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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. Indiana official: Carrier deal is about federal contracts
  2. In Carrier Deal, Trump Is Taking Credit for Some Blatant Crony Capitalism
  3. Can we stop pretending that Trump is a ‘populist’ now?
  4. Uhhh yeah...Trump is a singular phenomenon. The only opening he's maybe created is for ultra rich guys established in reality tv.
  5. Latest Cabinet Picks Are Proof That Trump Never Intended To ‘Drain The Swamp’
  6. ^^^ I'll be very surprised if the Carrier "deal" amounts to anything substantial & longterm. I side eye any such "deals" this administration touts, especially since details about the Trump infrastructure plan have come to light & proven it to be little more than more corporate welfare/tax cuts. It is a far cry from anything approaching a jobs bill. Americans will wind up paying twice for anything actually built under that plan. Makes me giggle at the stupid Dems who were falling all over themselves to proclaim they'd love to work w/ Trump on a infrastructure plan.
  7. Letters Calling for Genocide of Muslims Sent to Mosques Across the Country A neighbor a few houses down from me claims every instance of hate since election day are fake, and merely part of a liberal conspiracy, and the only true victims of hate since then are Trump voters who are being beaten in the streets "all across the country." He seriously believes this. I literally shook my head and walked away with a clenched fist when he said this to me last night. I won't expend any energy engaging with these people. It's an utter waste of time. His news sources? Facebook & InfoWars, just like our President-Elect.
  8. https://twitter.com/kurteichenwald/status/803737595956129792
  9. Zero sympathy, sorry. Yeah, I'm not a "soft-ass liberal" as Trump supporters I know call every non-Trump voter. I can be a vindictive fuck; I know I need to work on that, but having recently turned 30 y.o., I am MUCH better than I used to be. https://twitter.com/kurteichenwald/status/803725195034955780
  10. Another cause worth supporting, IMHO. The Internet Archive is building a Canadian copy to protect itself from Trump
  11. I get a DINO vibe. Pretty sure she also defended big tobacco back in the day.
  12. Some Fake News Publishers Just Happen to Be Donald Trump’s Cronies
  13. Can someone please explain to me why Trump keeps singling-out & blasting CNN for allegedly improper, negative coverage??? Every damn time I turn to CNN, I see Kayleigh McEnany, Paris Dennard, Jeffrey Lord, etc. Hell, there are times I think I'm watching Fox, and keep expecting Bill O'Reilly to interject. Something seems fishy about this.
  15. I know I post a lot of tweets & articles, but I don't always agree with the content. I just think it's important to get eyeballs on a lot of that stuff. With that said, I agree w/ The National article I posted earlier that Trump's campaign rhetoric about rigged elections + his crazed tweet storms this week are a prelude to voter suppression that the GOP controlled...well, everything (sigh)...will push through various means. I know the consensus here is that he's just too stupid to have a plan, but I think it's dangerous to not see the pattern: HE ALWAYS TELLS US WHAT HE'S GONNA DO. He's been underestimated for 18 months. I think it's time to stop & start taking what he says seriously.
  16. I'm pretty much defeatist about it at this point. Most of media isn't even trying to act as a free press and Trump's team isn't even trying to cover up the fact that the administration will be like a 3rd world dictatorship. Trump's supporters don't care. They want a tyrant, and that's what we get. They want to "Make America Great Again" (for white Christian men), and that's what the Trump cronies will do their utmost to give us. All I can do at this point is hope the "opposition" can run interference for a few years and slow down implementation of that agenda. I'm giving my time & money to everyone I trust to fight the good fight.
  17. Da fuq??? Why is JFK included w/ that group? I don't speak any German....
  18. Donald Trump Is the Greatest Threat to American Democracy in Our Lifetime
  19. Even knowing why he does things when he does them, it's difficult keeping my eye on what's really important. The sheer volume of "stupid Trump tricks" is hard to keep up with. I can understand why the average person's eyes have glazed over at this point. https://twitter.com/creynoldsnc/status/803233894313009152
  20. https://twitter.com/KellyannePolls/status/803336493469204481 https://twitter.com/NateSilver538/status/803351590342131712
  21. I know for many people, slippery slope-type arguments are akin to hysterical rantings, but when white supremacists look upon one's agenda favorably as a sort of precursor to more fully-formed policies furthering racist ends, then IMO it's concerning in the very least: What the Alt-Right Actually Wants from President Trump ***Note the linkage to anti-PC thought. I won't get into a full discourse of that subject here because it is simply so nuanced and I can't do it justice, but generally-speaking, whenever someone utters "oh, quit whining about needing safe spaces to protect you from words you can't handle" I hear instead a call to chip away at equal rights. YMMV about political correctness, but keep in mind, attacks on it can lead to an environment where discourse is reduced to name-calling and prejudice. Racists using anti-PC arguments to "flip the script" and put equal rights advocates on the defensive are so prevalent these days. Take care to see it for what it is.
  22. I know I've hammered on this theme, but FFS, the opposition needs to remember this: Donald Trump’s political mandate is historically small
  23. Fake News Problems & Solutions This was cited in the article I posted above: Tips for Analyzing News Sources Also see this: False, Misleading, Clickbait-y, and Satirical “News” Sources ***Please share these links with others***
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