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Everything posted by Rebecca

  1. I totally agree with this! I just think it’s nuts that she gets these people to a place of “Life is Kailyn, Kailyn is life...must protect this delicate flower at all costs!” and then later they end up hating her and never talking to her again. I get the last part but I don’t understand the first stage...apparently she attracts Captain Save a Ho people like no other! Thanks! It seemed like a weird thing to say genuinely to me and sounds like just what I would say if I was being sarcastic so that’s where my confusion came from, lol. This. So how does she lure all these ‘ride or die’ (for a minute or five) people in? They can’t all be into the fame and monetary gain...I guess they all start out feeling sorry for her and thinking she’s been wronged by life and others and then they realize it’s HER?
  2. The MTV of the past, where they chased after drunken Ruthie from RW: Hawaii, not to get the dramatic footage, but to stop her from continuing to drive drunk and then forced her into rehab if she was going to stay on the show, is long dead. It’s crazy how on the earlier seasons of The Challenge if someone even pushed someone else they were immediately kicked off the show, now they encourage these fights and someone’s ass basically needs to be beat before anyone is kicked off! Look at Brittany and Briana at the last reunion, Amber and Matt attacking Farrah and her dad, and that chick who slapped and PUNCHED the other chick on the new Lohan show and they all got to remain on their shows. MTV has zero morals, just like all the other networks. I wish I could pinpoint when this shift occurred but it really sucks. They’ll keep on filmjng Jenelle until their own personal rewards are outweighed by the risks and drawbacks...basically when she’s not making them enough money any longer.
  3. I sadly knew this and though of it right away...even the Olive Garden of it all. But I didn’t want to give her the damn satisfaction of actually knowing her basic bitch favorite food and restaurant. Thinking about it though...that she likes Olive Garden is basically one of her defining characteristics because she’s so devoid of any as a person. We know she can’t be alone, doesn’t give a shit about her kids, mother, siblings or other family members or friends, likes “partyin’ her ass off” “wit her boooooyfriend(s),” enjoys drugs of all sorts, just wants to be left aloooooone (but not really) duuuuuude, and enjoys Olive Garden. What else is there to know? She’s basically a freaking tabula rasa otherwise and changes everything else to suit each new guy. It’s telling that she thinks people knowing her favorite food is somehow important information that really says something about her. Like a small child would think.. Hell, all I really DO know is her favorite food and that I think she’s a sociopath.
  4. I think she’s a normal, if quite shy, child in weird circumstances. First there’s the aforementioned coven, whose loud and brash temperament she does not share. Then there’s the cameras on an already shy child. She’s basically the only child on the show who hasn’t grown up with cameras in her face since birth, since this is only their second season. She probably remembers life without all these cameras and people in her face. That has to be weird. I was extremely shy as a child and I would’ve straight up freaked out if cameras and random people appeared in my fifth year and intruded into my home and school and everything else. Exactly. My dad worked 2:30-11:30pm so he was gone by the time I got home from school and usually sleeping when I got up for school. I basically only saw him on weekends but he also owned a realty business and did that on the weekends too. I don’t resent him! I’m thankful. I had a great childhood. And I remember shopping with him alone “for fun” exactly one time in my entire childhood. I actually laugh at the idea of him taking me to Walmart or whatever for my enjoyment like Jeremy does with Addie. This is going to sound way harsher than I mean it to but...Leah hasn’t had a dad so what does she know about that relationship? Cheetos are not to be eaten on the table, though! Cheetos are to be eaten directly off the floor! Refer to the heartwarming tale that Delta Dawn told in season 1 of how she used Cheetos spread out on the floor to get Leah to walk. And then we see Leah putting them on the floor for the 1 year old twins a bunch of times and I puke. *AIN’T! A little thing called “saving lives.” Maybe you’ve heard of it? According to Jenelle it’s what she does. 🤣 ...or, like, a YouTube channel, dude.
  5. I’m not sure if that “it’s like you were there” is sarcastic or not.
  6. I don’t think Addie is actually going to resent Jeremy. I just don’t. She very well may resent LEAH for talking about this shit and other stuff on national TV, however. And echoing others, Jason needs to shut the fuck up about all of this, for sure. Imagine Jeremy’s girlfriend talking about Leah’s “past” drug issues and how that may affect Addie? And Leah just eats it up. Every guy sucks but the one currently having sex with her.
