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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. Oh yeah, plus this: https://twitter.com/NancyPelosi/status/807711868202733568
  2. https://twitter.com/Kasparov63/status/807685771150888960
  3. https://twitter.com/mattmfm/status/807685349195522048
  4. And why the hard-on for pulling back the curtain on the DNC? Why not the same drive for doing so with the RNC? https://twitter.com/NormOrnstein/status/807437172387250177
  5. To many white Trump voters, the problem wasn’t her economic stance, but the larger vision—a multi-ethnic social democracy—that it was a part of.
  6. ^^ Good catch. I was so struck by the tweet thread, I didn't dig further.
  7. Wow...go look at the tweet thread embedded at this link: John Schindler with a look at Donald Trump's war with the intelligence community
  8. I had the same reaction Matt... https://twitter.com/MattOrtega/status/807683669011873792
  9. And we also get this, however: https://twitter.com/ajjaffe/status/807671798749941760
  10. :whistle: Fuck...Trump & his gang aren't even trying to hide the fact they are bought & paid for. I guess that's the type of "honesty" Trump supporters wanted?
  11. Numbers to call about concerns of Russian involvement and the treasonous actions taken by some in the GOP: ******EDIT: PLEASE SHARE THESE NUMBERS ON YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS
  12. https://twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/807655836382334976
  13. ‘I’m Prejudiced,’ He Said. Then We Kept Talking.
  14. Little Marco Rubio was, at least for a while, adamant about the GOP not crowing about the Wikileaks stuff coming from the DNC for this exact reason.
  15. Are there moderate Republicans anymore...or at least enough of them to matter? On the traditional political spectrum, I'd probably be considered a moderate Republican. I don't feel like there are many politicians speaking to me.
  16. I'm so damn naive.... I continue to be shocked by how members of the GOP react to this. If Dems reacted like this, they'd be dragged through the mud by the right wing Christian outlets. I find these reactions treasonous: https://twitter.com/JohnCornyn/status/807597834346385408
  17. https://twitter.com/jmartNYT/status/807615746331312129
  18. Schumer calls for full investigation by Congress of Russian interference in U.S. elections
  19. I've alluded to this all over the place, but Trump's team sure loves them some Russia....and Russia loves 'em right back: https://twitter.com/billmckibben/status/807413589678112768
  20. I'm still mulling over this, but here are my initial observations/rebuttals to the Transition's press release: -threw the intelligence community under the bus in favor of the Russian government, AGAIN. -quite likely was none of the "same people" who said that Saddam had WMDs -by electoral vote percentage, trump had the 46th-largest electoral vote victory out of 58 elections; would his supporters please STFU about mandates & landslide victories, please? -we had better not "move on," but rather should figure, exactly, out how and why the Russia government tried to install Trump in the white house. Some more thoughts about this (perhaps redundant, but whatever): -Will this change the outcome of the election? No. -Will this cost the GOP politically? Maybe, though that would require introspection by people who vote for them, so I'm not holding my breath. -Maybe we'll get hearings out of this. The GOP hacks are already out screaming partisanship; siding with Russia over our own intelligence services, which makes me feel like we're in Bizarro World--the party that wraps itself in the ol' Red White & Blue, the party of Reagan, is siding w/ the fucking Russians!!!!
  21. Geesh...I remain extremely pessimistic about political discourse in this country. How in the fuck are we supposed to have common ground when we can't even agree on what "facts" are? It's unbelievable. I've encountered people who literally won't believe anything reported by CNN, NYT, WAPO, etc.....and are even "starting to feel" (feel being the operative word) that even Fox News is suffering from liberal bias!!!!!! It's all about feelings & faith; scientific fact is seen as it's own kind of bias... Da fuq?? These charts showing what Republican voters believe about the 2016 election are depressing — and telling
  22. Maybe I'm just not following the right people on Twitter, but I'm amazed at the lack of tweets about this.
  23. I'm confused by what you're trying to say here.... I was only responding to your final sentence, wherein you express hope that Trump voters would somehow abandon him.
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