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Everything posted by msrachelj

  1. she said that roman took over the pub from mom. so are we ever going to find out more about caroline or the actress playing her? she must be ill or just too old to continue?
  2. I find the whispering happens a lot on this show. I have to put the subtitles on at times. But no one whispers more than Hope. It drives me crazy! Speak up girl!! She also has a weird way of pronounced some words. I'm sorry but Eric and Brady are , and LOOK, way way too young for her. Yuck. Big mouth Jennifer does it again. She is such a damn interfering harpy. She hints to Brady that Eric still has a thing for Nicole. Mind your own damn business. Little Miss holier than thou.
  3. i wish it was more raven and less kids. but i guess it is geared to adolescents? those of us tuning in to see raven again will have a lot of fast forwarding to do. i wish she were in a more 'grown up' show. i watched it in about 10 minutes.
  4. i can't! i live in a p.o.s. part of the state that's called "the country" . the forgotten people. no cable, paying big money for our data. big mistake on my part. don't do it people. stick to the suburbs!
  5. it will all be over soon. i am watching till the end because i need closure! this show was awful.
  6. it was not on here! i had 3 or 4 episodes taped and they were all pre-empted either by presidential stuff or oj!! i give up!
  7. the california hunters. the house on the hill with all the acreage was stunning. why do you think it was, in california terms, relatively cheaper than the others? are they in a fire zone? i got ticked off again when the clueless wife said about the gazebo from the 20's!!!! (which i could only dream of having in my backyard) "what is that thing" and was ready to tear it down. if you have no respect for the past and tear things down that can never be replaced. i hate you.
  8. shitty diapers and dirty feet on a countertop. i'd rather have my cat's ass up there for sure. then again, i'd give birth to a kitten if i could, people mostly disappoint. it's sets me off when buyers say they are going to paint over wood. if it is a quality wood, paneling, cabinets, woodwork, you are a destroyer of beauty and quality craftsmanship , go find yourself another house.
  9. photoshopped , yes it could have been. but abby in all her wisdom said yesterday that it looked real to her! wow, that's pretty amazing. photoshop has fooled people with more expertise than her, but abby can tell.
  10. just watched the latest episode. he told his father to just take both prescriptions because something like "what does it matter at this point" he is such an unlikeable person. that was very stupid, his father could have a reaction or maybe die. but this guy does not seem to care about anyone. what a strange show. they really hate people over 50 too.
  11. It certainly is violent, I wouldn't mind more talk and human interaction and story and a tad less of the gore. Still, I loved it. Except for the eating the cat part. I would much rather see Cassidy kill a deserving human or if he has to go animal, a rat or something. Being an extreme animal lover, I had to stop myself from deleting the show and then I stopped myself. Human gore and death I can stomach but not an animal. I realize this sounds nuts to some people. It's only a TV show but I hope we don't see more of that.
  12. Same ol shit looking hair. way too long. same style. The twins colors were bad too. No wonder business is slow.
  13. I like Sheryl, usually, but yesterday it felt to me that she was defending the police officer, simply because he was an officer. I can't wait till we find out more on this story but it seems incredible that he would have thought she was a threat. If he was spooked by a firecracker as some media have been saying, than he is not police material. Why was the safety possibly off and why were the cameras not on? As for today , I agree 100% with everyone who was irked, to say the least, at the Ed Sheeran appearance on GOT. It took me right out of the show. Not to mention, I can't stand his songs. It was stunt casting. What they said about the other actors on the show being famous for other shows does not make sense. They are actors. He is a "singer". I was pissed to see him, nothing personal , I can think of many other non actor casting that would make me feel the same way. When are they going to get the message that the lovely Mrs. O is a horrid person and get rid of her? She was angry that the charity auctioned off her donations and used the money to help the poor. Bitch.
  14. yes, i was just going to post this! what was all that stuff in the locked drawer? mementos of a serial killer?
  15. Long Island couple. First, the guy did not seem like he was ready for marriage. In my opinion, it was just a feeling I got. I really don't understand the buying a house before the marriage or even immediately after. Especially for such young people. What is the rush? Get to know each other. How many marriages end in divorce? My gripe is this: WHERE on Long Island was this home search? What towns? Nassau and Suffolk are counties and they pretty much stretch the whole island except for Queens at the tip. Have they ever done this before? Not mentioned the towns? What the hell was the big secret? Nassau has gone way down hill in the last few decades. You couldn't pay me to live there. The houses are so expensive only because it is so commutable to NYC.
  16. She's back! Don't they realize how much better this show would be if they fired her? Is Aisha gone for good now? Sometimes I love Sheryl and sometimes she her "comedy" bits are just awful, and not funny.
  17. Not everyone is willing or wants to just kick their kids out of the house went they graduate high school. Different children need different things. And these kids are no where near mature enough to go out on their own. Although, Haley could hook up with another too old for her man because I can't see her being independent and living alone. Alex could board at college, then I see her returning home too, unless she gets some street smarts. Luke is played as an idiot , so don't know about him.
  18. I have a hard believing that is not a wig. If you look where the "sideburns" should be, there aren't any, which is indicative of alopecia or whatever has caused hair loss.
  19. I love her too. She seems like such a nice person and great friend. Jazz IS lucky. I hope she keeps this one.
  20. It came to my mind after they showed the end results on the woman who had cancer, does anyone else think (at least most) of the extensions look fake and are too long? All the same ugly hair style too. They must cost a fortune.
  21. Did Nicole tell Brady that she and Eric kissed or just woke up in bed together fully clothed? I don't remember her talking about a kiss but I have a bad memory .
  22. i was thinking the same thing! unfortunate because she looks ten years older than her age and he looks ten years younger. i wondered after seeing her stretched out belly button if she had lost a huge amount of weight and that is why she does not have the firm skin someone her age should have. good for her if she did, i wonder why they wouldn't have mentioned it though. now i feel bad. she's better off without that jerk though. that friend of his he went to see at the restaurant, is looking like the the female version of himself. they look plastic, like (bad) wax figures, robotic. this is an illness. a mental illness. someone call a damn psychiatrist!
  23. wow, didn't even recognize her. cosmetic surgery really changes some faces.
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