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Posts posted by Mindthinkr

  1. 11 hours ago, secnarf said:

    The whole dose went into her, at least, but she still hated it. 

    That’s wonderful. I’m hoping she will get used to it and fight it less. I really feel for how difficult this has been for you both 💝

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  2. 12 minutes ago, secnarf said:

    She's currently on a fairly strict diet, and has never really been a fan of wet food as she struggles to physically get it into her mouth. She only ever eats small amounts.

    I may end up having to do that, but I've been doing some reading about storage mites and it sounds like most often, the food doesn't actually contain them until you open the container, and keeping the newly opened bag in the freezer can help prevent the mites from getting in. So, I will try that the next time I get a new bag.

    You guys had great ideas for how to give Ginny her B12 injection, so now I am asking for help with her new antibiotic. There is no vet formulation of azithromycin, so they use the human pediatric suspension. Ginny hates it so much - first I tried just giving it to her to lick (same way I give her meloxicam), and she took one lick and jumped back, started clawing at her face and spitting. I tried mixing it in food, and she refused to touch it. I then wrapped her up the same way I do for the B12 and tried to give it to her the same way you would pill a cat (syringe directly to the back of the mouth) but she fought like hell and ultimately most of it ended up on her cheek.

    It's extremely thick and sugary and has a strong "medicine" taste to it, and the taste lingers in your mouth (yes I did try it) so it's understandable she hates it. But I still need to give it to her.

    I would try a compounding pharmacy. They might be able to put it into a pill form which can be hidden in a pill pocket or pill putty. I have had to get a med done that way for my cat. It was much less waste and hassle for him to take it. Good luck 💛

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  3. I’m sticking with this so far; it it’s definitely pinged my creepy radar. 


    How Emma intends to find the one Norwegian Spruce is beyond me. How will she even know if it’s the right one? 

    The pace of this seems deliberate and building yet at other times seems to slog. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    So, I feel kind of like a Real Housewife, but I was hoping that I could vent here. You guys are always so encouraging and supportive. You always make me feel safe. I feel like you guys hear me.

    My sister, an enormously successful orthopedic surgeon, married a man who, on their wedding day, tapped my sister’s car and said, in front of my parents, “Now everything is half mine.” He owns a business that has been struggling; and has, barely, if at all, seen a profit. 

    My son and I have been visiting my sister every summer, for the past three years.

    My sister pays her housekeeper every Wednesday to clean the house. The housekeeper makes the bed on Wednesday. Every other day, no one makes the bed. My sister wakes up at 5 am. Her husband wakes up at 7 am.

    I wanted to do something nice for my sister. So I made the bed.

    It made her happy!

    But then I hear him yell, “Stay out of our bedroom!”

    Then, five minutes later, he comes over to me and yells, “Boundaries!”

    So I apologize. My sister comes over later and asks, “Are you okay?” 

    I tell her that I am okay, because I don’t want to create conflict between them. But this actually made me feel sick to my stomach. Because if this is how he talks to me, how does he talk to my sister? I love my sister very, very, very much. She is extremely kind and thoughtful and loving and generous with her time and everything! She and my mother are my heroes!

    Today I discovered that my sister’s husband has been texting my 14-year-old son.

    Now, if he had just asked me, “Okay if I text your son?” I would have been more okay with it. 

    But they are in California. We are in NJ. He texts my son at 8:30 am, his time, while my son is at school. “I don’t want to get you in trouble!” 

    He texted, “Are you getting lost in your new high school?” “I still have dreams about getting lost in my high school.”

    He has texted ME only a handful of times during the past 25 years. Yet, he’s texting my son often. 

    I crossed boundaries by making the bed, but this is fine?!?


    Thank you for reading this. I always appreciate your kindness. ❤️❤️❤️

    Do you have access to read all of those texts? I can understand an occasional one, but what does a fully grown man need to chat with a 14 year old about every day?  Perhaps it’s just me, but I’d be suspicious. I’ve seen too much on tv about grooming etc. 

