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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. For me it was: 1. Koryn <HUGE GAP> 2. Meagan I can't really remember the rest, and frankly, fast forwarded through them all (it made for a very quick viewing for me). Hannah is just too awkward for my liking; I wouldn't pay to watch her, that's for sure. I like Kimberly, but I would like to hear something current from her. Sawyer has his legion of fans, and I just don't get it. I hope Pharrell lets Koryn choose her song next week as I am starting to get pissed @ the religious pandering.
  2. Victoria has to be setting things up... Why would she pay a dude $$$ to steal the chair only to go back to the mansion, replace said chair & blow it (and her) to smithereens? Makes no sense...but then again: writers.
  3. Terrible show is terrible. After making the mistake of watching E17 live last week, I finally watched E18 earlier tonight. There were a couple things I liked in E18, but the overall terribleness of the show drowns out any goodwill that I can get myself to muster. Personally, I'm not hopeful of redemption in Season 4, but I'll likely talk myself into watching the season premier just to see if MG, et al can drive the final stake through the heart of this show. I have given up on Season 3 as any crumbs they choose to throw our way likely will be insufficient to wipe my memory. They can't un-ring the bell that is Season 3.
  4. <shrug> I don't hate Ray. I just Do. Not. Care. I'm not into 'ships on pretty much any show (my gf says it's because I'm a "typical" hetero male, but I'm not sure what that means exactly), so I really don't care about Ray/Felicity hooking-up. I do care, however, that Felicity has been lessened this season for the benefit of Ray & Laurel, at least IMO. I don't need to see Felicity, or any other character on any show, be in a relationship w/ another character for me ot be invested in them. I just despise what has happened to the Felicity I came to know & love the first 2 seasons.
  5. Gotta admit, I'm a bit bitter that TPTB are being rewarded w/ steady ratings whilst serving up this dreck to us. I guess viewers have more or less spoken: the trainwreck of charaterization is just fine. <sigh> I wanted to see this show through to the end, but I just can't, not if the viewers are going to enable the showrunners to keep pumping out this substandard stuff.
  6. Well..... So this episode happened. I actually watched live for the first time since like episode 9. Waste of my time. --if Laurel were consistently portrayed like she was in E17, I'd actually like her. But she isn't, so E17 doesn't make a dent in my dislike of her. --Ray and his constantly bloodshot eyes. WTF is that all about? --don't give two shits about Ray/Atom and nothing the show does will make me care --starting to dislike Felicity, against my better judgment. Guess I am starting to forget the awesomeness of her character from the first 2 seasons. Fuck you all to hell, writers, for doing this to me. Others have more eloquently expressed dismay over this episode, so I'll exit stage left.
  7. WTF is up w/ Ray palmer's constantly bloodshot eyes??? I am already mehhh about the guy, but seeing those always-red eyes just makes me want him off my screen a.s.a.p. Is he supposed to be a closet addict/alcoholic or something? Have I missed somehting fundamental?
  8. I knew Daniel would stick around for ahwile when both of my aunts (mid-50's & avid Idol watchers) exclaimed "He is such a cutie & it would crush him to go home now!!" I'm not upset about him staying & Sarina leaving (though I was really enjoying her up through top 24). She blew it badly her last 2 performances. No one ot blame but herself. I won't get worked-up about Daniel because this show isn't about singing ability anyway.
  9. Daniel is way to undercooked for my tastes. I can't imagine expending bandwidth downloading a free .mp3 featuring him, much less actually paying for it. Adam remains a parody of Jack Black. With that said, I'm not overly upset about losing any of the 4 guys who are going home, though I would've liked seeing Trevor on the live shows. I have zero investment in Savion, and I remember him well from last season; he just sounds the same to me on everything, kinda like Rayvon, except I enjoy the latter's smooth delivery in this competition where screaming & screeching are aplenty. I don't think the guys are as strong as many were making them out to be a few weeks ago.. I see Clark & Nick being there for the long haul. Quentin intrigues, but will America warm to him? I doubt it.
  10. For me, it was Sarina-Joi Crowe & Tyanna Jones. The rest were just kind of there, no real standouts. I'm trying to remember Sarina-Joi from prior years, but am drawing a blank (which this show makes me do so often). How did she not make it through Hollywood before?
