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callie lee 29

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Everything posted by callie lee 29

  1. I've never seen this thread before! Fun. When I was about 16/17 I was at Church youth group. It was over for the night and some friends were leaving before me so I'm outside while they're driving away and I raise my hand to want bye. Only I (apparently) forget where my face was, mis-wave, smack myself on the face and knock my glasses off. My friends ended up laughing so hard they hit a parked car.
  2. Nope nope nope. Had to fast forward through a bunch of it.
  3. That green kitchen and Oliver's wood paneled sitting room are my true obsession.
  4. I lived the episode but there were some scenes that stained credulity: the side wise lip reading, the perfect lip reading, Oliver actually being quiet that long... They didn't get much sympathy from me. Yeah he's better than his dad but that's not really a bar to be proud of. Once he gave up Mabel's name and then let Ann innocent guy go to jail for him... Nope. I don't have anything against Amy Ryan but what's the point of the bassoon lady?
  5. Oohh we're getting a culver's here (grand opening is next month I think). I may have to try it once the craziness dies down.
  6. I didn't like Bonnie or Christie either (both just horrible people) but the one I really couldn't stand was Violet. Wanna know why?? Because she made me want to defend Christie. And that's some unforgivable bullshit right there!
  7. Ehh, I'm 46 and while I know who Martin Short is is be hard pressed to name something he was in. I would imagine that Gomez, who is much younger than me, would be weekend less likely to know who he is. I remember Steve Martin mainly from old SNL sketches I've seen and Father of the Bride. Martin and Short are from a very different era and have been tested 6 very differently than Gomez by the media so yeah, she's likely going to be much more reserved than them. She's a young Mexican American female who a lot of people only think of as dating Justin Bieber (regardless of her own accomplishments). I'm not going to fault her for her reserve when compared to two strong personalities such as Martin and Short during media interviews.
  8. Okay so weird question: do NYC apartments not have window screens? Is that a tv thing or a real life thing? All I could think of is how so these people not keep flying bugs and birds out???
  9. I was wondering if that was her. Once they said Florida I needed to know where this guy was
  10. I would pay food money for a Harley Quinn and Wolverine (gotta be Jackman) movie. That would be hysterical.
  11. I agree about Cena. I'm not really familiar with his wrestling days but while he's not the best actor he's got something about him that makes me like watching him on screen. He just seems like a nice guy who's having a blast and he's just enjoyable!
  12. Ehh, depending on the size of the town he could likely do both.
  13. Yes!!! I really liked that part a lot. Outside of Sebastian, Flagg and Harley I think Polka-dot Man and Milton were my favorite characters.
  14. I love (still) the first for seasons of West Wing. Once Sam left I was done though. Rob Lowe and Sam brought such a sweet earnestness that was lacking afterwards. And I get why Lowe was pissed, it was sold to him a one thing and TPTB got sold into Bradley Whitfield/Josh (who I did like a lot) but forgot they needed to balance him out.
  15. Just finished the first season and that was..... interesting. In a good way though my utter fear of cockroaches was almost a deal breaker. The rat on roach love. I just don't even know what to say. I'll be honest, Cliff and hammerhead may be my favorite characters (Rita is a close third). Jane probably my least. I binged 15 episodes in a little over two days, I'll definitely do season 2.
  16. Listen if you need help properly evaluating the carmelized banana pudding and/or the pork belly dish, I'm 100% here for you cause that's the just kind of internet friend I am. We just got work out the minor issue of me living in Florida.....#friendsdontletfriendssamplebananapuddingandporkbellyalone.
  17. I have a g&t almost every night. Most times it's fever tree tonic (Mediterranean of I can't find it), Bloom, Hendricks, or Ford's gin & muddled red grapefruit.
  18. I mean it's more than a joke than anything but he just seems so...irrelevant and kind of like a last minute addition to the things I've seen him in. Edit: wait he was in Spider-Man?? Seriously! He just does not make any sorry of impression on me, does he???
  19. 100% agree. I've used the press on a few times and get ALOT of compliments. Downside (?) though is that shit can be hard to take off!!
  20. So what do you think the only drink served in The Confidential is (or did they say and I missed it)?
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