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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. It's not only the GOP showing their asses, tbh. Dems are lining up to work with Orange Hitler as well. Tim Ryan, the Dem from OH running against Pelosi, said on Chris Matthews yesterday (basically repeating Trump's line) that working class people in the rust belt shouldn't have to go through job re-training; old economy jobs need to be brought back. There's a lot of ballsack fondling going on right now, and it sickens me.
  2. https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/status/799253182136233984
  3. https://twitter.com/Anthony/status/799246106806906880
  4. It's mostly because his supporters are intellectually deficient. They don't care about facts/truth, so they will believe what the Tyrant tells them, or alternatively, see nothing wrong w/ whatever the Tyrant does because whatever he does is necessarily right & good. We have to hope there are conscientious Republicans willing to be more than partisans. Conscientious Republicans exist. I just question whether when push comes to shove they'll have the will to oppose Trump. We'll see.
  5. I can't find the original tweet that provided the link to the NYT review (I recall thinking how terrifically the tweet was worded) from a few weeks ago, but read the linked book review. It's chilling, and no contemporary names are used: Also, screw you goose-stepping Trump people....I can't sleep tonight thanks to you morons.
  6. Yes, the gentleman doth protest too much, methinks. So much repressed urge. My girlfriend told me a story of her uncle, who was a huge donor to conservative causes. He was so, so pious, so religious and self-righteous, anti-Liberal everything, such a outward homophobe. Predictably, he got caught w/ a male friend. The more pious & intolerant a person acts, the more side eye they get from me. Overcompensation is so easy to spot.
  7. Ahhh!! So nice that Drumph & Uday had time to hang w/ an abuser of women.
  8. ^^^ What do you think "Make America Great Again" means? It's code...always was, always will be. Ugly precedent doesn't mean anything to these scumbags. They want white Christian males to re-assume their "rightful" place at the head of the table. It's not mere rhetoric. I wish people would accept that. It wasn't mere campaign posturing. It's sad that so many good people are just now starting to realize. ****I'm not pointing the finger at you @crayon78 , to be clear**** I despise Trump. I hate his arrogant, wannabe Mussolini demeanor & strutting. I don't trust his spoiled-rotten spawn. However, I am reserving a special place in my hate box for the enablers, and boot lickers who are allowing all of this to happen.
  9. That + affinity for an individual or individuals in one's daily sphere does not preclude one from being a racist (also regardless of the lack of any official membership in any given hate group). Look up anti-semitic Jews in Nazi Germany; anecdotes all over the [lace of known racists w/ people of color in their daily lives; "benevolent" slave owners, etc. etc., etc.
  10. WOW!!! Anthony Romero, head of the ACLU is on the Rachel Maddow show. He just said that in the last 6 days, 150,000 new mebers & $6 million raised. Nice!!!
  11. **I'm not a Democrat, am a registered Independent** I just watched Congressman Tim Ryan from Ohio being interviewed by Chris Matthews. Apparently, Ryan is mulling over running against Nancy Pelosi as House Minority Leader (he seems to have been the chief engineer behind getting that vote delayed; was supposed to be held Thurs, Nov 17). Anyway, his "platform" is clearly focused on trying to re-acquire Obama voters who voted for Trump (he didn't say it that way, but that is necessarily what he meant). ****I continue to think it's a huge (yuuuuuge!) mistake for the Dems to wast time on that demographic.**** He even explicitly said that demographic should not be expected to re-train for jobs. Is he fucking serious? He's actually using Trump's talking point that he seriously thinks old economy jobs (that have been disappearing for 2+ decades) will be magically brought back???? I sincerely hope Democrats don't think this is the way to go. I have many more thoughts/arguments about this, but this just isn't the place for it. A college buddy (an unapologetic Liberal, heh) & I are organizing monthly dinner parties, the focus of which will be fund-raising for a handful or organizations. I'm sure he & I will be debating this ad nauseum, LOL.
  12. Nice timing of the book's release by her & her publisher....
  13. So many hearts I wish to bestow upon this post. I get the conciliatory tone many here are opting to take. I, however, will refrain from that. I'm tired of seeing MSM getting blamed for the poor choice that 60+ million voters made. It didn't require individual investigative journalism to decipher the rhetoric Drumph's campaign employed; paying only marginal attention to who he surrounded himself with was also an easy indicator of what type of candidate Drumph was. EDIT: To be clear, I have talked some shit on MSM as well, but I admit I was looking for targets of blame beyond those truly at blame for putting this clown car into the oval office: the idiots who voted for him, AGAINST THEIR SELF-INTEREST!! I'm over that now. ***I am effing tired of the election autopsies that prescribe "we need to pay more attention to the pain of Trump voters." FUCK THAT NOISE. Speaking to that demographic is an epic waste of time & resources. We need inclusion. Oh, and lest anyone not understand, whites are not the only members of the working class.
  14. http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/no-voter-turnout-wasnt-way-down-from-2012/
  15. Just watched some of the Glenn Beck interview on Anderson Cooper's show... It was odd listening to Beck w/out having an itchy finger on my remote control, ready to switch channels. What a fucked up world when Glenn Beck now seems to be such a reasonable person. Makes me wonder even more how much anyone but the crazies are wed to their political ideologies.
  16. ^^^ Idiots elected him to POTUS, that's for sure.....
  17. @Bastet Not after seeing whats-his-name from CNN basically handwaving how his network handled the Trump ascension. I'm trying my best to to not do what the alt-right has done by further marginalizing traditional media, but they are making it difficult for me.
  18. IMO, ego. God complex. "No one but me can help lead this nation. I am one of the elites, it is my duty." Or simply the desire to to have more. My girlfriend comes from wealth. Her family displays this. They cannot have enough. It's all about keeping score with their peers. I was being very generic by citing 4chan. It has many communities, but I meant it as shorthand for the alt-right/white supremacist bent that frequent that place. Also, this--> http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/131070-what-is-4chan-the-underbelly-of-the-internet-explained
  19. Just curious if anyone has had the stomach to visit 4chan since the election? I used to go there every once in a while to try & keep up to speed w/ the often insidious internal logic of that bubble. I always left feeling the urge to take multiple showers. I can't get myself to go there now to see what I assume to be a lot of crowing.
  20. I wouldn't have thought so until recently, but given news that he's been calling Congressional Republicans, reaching out & moderating his rhetoric, Bannon is Little Finger. He is presenting himself as being normal; Kelly Anne Conway....I want to say things, but won't....she is presenting him to the GOP Congress as normal as well. I admit to little knowledge of him until about a year ago. I always viewed him as a blow-hard who is unwilling to adapt. I was wrong. He's very dangerous; he's a chameleon and will play whatever role needed to weasel his way in. Hell, his interviews provide the blueprint: take over & destroy institutions by whatever means, even from within. I feel so stupid.
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