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callie lee 29

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Everything posted by callie lee 29

  1. I really don't like that they went down the formulaic trope with Tayo. We can dislike the guy for being a dick without him being all evil and wanting to steal his son away from his mom.
  2. Lol, I actually like her in this (truthfully I didn't realize it was her). I remember her as the ME in Homicide: Life on the Streets. I hated her character.
  3. Iike her too, she's the only reason I watched Grey's Anatomy. And I don't think she was wrong with her comments about the writing. They made her fuck a ghost!!!! You know what? That is shitty writing.
  4. I've never seen Yellowstone but the creep, has secrets to hide ranch family is nothing new. With every single one I just simply don't understand why someone doesn't put a bullet in the racist/ misogynistic/abusive patriarch. I swear Cassie and Jenny actually got dumber over the break. How many times are they going to wander off by themselves in the Montana wilderness at night and get caught before one of them thinks maybe that's not a great idea. I like the marshal. I don't know if he's on the up and up, but he's entertaining. I actually think RonRon's girlfriend may be crazier than him.
  5. I'm emphatically not a plant person but yeah that was but that was not an efficient way of looking for a ring. Damn thing probably was in the dirt but she was flinging the soil around so much it flew back in the house by sheer force.
  6. I think that this is the first time they saw him visiting the cemetery. The one FBI guy walked into the office with the USB and said something about the other dude being right about installing the cameras because look what we got (not exactly that but something like that).
  7. ABC News is reporting Prince Phillip has passed away.
  8. Am I the only one who wonders what happened to the four year old who acted as cover for the "adoption"?
  9. If I remember previous episodes correctly she transitioned from running (ED I assume) an international charity to doing freelance consulting to charities.
  10. So I started Hello Fresh and tonight is hoison and pineapple pork stir fry with black rice. It's pretty good and surprise, I really like the black rice. I'm not sure how long the meal orders will last, in already a little overwhelmed by the amount of food and there's a lot of chicken and beef options (don't like chicken and not a big fan of beef), but I feel like I'm being healthy-ish. (I feel the need to say I'm actually a good cook but way to lazy to go to the store and figure out meal portions for just one person.) 😣
  11. I think I'm liking this show way more that Bob's. I think it's the kids. After a few years, Tina and crew's precociousness has gotten very, very annoying. Most shows end with me being extremely grateful on my lack of kids. These kids seem to have found the fine line between being cloying/useless and juvenile delinquency.
  12. She definitely hated on certain online fandoms, but the average viewer? I don't think so. I liked Elle on first viewing, when I was watching it once a week, but I think binging with show after show doesn't benefit the character. I think the writers kind of built up this cool girl trope with her that when you watch her episodes back to back, makes her become irritating. Personally, my UO (possibly mentioned before) is that I DESPISE Gideon. Utterly and completely. It is 100% because I cannot stand the actor.
  13. This sounds amazing!! Did you get the recipe somewhere or is it your own creation?
  14. Umm, after reading some of your fantastic sounding food, can I come live with you??? I'll bring wine, gin & tonics, and cats.
  15. I really need something else to watch other than The Goldbergs because I cannot fucking stand Beverly Goldberg. This nightmare of a woman spent years infantilizing her children and when she finally woke up to the fact she was going to have an empty nest, bullied her way into a job at the very school where she spent years screaming and belittling the staff to never let her kids feel the consequences of their actions and is shocked they don't want to be besties with her. Of course she got her way, they all apologized, and she gets her way yet again. I need the last episode to end with her being taken out à la Murder on the Orient Express.
  16. Yes Malcolm is the oldest and was a professional baseball player (I think he was minor league about to go major?) and had an injury. That's when he has to move home. I can't remember if he went to college at all or just skipped to go pro.
  17. I believe after a certain age it's highly recommended regardless. A close friend of mine turned 60 a couple of years ago and her doctor recommended it & and there is no history of cancer at all in her family. I'm the one who took her and picked her as well. She was hysterical in recovery.
  18. This. The daughter is still super annoying (although she seemed less so this episode) but I get where she's coming from. A childhood of disappointment from mom isn't going to be erased by showing up late to one event. I'm still liking it though I've generally liked anything Queen Latifah is in. TBH all the white guys ended up blending together so I got a little confused at some point. I was also making a g&t so that may have played a part as well
  19. Grilled cheese sandwich and homemade butternut and acorn squash soup (which was very good if I may say).
  20. Just finished the pilot, a little rough in places but I tend to expect that with pilots. For the most part I really liked the cast but can someone let the writers (or hell all TV writers $ that teenagers don’t all have be little pain in the ass dickheads. all hail the Queen.
  21. Not sure if I ever posted this but I don't like chicken (although I do like fried chicken skin, which is apparently a thing now so I'm a trendsetter). Also not a huge fan of chocolate. It's not that I hate it but I don't really find it that amazing. If I'm going to have it though I'll take Godiva dark chocolate assorted box.
  22. I love bot Heigl and Chalke so I'm in, though if it goes down the road of them fighting over the same guy, I'll be pissed.
  23. Bob Hearts Abishola grew on me (I started watching since it was on after The Neighborhood). It's pretty formulaic but the representation seems pretty good, at least o me. I think most of the POC actors in the main cast are either from Nigeria or are of Nigerian descent. The cast has pretty good chemistry and one of the recent developments was having Bob's sister and brother (twins, white) show were rather useless, start interacting with the 2 guys who work on the warehouse floor (they play immigrants from Nigeria). These four together are hysterical. It also gave four characters who otherwise could have easily been trimmed off the show something to do.
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