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Everything posted by msrachelj

  1. that's right! how the hell did he get away with biting her nose? such a lot of bull shit on this show . now i'm getting mad! omg. poor babies. really, no recourse? i guess that is one downside to legal brothels..
  2. watching this now and have to say about the story of the truck driver who donated the wood he was carrying. well of course it was the thing to do. morally .. on one hand.....BUT... on the other , legally, it was not his to give! and what about the cop who told him it was needed? is this allowed, was the truck driver afraid to say no? what is the rest of the story? maybe the police and the truck driver could have called the lumber company and discussed this donation? no julie, all bets are not off when there is an emergency. it is up to the individual or company to decide how they will or will not help. that's life. an employee can not make that decision. i think they said the worth was $10,000 , or more. couldn't he have been prosecuted for theft, never mind being fired? was this a multi million dollar lumber company or is someone's business suffering a loss now?
  3. i hope she was fired! she was horrible.
  4. i didn't watch season one so maybe that adds to my confusion but my god, this was really strange. why were all the cops laughing at robin all the time. what the hell?! the daughter needed mental help asap. her pig of a "boy"friend should have been arrested for rape. or was she of a legal age? her father seemed like a pussy around him. my father would have had him killed! so many strange things going on. what was going to happen to all the stolen babies in the sex workers? are they going to sell them? i can't believe all this was legal. i watched the whole thing but there was so much that was unbelievable. especially, as someone else posted, the big coincidence tying robins daughter and the murdered girl together. and who murdered her? after all this, i don't remember the outcome! very strange. very unreal. i believe elizabeth moss won the emmy for this? btw. i was taken out if it by the scientology aspect. elizabeth and nicole working together but not being able to talk to each in real life since nicole left the cult. i guess acting together gets a pass? screwey. i wish season one were on tv ( i can't access online series, has to be on my direct tv) i'd like to compare.
  5. i was wondering about this. so if you leave scientology you are not supposed to have any contact with those still in it. but acting together is ok? i like elizabeth moss's acting. since madmen. but now i can't watch her without thinking about her belonging to this cult.
  6. very realistic, the streets, the interiors. good job. when i was young and my friends and i were restless and bored in the wee hours, we would go to the city, times square in particular because it was alive. it was dirty and scary but made you feel. i have good memories of this time though, of course this is because we were bystanders (and young! )and did not have to live with that going on in our neighborhood. we never thought in depth of the hell those women were living. and the homeless sleeping on the sidewalks. very sad. we took the train back to our comfortable bedrooms. the city never slept, for sure.
  7. in my opinion, this format is much better. i hope they keep it up. i keep remembering the woman that was being evicted from her ranch episode. something very phony about her. she just rubbed me the wrong way. i hated it. need less of that and more of tonight's type of episode. at least for me not to fast forward.
  8. how is this woman disappearance not being investigated by the police? i am shocked.
  9. this was so freakin' funny! jenna fischer was great as was orson bean. wonderful storyline! unfortunately, having been around very old people, it is also true to life in too many cases. this was my favorite episode. i give it 5 stars. loved it. this little show is very good. glad to hear it was renewed.
  10. that's what i thought. aren't they all chocolate covered?! i'm strangely disappointed and sad that the ex con who showed up at the K mansion (forgot her name) turned on adrianne and had no sympathy. i wanted to like her.
  11. did sharon forget to brush her hair today? somehow it fits!
  12. thank you, and the other thing i hate is when one of the important things they have to have is so much room and comfort for guests. that's exactly what i don't want. stay in a hotel!
  13. and sgt . pepper jackets. yuk. what the hell. didn't he say he did something in tech? wannabe rockstar though? and she had a similar one one later on. and she was not all that cool. that horrible loft that looked like it used to be an arizona iced tea factory was disgusting. in my opinion. where was the poor dog going to poop? it was surprising she liked it and wasn't worried about the baby cracking it's skull on the cement floor. ( i watched 2 in a row and i don't know if i'm getting my couples mixed up, sorry)
  14. i used to like hope years ago. she is unwatchable most of the time now but i agree about the scenes with hattie. i know she has been a cop for a long time, but it is not believable. it makes me ill to see her with rafe. i almost puked when they were in bed yesterday and she mentioned their having great sex. yuk. terrible pairing. he's too young for her, it looks and feels ridiculous.
  15. i loved her dress and i figured it was out of reach of the average woman. too bad.
  16. yes, today was the first time i've like hope in ages. she has really changed over the years to an unlikeable, get away with murder, literally, person. it makes me ill every time i see the hope and rafe scenes remembering he used to be married to her niece sammy.
  17. i hate the lighthearted giggly stuff she does around chad. seems very immature. also, like others have said. best to wary of a woman who was in a mental hospital, was seeing things and set her ex on fire. i guess i have a hair fixation (see jennifer. ugh and blech ) but she would look so much better with much shorter and actually styled hair. when you have straight stringy long hair it just does nothing for you, it needs a good cut.
  18. i'm here to rant again about these people who are not brilliant and noted brain surgeons who can afford these grand homes. does!? a military pension pay out that much? why? i am getting so sick of watching this. i am still working for crap pay, my poor husband has broken his ass working many many years, we live a shit fixed upper still and we will be lucky to be able to pay all the bills at retirement. does she have a millionaire ex husband? that woman was insufferable. not surprising she is divorced. what at BITCH. is there some magic formula for luck? for having a beautiful home. this is just getting way to depressing for my real life. yes, life is unfair but i don't know if i can stand to have it thrown in my face. i really just like to look at the older, undestroyed, homes. the buyers are usually fucking entitled, ignorant to how good they have it, brats, young and old. she did seem crazy. and a spoiled bitch.
  19. was the doctor best friend always such a slut? sleeping with two strange men in a very short amount of time, getting a belly button piercing and not remembering because she was so shitfaced ? and they passed out on the sidewalk in front of the hotel? not believable either. while i found the thanksgiving episode really funny, it has reverted back to crap. i don't think this season is living up to the first, and it may be the last? which is too bad. it has a lot of potential. some of the dialog is really funny. disappointed.
  20. just channel surfing and came upon this show. kelly looks terrible. i remember when she was cute and although still thin, healthier looking. and that horrible hair. what the hell is it with women thinking bleached blonde is a good look. her hair is white! and does not look in the least, flattering. today she has white hair, white complexion and a white dress!
  21. this show is just too dragged out. whoever said it should have been a movie is correct. but i just came here to say that jacob pitts is sexy as hell..... i have loved him since justified.
  22. much better than the previous episodes. this is the way they should keep doing it. i thought the previous one person centered episodes were too much, too long and too hollywood. and i love leah's mother. i wish her "reality" show was still on.
  23. agreed. i know its "tv" and there is a lot of unreality going on but really. you can't just return a house, you can't just walk in to your former rental and expect to go back to the way it was, no probs> what the hell. i can't suspend that much disbelief. and jessica is getting very unlikeable. she is really cheap and annoying. i used to like her. i guess it all adds up. was she really like that? what was the actual family really like?
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