendy is retiring 100%. She is done working.

    I think she will try something work related such as a reality show (with a cast…I don’t think she can pull one off by herself). She may start it, but I doubt she’ll be able to handle anything for a length of time. Her past track record has proven this. 

    I think she’d love to retire, but I don’t think she has the money to do so. Her ex took so much (to fund his affair) and if she isn’t working she can’t pay him alimony. 

    • Like 1
  2. 17 hours ago, Passing Strange said:

    Kyle noted the artist on Instagram, Xolo Cantillo.

    Thank you. I looked as his art. It does remind me of Basquiat. I don’t know if it’s as costly or a collectible, but if they like the artist, I’m glad they are supporting him. Thank you for the correction. I’m not on Instagram. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, realityplease said:

    I'd say half a mil or more paid steadily to a bunch of mostly idiotic, cackling, screaming, drinking, semi-illiterate middle-aged "actresses" is quite a bit - in addition to whatever they haul in for endorsements, appearances, or side gigs or the opportunity for free advertising of any products they want to hawk or husbands' businesses they want to tout.

    Just remember that’s not all their money. Deduct taxes, their agent (who works on commission of everything they do), their hair and makeup costs (remember for that alone Erika paid tens of thousands), the lawyer who goes over their contracts, their PR person…etc yada etc. 

    • Like 8
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  4. @Baltimore Betty We are taking a few weeks to drive through northern Italy, Croatia, and Austria. We were also going to do Switzerland, but then an old friend wanted to meet up, so we deducted those days for a mini reunion. 
       Lucky for us we have friends over there. One was kind enough to loan us a vehicle. That’s saving us thousands. There will also be stops to have meals with some cousins, see some sights, and of course eat very well. 
       I have always wanted to do a river cruise. Did you enjoy yours? Even though I’ve driven through France and some wine regions, I’ve seen one cruise that looks like a wine connoisseur’s delight. It looks more relaxed than driving. 

    • Like 3
  5. 9 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    Do we know what happened to the girl in the  headband?  I'd love to have an update on everybody in the crowd who's featured. 

    I don’t know about everyone you’ve mentioned, but I can tell you about the couple on the front of the album cover snuggling in a blanket. They are still together and have been happily married for ages (over 40 years). Her name is Barbara (she’s been on tv discussing this so I don’t think I’m outting her). We went to nursing school together and she was a wonderful, studious, and caring person. After graduating she went on to become a school nurse. 

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  6. I’m ok with Lisa losing tonight. I found her to be too distracting. I got F.Scott and  Zelda Fitzgerald, and FJ was an instaget. My first asterisk in awhile. 

    Salzburg was a timely clue. I’ll be there (as well as some other places) in April. 

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  7. 15 hours ago, Cetacean said:

    I inadvertantly landed on it the other day.  She was making something and did the "of course, it's always better when you add hot sauce" and I turned it off.  Can't remember what it was but something that most definitely did NOT need hot sauce like muffins or cupcakes.

    I don't know how they taste anything in that family.  Their taste buds must all be totally fried by now.

    Well, something has to cut through all that butter and fat she uses 😂

    • LOL 2
  8. On 3/22/2023 at 4:30 PM, Marley said:

    Amanda obv told him exactly what to buy her for her bday.

       That’s what has stuck in my mind. Kyle did mention that he was going big as to make up for his lackluster performance on her bday the previous year. So this year he bought her a piece of art. Not just any art. It looked like a Basquiat. As in an investment piece. Of course she knew about it. That’s a lot of money for him to spend and good couples warn each other about large purchases. Secondly they took it out to the Hamptons to show everyone (who seemed to have no clue what it was or worth) so something that big doesn’t get packed in the vehicle without her knowledge. They might have looked at a few canvases, but the surprise might of been which one he ultimately chose. It was one heck of a gift! 
       Kudos to Paige, Ciera, and the others for getting up at 7:30 am to clean up the party mess from the previous night, get to the bakery for fresh goodies, and putting out that nice Sunday brunch. 

    • Like 5
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  9. I’ve been playing and not having a great week FJ wise. I’m stunned she threw away the game last night with her overly confident wager 😳 I did run Possessive Lit and got spider, Blue Ridge Mts, and mistakenly thought they were going for Vonnegut for FJ. I knew the book (Catch-22) the answer was being based on. 

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