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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. Yeah, sure, white working class folks. Trump has your best interests at heart. That's why he's loading up his cabinet with oil & bank guys, and also why he's considering a supply-sider like Kudlow to form economic policy. I know Trump voters don't care about what Trump says & does, but I still feel bad for the working class types who are going to get crushed more & more. LMFAO....Kudlow's views went out in the 80's, I thought, around when I was born FFS.
  2. I've been as entertained as everyone else by Sen. Graham's rhetoric the past week or so, however, I still totally expect GOP'ers to fall in line. They are who they are, after all. We'll see... Lindsey Graham lays out path for Tillerson to win his vote
  3. Holy shit...I just had the most horrifying conversation since election day.... I'll spare everyone the details while I mull it over. I just need to ask: do people "out there" truly not understand/grasp the supreme danger of Putin's Russia???? Is getting a particular President enough of a reaosn to turn a blind eye to the ongoing intrigue? Can y'all do me a favor? Send this story out on your social media, or another one of your choice, describing Putin's plans. If there are people who legit don't get it, they need to. I mean, I've been assuming that anyone claiming ignorance of Putin to be a partisan asshole who is merely trying to score cheap points., but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe people truly are ignorant of the facts. <--tongue-in-cheek It sickens me how so many people seem to actually DESIRE autocracy... Russia and the Threat to Liberal Democracy
  4. A law school classmate lived in Milwaukee for a few years, and he listened to Sykes frequently. According to him, Sykes is a "non-crazy, real conservative." I only know about Sykes from his appearances on national media outlets, especially MSNBC during this last election cycle. He came across as extremely reasonable to me (then again, in another thread, I've outed myself as likely a "moderate" Republican on the traditional spectrum).
  5. Based on nothing but gut feel & a little bit of time working w/ empirical models during college: methinks at least a part of the polling results above arises from a sort of denial among respondents ("no way an outside influence could affect our system!!! Murrica!!") We'll see what that number looks like, say, a week from now.
  6. Welp, I'm already being told this means GOP won't feel pressure to do anything other than let GOP-controlled committees hold some hearings about #RussianHack...no need for special, independent investigation. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/310510-poll-majority-of-americans-believe-russian-hacking-didnt-sway
  7. I'm starting to wonder if she has suffered the same (unknown) fate as the wife of the Scientology leader (believe she hasn't been seen in public in a couple years now).
  8. I only get to watch Joy Reid infrequently at most, but I just caught her subbing in for Maddow tonight. I'm a relatively smart person, law degree in hand (though not a practicing attorney), and all I can say is that I'd hate to be cross examined by her. That is all.
  9. Kurt is on it tonight...and it's especially hilarious for me because I had to make the same points about Flynn's son & the continued weirdness of Team Trump hating on U.S. intel services in favor of fucking Russia today to a couple different idiots:
  10. Kurt mad, and rightfully so. Fucking network nightly news...I don't even watch it. I posted that NBC "exclusive" about Putin's involvement in #RussianHack only because it was re-tweeted by someone else I follow....
  11. Watching Chris Matthews on msnbc....sure seems like everyone totally expects Tillerson to get through confirmation. :shrug: said it this past weekend: this Russia stuff is gonna become a footnote; it's being buried & Putin is getting his preferred people in power here. And there's nothing anyone is gonna do about it.
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