  7. Well, “your” clearly not someone who knows “alot” about grammar and spelling. I feel sorry for “my self” that this guy makes way more money than I ever will and doesn’t have the mountains of student loans I have. Sigh. Lol. But, please, share what you know, Jeremy!
  8. Kailyn seemed to get a little salty when her young kids said they didn’t remember her sister...that they never see and she never really even mentions. She said something like, “they don’t even ask about her,” and I’m sure a lot of it is just, ‘out of sight, out of mind’ and they’re still so young! But I also wonder how much is has to do with them watching other “aunt figures” go in and out of their lives quickly so many times already. Just think about how many “super close friends” Kailyn has had that seem to practically be living with Kailyn and the boys, spend holidays and birthdays with them and then just disappeared forever from their lives after awhile. That’s got to sting, especially Isaac. How could it not? I’m depressing myself. Being TRULY close with people takes time and investment that I don’t think Kailyn is capable of. You have to stick around even when things aren’t perfect and there’s conflict. She seems to cut and run when things get tough and that’s going to prevent any true closeness with anyone. She wants an instantaneous “sisterhood” with her sister just because they share some DNA and that’s just not how it works at all. Especially because her sister, unlike Kailyn, apparently already has close people in her life and isn’t desperately searching for any semblance of family because she has none. It’s like she thinks just because she’s her half sister genetically that she should be automatically higher on her sister’s list despite having little interaction or relationship with her. It’s depressing how much she doesn’t understand about interpersonal relationships and probably never will. Pierogies are delicious. I’m glad Kailyn is having her kids try different foods, so there’s that. Just to end this depressing post on a positive note. Lolz.
  9. It’s been said many times and many ways but - fuck Jenelle. Could she be more self absorbed in delusion? And Kristen can fuck off too, she’s so annoying. All this babying and placating Jenelle is making me sick. She deserves none of it. I’d love to see how “stressful” her life would be working 40 hours a week at McDonald’s instead. They surely don’t give a fuck what food is her favorite. They also won’t care about any of your issues outside of work. No one cares about your favorite food or what you like, “dude”. Tell MTV they can’t come to your birthday party “no more” while you’re at it. Grow the fuck up, you sound 12.
  10. Why the hell do they have their own instagrams? It’s...dumb. Do you really want the public to be more interested in your kids? Give them even less privacy? Obviously they don’t run them themselves but users are supposed to be 13 anyway. I love how she says “I’m not friends with Bone” like they never were or something. It’s so wild to me how Kailyn’s friends will go from literally being down to beat someone’s ass for her to not even speaking to her any longer. She really provokes strong responses in people - positive or negative. It’s weird because I didn’t realize mattress sales were even a thing for President’s Day and I went shopping for one coincidentally while all the sales were going on. Obviously I took advantage of those sales and a few days ago I ordered a new queen for the price of a twin! AND I’m getting a free adjustable base thingy so I can just hit a button on a remote and move the top up to a seated position or any position within a 70 degree angle. I’m damn excited! Since there’s all this mattress talk - if you’re looking for a new one, Mattress Firm is is a nationwide chain that’s new in my area and they were awesome!
  11. I’ve always kinda liked Devoin, despite his many shortcomings as a father. Probably because every other person in Briana’s scenes is seriously unlikable. I’ve never thought of him as a bad person, just very immature sometimes. Frosting and cold soup.
  12. I think she got the dental assistant certificate, which is pretty quick to get, and thought she’d work as a DA while going to school for the dental hygienist program that is much longer. Then she met Javi and chose to say f it to school AND her DA job because she moved to be with him and the show started again so she didn’t need to worry about petty little things like working or planning for the future. I feel like David will definitely do something threatening if they’re filming during this “breakup.” Hopefully the crew will refuse to film anywhere near The Land. They definitely deserve hazard pay - imagine how jealous they are of the crews filming the other girls in basically complete safety?
