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Posts posted by Mindthinkr

  1. My thoughts on Tom are about the same as many of yours. You know a contestant is smart to make it to the stage and then something must have just snapped. How embarrassing for him. 
    I got ciabatta, birds, Monserrat, and the Falkland Islands. I have issues with picturing spacial areas so I was way off in my FJ guess. So way off that I answered Beach Volleyball 😂 I also would have gotten Po had I understood the all the clues rhymed with no. 

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  2. 17 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

    Pet peeve crossed with work: when employers don’t honestly advertise job openings.

    I applied for a job with a local employer about three weeks ago. The job title listed was X and it sounded like something I would be happy to leave my current job to do. Today, the employer called me. She said oh yeah we labeled the job X but it’s actually called Y and it’s entry level. Oh, and the pay was almost $20,000 a year less than what I make now. Yeah, sign me up, Karen! /s Why did you just not call the job Y in the posting? 🤦‍♀️

    That same thing happened to my daughter last month. She was so disappointed at the interview when the truth came out. Different hours and less pay than was advertised. The final straw was when they also stated that it would be PRN and she would be on call 7 days per week. 
    I wonder that they do this just to get more applicants. 

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  3. 10 hours ago, Grizzly said:

    No one so far has said they got the ts of King Lear.

    Although I had a poor showing last night I did get that one. 
    missed FJ too. My friend immediately texted me to let me know she did get it. I’m happy for her as she usually finds it difficult to beat me. 

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  4. 15 hours ago, Westiepeach said:

    Was it this ad? If so... it's junk.

    Yes, that was the one. I did a few minutes of looking, but don’t think she’s going anywhere. I hate that sites full of ads and they either can’t be trusted or give you misinformation. Thanks for all the replies. 

  5. @crazycatlady58 Agreed. That is just too hot. Have you tried one of those cooling towels worn around your neck (if allowed in their dress code altho I’m of the opinion that the dress code should allow one for such extreme conditions)? I hope the service person shows up soon and you get your air conditioning sorted. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, chicagofan said:

    No FJ today, but in hindsight I probably could have gotten it. Should have associated d'Iberville with Louisiana/New Orleans and gotten to Lake Pontchartrain that way. Oh well.

    That’s exactly what got me to the correct FJ. I used to live in New Orleans so it was a quick association. TGFF (thank goodness for Friday).

    I only ran 3 letter words ending in x and Birthstones. I came up with winter, Gaelic, Bloodstone, and Finnish (which came out of nowhere). 

    • Like 3
  7. 12 minutes ago, Catfi9ht said:

    If you click on the episode link, it shows two remaining episodes in season 1 and an episode listed for season 2 which is the 11 episode total.


    It also shows season 2, episode 1 being available today which I'm guessing is a typo.

    Thank you for the correction. 

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  8. 4 hours ago, metaphor said:

    Aren't there two episodes left, as it's a 10-episode season?


    According to IMDB there are 11 episodes for this season. It has been renewed for a second season. 

  9. 46 minutes ago, Suzn said:

    I'm hoping they'll show Hair. Am I the only person who loves that movie?

    I haven’t seen it, but just saw that it’s on Tubi which is a free app. Watched other stuff on it and they have minimal ads. 

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  10. 3 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    Please watch from WWHL Jon Hamm and John Slattery reenacting James Kennedy and Sandoval yelling at each other at the Reunion.

    I caught that and John Hamm as James Kennedy was too funny for words. 
    Good recommendation. 

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  11. I had a decent game. I got the missed answers of Black Stallion, roses, hallowed, Big Daddy, blue, orchid, chrysanthemum, Elizabeth Taylor, Seattle Slew, and Sam Kinison. I must have used up all my brain cells because when it came to FJ I was stumped. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day. 

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  12. 39 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    OMG, this was my DH this morning. He's driving down to Montesano to visit his sister. Elizabeth tried to get into his backpack, then she threw herself at the front door (Miss Drama) and followed him around all morning. She finally relieved her outrage by using his backpack as a scratching post. Now she's just staring forlornly out the front window.

    Daddy’s Girl 😺

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  13. 2/5 this week. Tuesday and Thursday. 

    12 hours ago, dankesean said:

    replying on time this week for once because I'm traveling next: 4/5, would have been 5 except I confused Croatia for Slovenia. Accordingly, it's only fitting that my snacky contribution is that Balkan treat, the burek.


    The Burek looks good. I should have gotten that answer as I was in both of those countries last month! 
    I’ll bring some Jota (a hearty soup) from Pula, Croatia for those adventurous enough to try it. The warning is that it contains sauerkraut!  

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  14. 13 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Are they married?  All I can say is that Naomi looks breathtaking in that dress! She’s just stunning!  I like that look a lot.  And Billy looks great too.  He’s really sexy, imo.  What a lovely couple. 




    You weren’t exaggerating about how stunning she looked! 
    Lovely clip of them both. 

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  15. 5 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

    When my DH was dying in 1997, we lived up in the Sierras in CA. One dr hick town basically. We did have Visiting Nurses coming regularly, but when I ask our (jacka$$) dr about Hospice, his reply was we didn't need it because he had me!! WTF! It all fell on me and I was a physical and emotional wreck when he did pass one evening at home in my arms. Visiting Nurses had just arrived and helped me make the calls, it took me a long time to come back from that and Hospice would have helped me so much! Never went back to that dr., drove to another town to see a new one.

    I’m so sorry you were not offered that option. 🧸

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