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Everything posted by Rebecca

  1. I loved that and it kinda fits! Abe just got engaged, I think he’s totally over Cara and has no fucks to give. He did say he would like to come back sometime, possibly, on a podcast from a few months ago.
  2. Abe got engaged. I hope we don’t have to hear anything about it from Cara.
  3. Abe got engaged on Valentine’s Day. She’s really pretty. https://people.com/tv/challenge-abram-boise-engaged-rachel-missie/amp/?xid=amprecirc3
  4. I agree and all of those actresses are older than Lindsay - Rachel is actually 40! She’s so boring I keep forgetting she’s even there. She should’ve left with May. That has always been a big source of drama on reality shows with people living together, that’s why they don’t just hire housekeeping.
  5. Maybe the hair helps cushion their heads in the event of a tumbling accident. Safety first!
  6. Does Chelsea own stock in a “mama bear” shirt making company? She had on yet another one in the newest episode. I swear she wears a new piece of clothing with that saying every week! She should start a shirt line if not. They could really clean up on the American flag apparel around the Fourth of July too. Lol 😆
  7. Ah, thanks! When I think Horry, I think Jenelle. 🤣
  8. They do? I thought it was Horry County, SC? Thanks! In that case, NC DOES have the child access law but it only applies if the child actually uses or carries the firearm and they can still be store unsecured. And there’s no federal law it all. Ugh. https://lawcenter.giffords.org/gun-laws/policy-areas/child-consumer-safety/child-access-prevention/ https://lawcenter.giffords.org/gun-laws/state-law/50-state-summaries/safe-storage-state-by-state/
  9. (Please delete this, it had info for SC and they live in NC. NC info below.)
  10. If the firearms are lawful I don’t think they can do anything about it.
  11. I wonder if the gun is another way to constantly threaten and exert control over Jenelle and/or the kids - like, “I can shoot one or all of you in 2 seconds if I want because my gun is always right here and ready for me...”
  12. I wonder if she (they) actually lives with Jason most of the time and that’s why the water was off. And also why she didn’t seem that concerned. It’s very odd otherwise. CPS and the police have been called and it’s been reported a bunch and we’ve even seen police show up there on the show - nothing ever happens. I’m sure at least some of the calls have been placed by Barb and MTV. The real mystery to me is why the police and CPS never do anything. You’d think with the sheer number of calls and things they would investigate deeper... All of Briana’s unfortunate surgeries were free because she had “Dr Miami” do them and allowed him to stream the surgeries for his social media. Twice. I don’t understand why she doesn’t seem to care what she looks like, basically ever, but still put herself through all that. Twice. The backseat of the car while Shirls drove around. 😆 I think it’s sort of nice that Aubree is made to feel included with the adult family members, to an extent. It gives her a special place in the family when otherwise she might be out of place since she’s not the biological child of Cole and Chelsea and, more importantly, because she’s 9-10 years older than her siblings. She is and is going to be in a unique place of being way older than the other kids in the family for the rest of her childhood and it sounds Iike they’re planning on having at least one more kid. I’m glad she seems secure in her place within the family. I don’t think they treat her too much like an adult for her age. Haha, maybe he could’ve given Briana some reconstructive surgeries and made her look better than what “Dr Miami” did. She’s a sociopath. Most sociopaths think they’re better than everyone else and like being the way they are. They think we’re idiots.
  13. So if someone you cared about was drowning and you weren’t a great swimmer you would just do nothing? Even if there was no one else around trying to help? There was no one looking out for Jace BUT Barb. Who are these other people who were standing there ready to help, not to mention do a better job? Also, have you heard of the Bystander Effect? It’s a phenomenon where even if there are tons of bystanders to a tragic event where help is needed people tend to assume someone else will take care of the problem and help so they do nothing themselves thinking someone else will. It’s human nature to NOT get involved. She sees herself as the ultimate victim. Everything and everyone just makes life so hard for poor, innocent Jenelle in her own mind. Yeah, I wondered what was going to be said by Jenelle after the latest episode aired and she heard what Barb said. On a selfish level I’m glad to know I was right and that Barb was staying close for strategic reasons because it was hard to swallow her hanging around the Easons but more of me wishes she hadn’t shared her plan with MTV cameras so they could then air the footage and out her. I guess Barb maybe thought things would’ve reached a head with David and Jenelle by the time it aired and it wouldn’t matter because they’d be over? An angry emoji would be great for this show. Also a puking one. David and Jenelle are allllll about diversity and teaching their kids it’s ok to be different - just look at all amazing things David has said about the LGBTQ community! The company that makes those books can fuck riiiiight off for being so completely tone deaf in who they choose to advertise with. I know I’ll probably be wasting my own time but I see a message to them in my future.. I get what you’re saying, because they don’t care about teaching their kids these things and in fact teach intolerance, but I don’t believe they’re actually reading them to her at all - free or not!
