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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. https://twitter.com/dynarski/status/804821111955460096
  2. Seriously....Imma stay inside my condo all weekend, I think. If I encounter a whiny Trump supporter, I will unleash.... https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/804794257961865220
  3. <shrug> I mean....what can the rest of us do in the face of such apocalyptic feelings? SMDH. https://twitter.com/washingtonpost/status/805034908754345984
  4. It's like the Dubya candidacy, except worse by an order of magnitude, WRT anti-intellectualism (though it's not spoken of in those exact terms). This is why the GOP wants to destroy public education: a dumb electorate will buy anything, and will operate on feelings & emotions instead of science & rationality.
  5. https://twitter.com/michikokakutani/status/804847367690342400
  6. Fuck yeah....give the scumbag GOP a taste of their own medicine. Dems aren't as good at it as the GOP, but they sure as hell need to at least try. Fight, obstruct, derail, this fascist administration. Clinton allies plot anti-Trump movement
  7. I'm kind of beating a dead horse at this point, but I'll keep saying it: the argument about "economic anxiety" was & is BULLSHIT. I stumbled across this tweet that formed the basis of a Post article: https://twitter.com/nycsouthpaw/status/804748257738063872 In nearly every swing state, voters preferred Hillary Clinton on the economy
  8. https://twitter.com/xeni/status/804772627638259712 Trumpgrets Cry me a river.
  9. https://twitter.com/Anthony/status/804671373708840960
  10. This is a long'ish read for an article, so maybe save it for when you have some time to digest it. I haven't opened comments under the article, but I assume it's best to not read through those if you've eaten within the previous hour or so. What I Learned Binge-Watching Steve Bannon’s Documentaries
  11. Introducing the ‘alt-left’: The GOP’s response to its alt-right problem The GOP is utterly shameless.......and that is why they are so tough to beat. Nothing is beyond them as far as messaging goes. Sincerely, sometimes you have to lean back & appreciate the simplicity of what they do, and they do it much, much better than Dems. Anywho...as I've said elsewhere, unless the Dems are fine with getting their asses kicked all over the place, they need to take off the gloves, toughen-up & go after these scumbags even where it looks bleak--especially at the state & local level where real governance happens.
  12. My attempt at tongue in cheek failed... I do care, actually. I just don't care to listen to/read/discuss the b.s. arguments about economic anxiety, especially as framed by the GOP & Trump trolls. It's all bullshit. Lying to that demo, promising the return of old economy jobs...how in the hell does that understanding help formulate future platforms? Instead of focusing on a losing proposition (e.g., trying to out evangelize the GOP), the Dems need to focus on what should be their core message: we are about inclusion; we are about economic equality, regardless of race, color, origin, creed or sexuality; we won't have chants at rallies for our autocrat about jailing dissenters; etc. For all the talk about not speaking to "dispossessed white voters" (I shouldn't say "male" anymore, because white women voted aplenty for Trump), the fact is, ~80,000 votes across 3 states gave Trump the EC win. We're not talking about some sort of sea change here, regardless of what the GOP leadership is trying to claim. Whoever winds up as the DNC Chair had better recognize, and quickly, that becoming "Republican light" is not the way to victory. They need to consolidate, not only for the near future, all disparate minority groups. They need to play video of Trump's speeches, with his vile, racist rhetoric, and point at his cabinet appointments every damn day to drive home the point that Trump & the GOP does not represent them. Most of all, they need to stop w/ this bullshit about coming together & singing Kumbaya; quit being so gd weak, stand up and oppose this wannabe fascist administration.
  13. I don't even care to understand, and all the hand-wringing by Dems, at least in public, purporting to understand actually pisses me off. All this talk of "economic anxiety" and dispossessed white males just doesn't interest me. I guess it's a good thing I'm not a Dem in charge of formulating a new national strategy, because I would totally discount those variables. After every GOP administration during my lifetime (I turned 30 in October), at least by my recollection of history, a Dem administration has to come in & clean up the economic mess created by a GOP administration. These arguments that these voters wanted Trump due to economic concerns just seems like such utter bullshit to me. I'll call it for what I see from the Trump supporters I've encountered IRL: it's entirely about their fear of losing their "God-given right" at the top of the social heap, nothing more. I think after 8 years of Obama, the reality started sinking in that the demographics are changing, quickly. The white electorate will not be the majority by around 2060 (though most of these voters don't know these specifics, I'm sure). The only "fear" is loss of a white majority. I'm not a Democrat, I'm a registered Independent, but I still felt very vested in the recent vote for House Minority leader. I understand the arguments against Pelosi, especially after the losses the Dem Caucus has suffered since the 2010 mid-terms. However, the last thing I wanted was to see Tim Ryan & his brand of "Republican light" to become the standard for the Dem platform going forward. If Dems want to regain power, then they need to do a better job of fulfilling their supposed party mandate & become a party of inclusion. THAT has been their failure. They need to remember that minorities matter (ftr, I'm a white male). They're allowing the GOP to slowly gather momentum among minority groups, and I don't think anyone hardly notices. It's pathetic. I have many more thoughts about this, but I'll save it for IRL discussions.
  14. YES. A million times, ^^THIS^^. That's why only a few days after the election, I've been begging people, online & IRL, to switch modes from shocked/sad to motivated/pissed-off. This is no time to be "nice." It's time to take off the gloves.
  15. #alwaysremember When thinking about how depressed you are about the result, just remember the Troll taking power January 20 needs to be opposed. No matter how many stupid people you hear shouting "lock her up" or "make America great again," remember numbers like this:
  16. Yes, Keith, yes. I've said it previously, but as much as I despise Trump, there is a special contempt I have for his enablers. Kellyanne Conway especially.
  17. The bulk of his supporters wanted nothing to do with uniting the past 8 years. The part of the GOP that didn't even support Trump were even worse, and their hypocrisy is stunning & unsurprising at the same time. They can all fuck off.
  18. American Companies: "You mean like the consequences Carrier faced? If we make noises about taking jobs overseas, Trump will give us tax breaks and government contracts, you mean like that? OH NO!!! Not that!!!"
  19. http://www.rawstory.com/2016/12/trump-campaign-files-objection-to-jill-steins-lawless-insulting-michigan-recount/ LOL. Seriously.
  20. Trump to GOP: Here’s how to defend my Cabinet picks
  21. https://twitter.com/kurteichenwald/status/804420777755820032
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