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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. Avalon was the only performer who didn't either seriously annoy me on some level &/or bore me to death, and it's not like she was a specific favorite of mine coming out of Hollywood week. I feel like I should like Jeneve's performance, but I just can't with her.
  2. Jeneve and Gianna make top 24 but not Jessica Cabral…seriously? LMFAO, AI producers insist on sucking the big fat one in this final season. Whichever night Thomas Stringfellow sings, I’ll have to make sure my arms are strapped down securely otherwise, I’ll get very shabby due to his incessant squeaking at the end of EVERY FUCKING PHRASE. That utterly bugs the fuck out of me. (strangely, however, Jen Blossil doing essentially the same thing doesn’t bother me nearly as much.) Man bun Jordan Sasser got in…LOL. There is no one I am pulling for. I used to be on the Tristan bandwagon, but I’m getting an entitled vibe from her, and that really turns me off. I am typically violently against WGWG, but I have to admit, Dalton is the only person in the top 24 who I think could bring interesting performances on a weekly basis. I hate that I feel this way. I hope Avalon can withstand the pressure because I think she’s at least interesting as well. I’m just doubting her staying power. I don’t get Mackenzie Bourg. At all. Voice is not strong, nor interesting to me, but he does seem like someone who could re-arrange songs in an interesting way I suppose.
  3. Awful...what's next? Toddlers in Tiaras for the Dance Floor? I won't be watching, that's for sure.
  4. I'm hopping off the Tristan train (you're welcome, Tristan fans).... If the girl is gonna break down during Hollywood week because she couldn't sing a particular song, no way she can handle lives, at least IMO. Lee Jean = DSWAG (Daniel Seavy w/ a guitar) Jordan Sasser...I just can't. I know he's just fodder, but I just have zero interest in seeing/hearing him again, especially if he gets to choose the song.
  5. LMAO...at the end of the last episode of Reality Check, it's pointed out that AI got caught w/ their hands in the editing cookie jar. When Thomas Stringfellow was shown performing, the show cut to a girl in the audience exclaiming "wow, he is so good!" Stringfellow is standing behind her in the audience when she says that, hahahahaha.
  6. Why are TPTB trying to make Jordan Sasser a thing?? He's one of the handful who is featured on AI's Youtube page. He does absolutely nothing for me vocally, and given his musical tastes, I can't even root for him artistically either. Whatevs.
  7. I am actively rooting against the two "I love JLo" douchebags. I hate that I care enough to do so, to be quite honest, but fuck those guys. If you need a schtick, at least have an interesting one. Did not love Tristan's performance; she was my favorite, so apologies to her fans because I never back the right person this early in the game.
  8. Seriously Jasper, get your shit right or just go wander off into the wilderness by yourself.
  9. I've talked smack on various shows the past few years. They do not hold a candle to the mountain of shit both iterations of the Heroes franchise turned out to be.
  10. After this many episodes, and I still do not like Leith, even though I assume I'm supposed to. Something about the actor's choices/talent (or lack thereof) bugs. I think voice inflection is a big part of it. He inexplicably ends phrases w/ a lower voice...hard to describe. Anywho, I assume this is the last season, so I just hope we get a decent ending to the series this spring.
  11. Not as horrid as I truly expected it to be (since it is the spawn of TPTB behind Arrow & Flash, shows I used to like & no longer watch). Given how interwoven all the DC series are, it's highly unlikely I'll follow LoT beyond the first couple episodes. I have no time to spend on what I assume will end up being a trainwreck in no time. It was still cool to see Sara kicking ass again on my screen.
  12. Well, at least I have stumbled across a contestant to follow, at least until her eventual & unexplained departure during Hollywood week... I found Tristan McIntosh to be very compelling, and not because of the touching reunion w/ her military Mom at the audition. She seems extremely intelligent, with a lot to say, especially for a 15 y.o. I also really like the texture to her tone. There's a little bit of grit in there...it's not overly smooth & glassy, which tends to become boring to me over time.
  13. Indian girl & Kanye were the only performers I didn't put on mute after the first couple bars (opera guy I didn't even bother listening to a single note, pretentious fuck that he & his crew were). I came into this totally prepared to be underwhelmed, and the first night didn't disappoint. :fingerscrossed: that it gets better, however. I've despised this show for years, but I sincerely hope it goes out on a positive.
  14. I've been binging on this show; just finished this episode last night. It was a train wreck from jump, but I stuck around for the dancing. This episode made it the end of the line for me. I won't bother w/ the final two episodes. Terrible writing/acting/directing; terrible storyline. Neither the writers nor actors are early good enough to deal w/ complex dysfunctioal family/incest issues. This show is just terribad, and the dancing isn't near enough to make me watch more of it.
  15. Mostly a snoozefest, and not a single singer I really feel like backing this year. I'm just hoping someone will surprise & emerge, or at least a couple stellar performances out of nowhere during the lives. Yeah...I was surprised by Adam's choice of who to bring back.
  16. I'm surprised Derek has so much Twitter support. I get that there aren't many charismatic characters this year, but Derek is a complete non-entity to me & everyone I know IRL. Whatevs. The show was pretty mehh this week.
  17. Obviously, Frank was thinking, "weren't we crashing a wedding with your sister & my best friend when I last saw you?"
  18. James Frain should have been cast as Frank Semyon. That is all.
  19. The guy playing D'avin comes across as Brandon Routh'ish to me...and I don't normally enjoy Routh perfromances/characters. I agree w/ what appears to be a building consensus: if it was a matter of Killjoys vs. Dark Matter, Killjoys wins hands down.
  20. Best episode of the season, which by itself isn't saying much. Minimal Sam + Gilly is always good for me; Dorne has been a huge disappointment, so no scenes there helped as well. ITA w/ those giving props to the battle scene; that was awesome. Dany + Tyrion was good as well. I do my best to remain unspoiled, so I keep waiting for Bran to reappear....w/ a bit of dread because I wasn't much entertained by the vast majority of his story in the past. The evolution of Jon Snow, to me, has been one of the most interesting aspects of the show. Good job this week show, and I hope the momentum continues.
  21. Any episodes full of Sam/Gilly makes it an instant :yawn: for me. Some good things this episode, but I agree w/ the apparent consensus that it was mostly underwhelming...as is this season to date. The fight scenes suck this year as well.
  22. Thank you...yes, my earlier post didn't complete the thought as yours just did. Barry sacrificing his "lifelong dream" is all well and good. Risking the entirety of mankind to do so isn't.
  23. I just can't get beyond the simple fact that Barry decided to risk annihilation of mankind so he could go back to save one person, albeit his mom, but then once there, he decided not to. He risked that and ultimately did not follow-through. What's fucking heroic about that? Iris chose Eddie; Eddie selflessly sacrificed himself to make sure Eobard never happened. I'm supposed to pull for a Barry/Iris pairing??? I don't ship....ever, but even if I did, I don't think that'd make me cheer for Barry/Iris. Sorry y'all, but this was not awesome.
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