  14. This is why they need a barf reaction emoji! Basically for this whole show, actually.
  15. This must be why she attracts only grifters and losers. I see zero beauty inside or out. Maybe David and Jenelle will go to ~Indiana~ and attempt to murder Amber but actually only permanently damage her vocal cords, resulting in Amber no longer being able to speak. We never have to hear her proclamations of badassery again and baby James is spared from hearing her cursing and screaming for the rest of his childhood. Then David gets charged with attempted murder and conspiracy and goes to prison and Jenelle gets charged as an accessory, and finally Dustin can’t save her and she too goes to gel. All their kids go to much better homes. The Laaaaaand sinks back into the ground, aka Hell. Then, somehow MTV and specifically that fucker Morgan J Freeman, are found culpable and sued for everything they have. Morgan becomes a sex cam crackwhore and MTV folds as a network, replaced with AMTV - Actual Music Television. They go back to only playing videos and all the stupid reality shows are canceled and the lameass “stars” like Kailyn and The Situation are never heard from again, except for the people they serve at Arby’s. Annnndddd Fin. Too much? Dream big! I wonder where the fuck she even got that Indiana was such a Place of Badassery? I’m extremely high right now* (see the murder plot fan fiction above for proof 😆) and it does nothing for me. He does seem like a smoker but there’s a hell of a lot of “lack of talent” at play too, IMO. *yeah, it’s 10am 😆 but I worked on paperwork for over 12 hours each day on Monday and Tuesday so I could have today to relax 😬 I bet she’ll be “sending love.” 🤢 I think cameo is ridiculous in general but she’s not being nearly as greedy as some of the “talent” is on there. Last time I looked Caitlin Jenner wanted $1,000! Yeah, she’s accomplished a hell of a lot more than Amber but, come the fuck on! Neve from Catfish wants $143. Teresa Guidice thinks she’s worth $150. This random dude who isn’t even really on Vanderpump Rules (he’s Brittany’s random friend, Zach..it would be like Kousin Krystal asking for $500, but Krystal has actually been on the show more than Zack) wants $500! I’m actually surprised Amber is one of the more reasonably priced options. Not that I still don’t find it ridiculous and egotistical.
  16. Mackenzie is truly insane to sleep with Ryan, especially with no protection. Not only is he cheating on her with who knows who but he’s also “been” an intravenous drug user. He gets so fucked up in the early afternoon in a bar that he forgets to pay his $36 bill so I’m assuming he’s not caution about anything when he’s shooting up or banging strange.
  17. Fuck this guy. And I still need proof before I believe HE has an actual job in Florida. Like, I’m gonna need to see a W2 before I believe it.
  18. “None taken. Your whole life is an offense. I’m used to it.”
  19. I don’t think that opinion is very unpopular at all! I certainly agree. I bet they’re both a pain in the ass to their teachers.
  20. Not to mention Jayme Closs, who was spotted by a pervert who became obsessed with her when she was simply getting on the school bus at the bus stop. That happened just up the highway from me. I’m a grown woman who already took precautions for myself and that has made me change things even more to protect myself. I don’t even know what I’d be doing if I had children! Surely not posting naked pictures, or ANY pictures, of them for millions of people to see and do with what they want. I think parents have even gotten themselves into trouble by (seemingly) innocently having bathing pictures of their own children on their devices. Unless the kid is very young it’s actually considered child pornography. Also, it’s relatively easy to hack into iCloud so nothing is truly safe. This. And peverted younger men (the guy who kidnapped Jayme is only 21, he’s not the stereotype of a child predator, which is a good reminder that anyone can be suspect underneath it all) and even women. Not all perverts are old, creepy men. I’m basically 100% sure Addie’s naked image is already up on file sharing sites and other things child predators use to share these kinds of pictures with each other. My skin is crawling. Leah is beyond stupid for posting that. There’s an alert when someone screenshots or records on Snapchat but that doesn’t stop anyone from doing it, all she could do is block people she noticed screenshot it but with millions of followers she probably doesn’t even notice the alerts. Plus, by then the damage is already done. I thought Leah was getting a bit smarter. Ugh.
  21. @ghoulina I never really thought about it but I do most of that already and never even thought of myself as a “prepper!” I bet most people in their area do most of those things regularly if they’re in an area with lots of storms and since the land is so water logged already. It’s just being smart. She’s extra stupid to be calling herself a “prepper” yet doing none of that! Wait...their version of “prepping” was probably to make sure they had a drug stash to last the entirety of the storm. I bet they didn’t run out of that! #DrugsOverFood
  22. I’m so glad I can work from home! I haven't left the house since Sunday.
  23. This is definitely an outlying, unpopular opinion but I’ve always thought Aubree was kind of strange looking, personally. Not ugly but a bit cartoonish looking, I guess I’d call it. I was also never that big of a fan of her personality even though so many have been all along. She’s been growing on me in the last few seasons, though. I think she used to be a bit bratty and she seems to be outgrowing that.
  24. Sooooo she was so prepared she didn’t have enough food and didn’t leave the area in time even though she had no real reason to stay there needlessly putting her kids in danger. And she thinks they’re prepared for a nuclear attack? Sure, Jan! You’re not prepared for shit, Jenelle. Your sinking house and shitty useless “money hole” laaaand are practically disaster zones just on a normal day! David has never looked better, though! The gas mask is so flattering. It really reduces the ugly!
  25. FML! Many of the area schools are already closed until Thursday! https://weather.com/forecast/regional/news/2019-01-28-midwest-extreme-cold-compared-to-alaska-antarctica
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