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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. I especially love reading the tweets from accounts made w/in the last 45 days, that tweet only "fake news" every time a media outlet reports ay Trump news w/ a negative slant. But yeah...more fuel to the fire: https://twitter.com/NBCNightlyNews/status/809182027954024448
  2. Hell, Bill Gates is already comparing Trump to JFK. Methinks he has co-opted the people in tech (Peter Thiel, the POS who also resides on the Facebook Board, was sitting next to Trump today at the tech summit, and is a big time Trump supporter). Only the 400 pound guy sitting on his bed will be available to us, it seems.
  3. Looks like the Orange Buffoon is having difficulty finding anyone other than crowd pleasers like Ted ("there's never been a 14 y.o. girl I wouldn't bang") Nugent to entertain at his Coronation, errr, I mean Inauguration. Personally, I don't give AF. I won't watch any of it; I am begging friends & family to not watch either. I want viewership to be down. Report: Trump Trying to Bribe Bookers to Snag Pro-Clinton Singers
  4. FUCKING PERFECT ETA: I've always wondered how he could reconcile his devotion to Rand w/ his supposed staunch Catholicism. My family is Catholic, and what was always pounded into my head while growing up up (through Catechism) was charity & good works. I mean, I know...people use faith in all sorts of ways. It's just that his brand of Catholicism just doesn't match my family's.
  5. ^^ Oh, I know...my point was only that if standing in front of Trump Tower is deemed the most valid way of resisting, then rather than complain in here, go to Trump Tower & protest. While there is value in that, there are multiple ways of resisting. I choose to focus on preparing for what is coming by donating time, money & what little expertise I have to whatever causes I know will act to slow down the coming autocracy. Let's be clear about this: all the hoping & praying, especially for some Hamilton Electors miracle is well & good. However, pinning all hopes on that, while ignoring the inevitable outcome that Trump will stand on that dais on 1/20, is utterly irresponsible. ****I'm not saying that is what';s happening in this forum; this is just a thought exercise & a way for me to express my opinion of how to deal w/ Trumpland**** I intend no offense. I'm just saying, I hope people are preparing. As always, WTF do I know?? I haven't lived through as much as many others here have, I know. I'm just going about this the best way that I can.
  6. ^^^ Has to be makeup, right??? I mean, he's white as an albino around the eyes.
  7. Well fine, protesting is important. Then the people in here decrying the lack of it should consider standing to post, hold a sign & get to Trump Tower.
  8. :shrug: I'm passionate about things, but sorry, no way I can spend days...weeks, protesting in front of Trump Tower. I make a nice living, but I'm not independently wealthy. There are more effective ways at resisting than holding signs anyway, IMHO. I mean, all of it matters, don't get me wrong.
  9. I sit here, morbidly fascinated by so many things, but the process part of my brain is locked-in on what back room arm twisting/deals are being conducted right now. NSA-to-be, General "Nutjob" Flynn has had a ton of negative press the past week especially. It makes me wonder if a deal will be cut: "Trump, jettison Flynn & we'll give you Tillerson with minimal (for the cameras), fuss." I know some Dems, actually in the party structure I mean...who DESPISE Flynn/are legit scared of him. I can see something like this happening.
  10. A woman who called Michelle Obama an ape has her job back. This is part of a pattern.
  11. Another Beneficiary of the Trump Fundraising Bump: Nonprofit News Outlets
  12. Suuuuure...Trump can get GOP'ers to utterly reverse course when it comes to an enemy, but his attitudes about race/misogyny have no negative impact: https://twitter.com/williamjordann/status/809069737879674888
  13. Hahahaha, Flynn's crazy-ass son was all over twitter decrying the release of this report. Dude was using every anti-media diatribe from the playbook. Meanwhile, shockingly, the GOP only cares about lax security/sharing of secrets if it's HRC: Read the military investigation into Michael Flynn, Trump’s national security adviser
  14. FFS, Republicans. Trump has gotten an entire party to view an enemy as a potential friend: https://twitter.com/williamjordann/status/809067195082883076
  15. ***Sorry, I keep beating this dead horse, but: FFS, will people stop saying Trump won a mandate?? He got elected because of ~80,000 rubes in 3 states. Trumpism isn't some hugely popular movement. #RESIST*** https://twitter.com/paulkrugman/status/809045108956037120
  16. Others have mentioned that Maddow did a great segment about this last night, but this is worth a read too: Under Rex Tillerson, Exxon Mobil Forged Its Own Path Abroad
  17. Sandy Hook Dad Mark Barden: ‘Disgusting’ That Trump Advised by Truther Alex Jones *****Quit calling sick fucks like Alex Jones "truthers." They're fucking psychopaths.*****
  18. Hey, Kellyanne Conway &/or Reince Priebus: I know your boy loves rallies. The three of you (plus Steve Bannon), should go to the following coordinates, wave Old Glory and wait for what you've got coming to you: 39.0392° N, 125.7625° E Do it. Go there. Now.
  19. I watched this live, and the anger from Malcolm Nance was righteous:
  20. ^^^ Did you watch the Bernie Sanders town hall thingy in Wisconsin last night? Responses from the Trump voters panel there make it pretty clear: they don't care what Trump says or does, apparently. They only care about what they make up in their own minds about what he's gonna do for them individually. This conformed perfectly w/ my encounters w/ Trump supporters.
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