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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. Pretty boy Nick is still around? LMFAO...great job America.
  2. So much this... Mary Sarah has been very disappointing; I was really interested in her after BA, but I'm not so invested that I can't she that she has failed to deliver the goods since then.
  3. Screw this show. Stupid ass me decided to binge watch this season after swearing it off last summer. I despised LL/BC as a character, but even her death couldn't be done well. MG & his gang are awful; I am shocked this show still gets the ratings that it does. I blame myself for wasting the time.
  4. I am actually trying to stay with this show. I never do that. I care about Clarke's journey (even though we get stretches where she is not seen; her absence from Arkadia makes me care even less about what's going on there), and I used to care about Bellamy, but am done w/ that character (I sincerely hope Bob Morley can find a good role in whatever is his next gig). Raven is always intriguing to me, but I am growing tired of the torture porn when it comes to her. I mean, enough is enough. Rothenberg has some weird fetish when it comes to her. This Allie/AI plot is losing me. It just takes pales in comparison to the human interactions we used to get, IMO. I'll ride it out through the season finale, but as others have stated, unless the nightblood that Clarke is trying to find is beyond awesome as a character, I can't see me spending my time on this show next season.
  5. --Glad there was no Jasper; I'm beyond over him. Sack-up or just go die please. --Bellamy sucks so hard, thanks writers, you fucking dipshits. --Murphy is gonna become what's-her-name's plaything, I'm thinking. Dude is a survivor and always brings the snark. --I'm not gonna be all "I'm done with this show!!!" However, I will pay particular attention to make sure I will never again waste time on a project of any kind run by Rothenberg &/or his gang. Fuck those guys.
  6. I just finished watching the finale (also watched episode 9 this morning). I binge-watched the entire season over the past 3 days, and I have to say: WOW!!! I thoroughly loved this season. I have to be honest, I was kind of losing interest at times in season 2, and the main reason I even binge-watched season 3 was out a sense of loyalty/desire to see this to the end. I was beyond happy that this season thoroughly engaged me. I still don't care about Eleanor (I don't "hate" her; I just don't care), but the overall story roared back to life for me this season .
  7. Kwame is pretty much the only reason this past season wasn't a total waste of time for me. I look forward to following his career.
  8. Yeah, I am soooo over that song, but she most definitely slays.
  9. I don't even watch this shit-fest show anymore, but I still get secondhand embarrassment for the contestants just reading these threads. I thought this final group was mediocre at best when the top 10 was announced (I stopped watching shortly thereafter, because I kinda like watching/hearing good singing performances on a singing show). It appears I might have been overly hopeful. What an awful end to a once proud show.
  10. Maybe muting the television during the Dubai scenes would be enjoyable. We'd then get all the eye pRon w/out the repetitive stupidity.
  11. I think Diddy works in small doses. Over the course of a full season? Mehhh... JMO
  12. I'll be following Kwame's career w/ interest, but beyond that, I got very little out of this season. I just wasn't otherwise wowed.
  13. Cait is really dispelling any doubts about her attention-seeking needs.
  14. I won't be bugged about Kata unless she makes it past the Knock-Outs (or whatever they're calling it this season). I can't get worked-up about her being kept as I don't see either of that battle pairing as contenders. I kinda get the love Ryan gets in some quarters, but he seems so....sterile/antiseptic to me. Dude can sing high, though, for sure. I am totally all-in when it comes to Mary Sarah, in terms of her talent. I think she has it all. Unfortunately, she sings music I just don't/can't enjoy. If Blake doesn't have her do something at least more modern, my support for her will be a slow burn and in spirit only. I think Hannah can do some damage until Pharrell inevitably exclusively throws '70's/'80's songs at her. The rest of the contestants from this night just didn't really register for me. Disclaimer: about the only genre of music I can say I do not like is country; I tend to lean towards R&B (when it is done exceptionally well, that is; when not done well, especially on these reality shows, that genre induces more train-wrecks than any other, IMO)
  15. That's an interesting interpretation because Katie herself said that she is a country singer, and also flat-out said after the steal, that it was a no-brainer for her to choose Blake.
  16. Enjoy North while you can, everyone. Sadly, the odds of her making it to young adulthood as anything other than a fucked-up-monster are probably on the long'ish side given the family of which she is a member. I hope for her sake she can beat those odds.
  17. I love Raven as much as anyone else, but even more screen time w/ her isn't enough to make me actually enjoy an entire episode @ Arkadia, especially since even Clarke + Abbie shun that black hole of a plot. I keep waiting for Lincoln to die...I saw some scuttlebutt that his mom was talking smack on the showrunners a while back.
  18. ^^The entire staff of SUR can go DIAF as far as I'm concerned. I don't like a single one of them.
  19. Believe me, you're not alone. I was underwhelmed based on the hype I was seeing about him on other sites over the past month or so.
  20. This might be a long'ish haul for you then, because because Vince & Peter Gould have been clear that they like Jimmy very, very much. As w/ Walter White's transformation, I want to see the change; that's what made it superior TV, IMO. Seeing nothing but the thug/"criminal lawyer" is not nearly as interesting to me. Obviously, YMMV.
  21. Because the real you displays some of the worst traits of humankind, Kanye.
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