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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. https://twitter.com/JesseFFerguson/status/808483786455392258
  2. ***Watch Rachel Maddow. She's breaking the substance of the story Eichenwald/Newsweek is releasing tomorrow
  3. https://twitter.com/kurteichenwald/status/808474863820296192
  4. I guess hearings are only appropriate if HRC is the target.... https://twitter.com/rachaelmbade/status/808405416182972417
  5. https://twitter.com/colinjones/status/808431621963661313
  6. Re-tweeted by Eichenwald: https://twitter.com/bartongellman/status/808420435985571841
  7. No shit??? Some of us have been saying this from day 1. Donald Trump Interviewed Mitt Romney to ‘Torture’ Him, Roger Stone Says
  8. On January 20, Trump will be sworn in as Commander In Chief. He also will not be later impeached by a GOP controlled Congress. Sorry to be a wet blanket. I'm just saying here what I say to my friends/family: rather than cling to such hopes, prepare for autocracy, do what you can to slow its pace (volunteer, give $, help fundraise, stay educated on issues, try to positively impact kids if you can--promote education). I know that sounds so damn preachy....
  9. Follow the money (nothing we don't already know, just sayin'): https://twitter.com/russchoma/status/808355023759507458
  10. Harry knows things: https://twitter.com/NateSilver538/status/807640627101900800
  11. I assume that^^ is mostly rhetorical tongue-in-cheek.....but in all seriousness, encounters I've had w/ Trump supporters, online & IRL, makes me feel that a Trump-like figure rising to power here was inevitable. The right-wing nutjobs (Tea Party, especially) GOP has smashed public faith in media & government in general. If those institutions cannot be trusted, in whom do we place our trust? Well, in a charismatic (:barf:, but whatever...idiots will find him such), bombastic strongman, surrounded by a bunch of enabling weasels. It bears repeating over & over: learn how to survive in an autocracy. As long as so many of us turn a blind eye to the destruction of institutions, the U.S. will remain wide open to this type of intrigue. Destruction of public education, at a fundamental level especially. That's my view of things in a very general sense, and I know it's hardly original.
  12. I'll take his word for it on the translation: https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/status/808111772255354880
  13. I also shared this with friends, and two of them have responded saying they can't/won't finish it....one called it a "painful fever dream", and another just found it way too negative. I promise. Read the while thread. It is inspiring, in addition to gaming out the roadmap for how we got here as a nation, with a Toddler In Chief.
  14. ^^^ I'm just trying to figure out what that would look like.... I mean, in the General, Russia hacked DNC & gave everything to Wikileaks (Assange HATES HRC, so it was an easy sell). Unless there's evidence of actual hacking at the voting booth...and as much as I want to, I just can't buy that (that sounds as paranoid as the "millions of fraudulent HRC voters" claim by lard ass Trump)...what is it exactly they would've done during the primaries to help Trump to the exclusion of the Bush, Cruz, etc?
  15. HOLY SHIT!!! Go read this thread...it's brilliant: https://twitter.com/ericgarland/status/808045818024497157
  16. Oh, and I forgot to add a thought when I posted this earlier: Our officials (especially looking at you GOP), had better recognize, and quickly, the point McMullin is making. There is a direct linkage between white nationalist/supremacist movements and anti-democracy dangers. It's not about wanting "libtard safe spaces for colored people." It's about ensuring American democracy. Why can't those fools understand this??? Don't any of them understand history? Don't they recall the time when segregation in the U.S. negatively impacted America's standing on the world stage during the Cold War???
  17. Trump & his Queen Troll are being direct about their intention to gut intel services: https://twitter.com/aravosis/status/808114160508792832
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