  13. I agree but what if he actually gets custody of Ensley? Or Jenelle gives it up to him. He’d probably be the first ex to actually fight for his kid because he’s not going to give up that control for anything! The kids are fucked with either of them in their lives. I wouldn’t be surprised if she did that, especially to Kaiser. I wonder how she’ll attempt to spin this when they inevitably get back together. Here’s the newest article: https://radaronline.com/photos/jenelle-evans-breakup-david-eason-gun-threats-teen-mom-2-mtv/ Apparently he didn’t do anything for her on Valentine’s Day, that’s true abusive horror for Jenelle - never mind how he treats her kids, mother or people in general! Don’t forget the fake Hallmark holiday!
  14. If David was gone and Jenelle was “partyin’ her ass off” in the sheshed last night who was watching the kids?
  15. Wow, that’s unexpected. I wonder if David chose to leave HER, not the other way around, though. I could see him saying it’s MTV and everyone else or me and if she didn’t choose him fast enough he was out because his bogus pride is hurt. I hope it lasts but I have zero expectation that it will. He’s going to regret leaving the easy money and she needs to always be with someone. And even if it somehow does last she’ll just find an even bigger loser to replace him with soon enough. Every time I’ve thought she couldn’t find someone worse than her last guy she’s exceeded my expectations. EDIT: It seems that David choosing to leave might be correct: (I wish I knew how to quote this with the new board design!): “They are fighting,” a source told Us Weekly. “He hasn’t been home.” However, despite Jenelle’s interesting Facebook status, and allegedly changing her relationship status to “separated” on the same social media site, per Us Weekly, their insider said that “they aren’t broken up.” “What else is new? David and Jenelle are always fighting, he won’t come home for days at a time,” another source revealed to the magazine. “I would be surprised if they weren’t fighting. Now that would be shocking.” https://www.google.com/amp/s/hollywoodlife.com/2019/02/18/did-jenelle-evans-david-eason-break-up-split-rumors-messages/amp/
  16. Right...but this was about whether or not Kailyn earned her certification to be a dental assistant, which there’s evidence she did because she worked as one. This is the kind of thing that’s required to do so: https://www.danb.org/Become-Certified/Exams-and-Certifications/CDA.aspx
  17. Apparently some do and googling it revealed lots of people arguing about whether or not that was proper on various sites, lol! I love Mark, glad he’s back! True story. Whenever Jenelle is described as intelligent I’ll remind myself of this. He’d probably make a great father to Kaiser, etc. I’m pretty sure he’s gay so maybe he can educate them about the things David has taught them to be ignorant and hateful about. I don’t think she wants to leave. I think she truly thinks they have a good relationship even though he probably scares her momentarily at times. She’s warped and messed up. I don’t think she’s ever actually even considered truly leaving him and I don't know that she ever will. She doesn’t know what love or a healthy relationship looks like. Lol! I remember long ago when Dawn basically tried to pass herself off as a nurse and that was found to be bullshit. There’s no evidence Jenelle even wants to leave. Jenelle is an irrational person so we can’t use rational thinking to understand her behavior, which is what I’ve been doing too. We all are thinking that David is scary, who wouldn’t want to leave that? But Jenelle isn’t a normal person and her brain probably isn’t working in the same way. I’ve never thought of it as an accent, but more as an affected way of speaking. I don’t think I her accent has a lick to do with being Hispanic or around Hispanic accents. She had that stupid quote “chris and I are together even when we aren’t together, if that makes sense,” which it doesn’t make sense but I guess that doesn’t apply when she’s “hustling” for more money to pay for his stuff. It looks like all the “love interest clones” on the new show she’s on are female but I doubt they want any of that either!
  18. Jeremy saying that Addie was his “little girlfriend” is pretty weird to me. I’m not implying that he’s into her in some creepy way or anything and I understand what he was trying to say (however hollow the thought...even Addie seemed to find it pretty meaningless, probably since she doesn’t see him often and she obviously knows his actual girlfriends are a priority for him...) but he could’ve phrased it differently. I wonder if he pays a lot more attention to Addie when he has a girlfriend and that’s why she asked about it right away. As for his job, Leah knew what he did when she chose to have a baby with him immediately. It sucks if he’s coming home to the area and STILL not seeing Addie, though. If true, what is his possible justification for that?! Ugh. And “works pipes” made me laugh, it’s got to be specific to the area because I don’t think kids in my area would even know what that meant. Or they’d say a plumber, not someone working on the pipeline.
  19. @DudeLeaveMeAlone Thanks! I’ll check those out too.