    P.S. I thought making the bed for your sister was a kind gesture. 

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  5. I just finished Wrecker by Clive Cussler. It was all about trains and building railroads in the early 20th century. Not my wheelhouse, but it was fast paced, and drew me in. The last 50 pages had me on the edge of my seat so to speak. 

    Now I’m reading Hyperbole and A Half by Allie Brosh. It’s in comic book-ish form. I’m not sure what I think about it yet. 

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  6.    I try really hard to get into this show, but it’s not delivering what I would hope for in a HW show. Yes, the beach scenery was pretty. Yes, there was some nice fashions (mostly Ubah), but there’s nothing organic with these women. 
       In no way would I want to fight with Ubah. I bets she can fight dirty. I’m growing tired of the Brynn sex kitten act. That she wants to marry Jenna? Just no. Jessel keeping tabs on other’s behavior..that’s not going to end up well. Sai just wanted everyone to get along so ok. 
       I agree that Erin has been seriously spoiled. I didn’t believe her crocodile tears. 

    • Like 10
  7. 13 hours ago, kristen111 said:

    I love sauerkraut.  Anybody?  My Mother and I made sauerkraut soup with pork ribs in it.  Sometimes, you just want something hot and tangy.  My husband is Italian, but loved everything ethnic she made.

    When I was in Europe this summer I had a delicious sauerkraut and bean soup called Jota. They say it’s originated in Slovenia, but the areas of Italy that turned into Croatia also claim it as well. Lidia Bastianich has a good recipe. When I buy sauerkraut I usually get the kind in a bag that comes in the refrigerated section. Especially in this recipe it’s important to rinse it well so the soup doesn’t come out too salty. 


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  8. My brother and neighbor got expensive hearing aids. They both have had many issues with them and are not happy. My friends, who went to Costco, got much (hundreds vs thousands) less expensive ones that seem to work better and have less frequent problems. I still have good hearing, but am considering going to Costco to get a baseline. I’m very protective of my hearing (I wear ear plugs to the movies), but realize that may change with age and unintended noise. With the baseline they can measure the rate of loss and when it’s time to get them. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, Starlight925 said:

    Yes, the "rehab stint"/public apology tour is a ploy by her attorney and public relations people to try and lessen her sentence.  See:  Jen Shah, RHSLC.

    I’m sure a few of us could see this coming and know a lot of stars do it to get their sentences reduced. It doesn’t change anything as soon as they’ve completed everything to get their lower sentences and are done being monitored. What I don’t understand is why the Judges fall for it every time. If we can see through it, they why don’t they? 

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  10.   I’m glad Madison is happily married and that scene of Brett and her son chasing each other with the water/paint (?) guns was cute. 
       I wonder if Shep is addicted to sex. I hope he uses protection as he’s due to get a STD. The numbers are not on his side not to going through all those random women. 
        The new Rodrigo friends looked uncomfortable. 

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  11. 28 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

    So...you're at a new friend's home, you've just started eating dinner, and you notice your host taking a dinner plate filled with food and placing it on the floor for their dog, who happily laps it up. What is your reaction?

    Worry about what real nutrition it’s getting. 

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  12.    I’m old fashioned in the way that I like to wear slips. There’s no issue of panty lines, everything looks smooth underneath my dress, and it prevents the sun from shining through. 

       I’m going to look into the slip shorts you mentioned. Unfortunately I couldn’t get your link to the tank jumpsuit to work, but I’ll see if I can view it on Amazon. 

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  13. @SuprSuprElevated I was thinking slightly in a different direction. Why not become a kitty sitter. Most people just want someone to feed their cat once a day and spend a bit of time petting them so they don’t become too lonely. I actually have someone coming to stay in my house next trip I have planned as they will be old (they turn 20 next month) and will need some meds. You can pick or decline whatever you feel comfortable with. 

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