  11. I will never again consume any media item with which MG is more than incidentally connected. Screw that guy. I stupidly watched late last night (I had planned on MAYBE binge watching over the summer). There are just far too few moments during each episode when I feel like I still like this show.
  12. Sorry to re-hash, but this is therapeutic for me: --Robert made a video? Why did they feel the need to show this? He already had "the talk" w/ Ollie on the life raft...he shot that other guy, then killed himself so Ollie could survive. I must be missing something here. Why are they re-explaining how Ollie came to the decision to suit-up?? --Yeah..."“You knew my life was always headed toward the mask.” I honestly said out loud, "What. The. Fuck." Is it at all possible we're being played? There's no way the showrunners can't see how ridiculous this all is....right? RIGHT???? --That was the best utilization of a Slade Wilson return? O.k., I guess. Glad Thea finally knows. I am easing into apathy. I no longer watch the show live. I also no longer wish to contribute in any way to implying I endorse what is happening, so I don't even wish to stumble upon helping the show's numbers, as meaningless as that may be. I'll likely stop cold turkey at this point, and may...maybe watch through alternative means over the summer. Just to see if there's any reason for me to watch Season 4's premiere. I love the passion in here, but I don't think this show is worthy of such fidelity anymore. It's fallen to the level of "something that might be on my TV/computer while I am doing something else more interesting." Such as clipping my toe nails. Or Dry shaving my ass & squatting in a bowl of Everclear.
  13. The good: --Maseo --Thea finally being in the know --QL finally being in the know The rest was either vomit-inducing or a giant mind fuck. Before I started frequenting this forum, I thought my apathy-turned-dislike of Laurel was perhaps unfounded. Glad to see I'm not so out of touch. In an earlier episode thread I predicted (as others have) that Sara would be a casualty of the Laurel-propping. I totally underestimated the disgusting lengths the show would go to achieve this. Plus, using Felicity to trash Sara too??? For fuck's sake show!!!!
  14. ^^^ Re: Felicity propping-up Laurel. I knew this was coming. :vomit:
  15. The things I liked this episode: --no Ray --Tatsu + Oliver --even though the plot is ridiculous, the more Malcolm the better, IMO --Felicity's words/deeds were (finally) in character; I don't understand people hating on her, at least based on what she did this episode. The things I disliked: Pretty much everything else If Tatsu had followed Oliver to SC, I'd stick around to see more of that interaction, but for now, I'll only pay attention to promos/spoiler alerts to see if/when Maseo/Tatsu/Oliver are together again.
  16. The showrunners can go eat a giant bag of dicks for all I care at this point. I'll stick around to see some more of Maseo/Tatsu/Oliver fight scenes, assuming we get more. Once those three part ways, I'll likely bow out rather than watch the presumed downward spiral of Felicity/Diggle/et al in furtherance of Fake Canary.
  17. This show. Ugh. --I don't understand, at all, the point of QL not being in the know about Sara's death. It just makes LL come across as needy/stupid, to me at least. And Team Arrow, especially Felicity, is helping to perpetuate the lie? WHY???? What is their stake in lying to the man? I don't get it. --I had hopes for Thea at one time, especially after Moira was killed off, but she just comes across as totally dense to me at this point. --Laurel...ehhh. Not gonna beat that dead horse. --Not liking the writing for Felicity in this episode. I was worried that she might be getting too popular for the showrunners' tastes, and might get some ill treatment via the writing room. I thought I was being cynical, but a part of me is worried they might start dismantling her character to put the focus on others... The thing I liked: Oliver, Maseo & Tatsu fighting as a team, at least for a moment. I didn't bother w/ Arrow until about 2/3 of the way through Season 2. Season 3 has been not great. I'll hang out long enough to see what happens when Oliver returns, but probably not long after that.
  18. I dunno...EP's can be very sly w/ advancing agendas. It's not beyond the realm of possibility they provide flashback portrayals as a means of minimizing the True Canary. Yeah, I'm cynical.
  19. Christina Grimmie's battle got montaged; must've been a complete train-wreck of a performance.
  20. Horrible lineup of singers this year, just horrible. Caleb can sing, but the dick'ishness is strong in that one, methinks. The Show should just forfeit the rest of the season.
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