  20. @teapot I listen too and have heard her ads but I wasn’t sure if they were worth it or not, good to hear from someone personally that they are! I’ll check out the options on their site - thank you!
  21. @teapot Yes! I wanted to mention Addie too but I forgot. I think if any of the kids are going to follow in their parents footsteps to teen parenthood and having to grow up too quickly it will be one or both of those two. And they most likely won’t have the MTV money to make it easier...I wonder a lot about what the kids are learning about money and careers from their parents..or NOT learning. Do they think they’ll be fine with nice houses and cars and vacations without going to work 5 or more days a week like most people? Or having any education?
  22. I think Kailyn actually did get her DA certificate because she worked as one and this even lists the dental office she worked in, she just didn’t stick around long: “Not only did Kailyn graduate high school, she enrolled in community college for social work, and has a dental assistant certification under her belt. Kailyn started work as a dental assistant at American Family Dental in Allentown, Pennsylvania, back in April 2013, but she quit her job in order to move to Delaware — where her husband, Javi Marroquin, works at the Dover Air Force Base.” From: (try not to puke at the overly Kailyn positive article) http://www.wetpaint.com/kailyn-lowry-dental-assistant-college-608314/ I just watched Jenelle’s Instagram story and she had a party in the sheshed by herself last night. 🙄 I know kids gets stuff all over their faces all the time but wouldn’t you want to wipe this off before posting pictures to your millions of followers? It’s gross. It will only let me post one picture due to the size but there are multiple pictures of her with stuff all on her face.
  23. My problem with the makeup is that it’s on Aleeeeah in particular, who I already feel is the most “in danger” of “growing up too quickly” as it is because of her personality and other things. I fully acknowledge it’s a double standard because if it was one of the other kids, such as Aubree or Leah Shirley, I wouldn’t be nearly as alarmed and it would seem more harmless. I think the culture of the area they live in (Leah was on BC and apparently having sex at 13, many people have kids at very young ages and live “like adults” a lot earlier than other parts of the country, not giving themselves time to fully form as adults themselves) coupled with Leah’s examples in regard to men probably make Aleeeeah extra vulnerable. I fully recognize my hypocrisy but it’s how I feel.
  24. @druzy I like your new school clothes! Lol! That was always my favorite part of a new school year. @geauxaway The schools here have 9.5 days to make up. It must be a record year for that in many places! @Mkay Congrats! Moving states is so fun, I love a fresh start. Random but does anyone know a good place to buy high quality sheets, online or off? Preferably less expensive (lol) but quality is more important. I bought a new bed and it’s turning into a full bedroom makeover 😆
  25. Andrew’s family has never even seen Jace, that’s how much they don’t care. We saw Andrew’s dad on 16 + P because he had to come pick up his unlicensed 20-something son up from his teenage girlfriend’s house because Barb kicked him out. Barb confronted his dad about his adult son impregnating her teen daughter and the guy didn’t give a shit. He didn’t seem like he gave a shit about much. I think it’s crazy to imply that these people, who’ve never even bothered to see or contact their grandchild, would have wanted to raise him and that even if they did want to, that they’d do a better job! That’s some major grasping at straws. And again, Barb had no ability to place Jace anywhere, Jenelle signed Jace over to Barb specifically, not anyone else, and there’s zero proof she would’ve agreed to sign him over to anyone else. The only alternative to Barb taking over was allowing Jenelle to “raise” him and do whatever she wanted with him, most likely only ending in her losing him once he’d already been severely harmed and then he’d enter the foster system and all the back and forth would begin as @TheRealT said. @StatisticalOutlier In this scenario there was no help to enlist for the metaphorical drowning person other than Barbara...no one else cared or was even paying any attention. Literally, no one. How would’ve it been better for her to stand there and watch him drown and not even try? Because his life isn’t perfect but because of her Jace is alive, has proper food, medical care and shelter, goes to school regularly and still has a chance at life I don’t believe he’d have if he’d been raised by Jenelle full time. Barb has somewhat sacrificed her life for Jace because he is worth it to her, which is something Jenelle could never say about herself. Also, Jace might have been born to relatively somewhat attractive white people but those same people are also rife with mental illness and addiction issues. And @TheRealT is totally right about people like Brandon and Theresa not wanting to deal with the foster system and the painful back and forth with birth parents.
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