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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. I'm confused by what you're trying to say here.... I was only responding to your final sentence, wherein you express hope that Trump voters would somehow abandon him.
  2. ******Russia Hacked Republican Committee, U.S. Concludes******
  3. The problem is his supporters don't believe MSM or anyone, really, who opposes Trump.
  4. I'm struck by the lack of a denial here. This is....weird, which makes it normal, I guess. Don't know how to articulate it, LOL. I'm just lacking the words. I'm worried about sounding as crazy as General Flynn & the other Alex Jones/InfoWars nutjobs....
  5. Well....I'm staying in on a Friday night due to the WAPO story that broke; just wasn't in the mood to go out. I've been mulling over it. I'm most obviously anti-Trump, and I've had some harsh things to say about the GOP. However, I am not a Democrat, and most certainly would not identify myself as a "typical liberal" though I do favor liberal arguments on many policy issues. With that said: I am shocked at the actions by certain GOP Congressmen, especially Mitch McConnell, in preventing Russian interference in our electoral process from being reported to the American people. Regardless of whatever political differences there may be, I perhaps naively, previously did not believe that those purporting to be patriotic Americans would allow a foreign power to get away with this level of intrigue. I am at a loss. Our country is seriously broken.
  6. I posted the WAPO story in the OK What's Next subforum...
  7. Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House I know this shocks about zero reasonably-minded people. EDIT: also, DAMN....if you go to the WAPO tweet about the story, the responses are, well...interesting. So many Deplorables out in force. LOL, consumers of InfoWars calling WAPO "fake news"....these clowns don't even try to hide how fucking stupid they are.
  8. Do people in Iowa have a clue that King truly is a racist? I mean, I acknowledge "racist" gets used, well, maybe at times when it isn't warranted. However, when it comes to King, it truly is warranted.
  9. I still just can't see Romney getting SoS....at this point, I'm hoping for Corker. I think having Exxon Mobil, errr, I mean, Tillerson, would be not so awesome. Big business is always going to get all the seats at the table, but Tillerson is just too on the nose for my tastes. His dealings w/ Putin just have the stench of massive inevitable-corruption-waiting-to-happen-or-revealed. <shrug> WTF do I know, though? At the end of the day, anyone Trump wants is probably not great (other than Mattis...I can get behind him as SecDef; as others have said, he'd at least be the adult in the room)
  10. https://twitter.com/AriBerman/status/806955948585545728
  11. https://twitter.com/ddale8/status/807289774381867009
  12. The highlighted.....yep. Take it from someone who is around wealthy people quite frequently: there is no such thing as "enough."
  13. Far be it for me to crush a dream, but hahahahahahahaha. There will be no impeachment from this gang of weasels in Congress. Trump is the perfect kind of strongman figurehead they want. He is easily distracted, and also easily distracts the electorate. Why would they want to impeach him? They ram through as much legislation as they can, and they'll make so much $$$ while doing so. I have liberal friends who are clinging to this impeachment hope. I feel badly for them. It's not gonna happen.
  14. Everyone Wants to Stop ‘Fake News,’ but No One Seems to Know What Exactly It Is
  15. Why did Trump’s choice for national-security advisor perform so well in the war on terror, only to find himself forced out of the Defense Intelligence Agency?
  16. A counterpoint to the praise I've seen, Re: Trevor Noah's segment w/ Tomi Lahren: Tomi Lahren Is Terrible. Period. ‘The Daily Show’s’ Trevor Noah and radio host Charlamagne Tha God have been fooled. Don’t follow their lead.
  17. Recall that Betsy DeVos is Trump's pick for Sec Ed; Thiel is a (IMO) weasel'ish member of Facebook Bd of Directors who finances lawsuits against media outlets. Thiel-Backed PAC May Have Made Illegal Payments to Bannon Company
  18. ‘Alt-Right’ Trumpsters Discover True Meaning of ‘Star Wars,’ Wage #DumpStarWars Campaign
  19. I've been very drawn to stories like this since Trump became the GOP nominee....no other particular reason to share it here, truth be told. When neo-Nazis have doubts, there's a number to call
  20. ***Well dammit Kurt*** https://twitter.com/kurteichenwald/status/807077662569144320
  21. Way to keep it classy you fucking lowlifes. https://twitter.com/kurteichenwald/status/807049382327713792
  22. FFS....Rachel Maddow showing the sheer genius of Trump voters based on multiple polls showing how utterly out of touch with reality they are as a discrete population. Un-fucking-real. Talk about a reality distortion field.
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