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Everything posted by msrachelj

  1. i hope this young woman can break free of her family and their mostly disturbing lives of somehow living way beyond their means and in only the rare case, not going bankrupt or worse, to some degree and go to become something worthwhile in this world. she seems to have a lot of potential.
  2. what is an indigo child?
  3. agreed! although you do have to be careful with boxers and escapism :), but tightie whities just look gross all the time. and i'd hope he would have extremely good hygiene to avoid even the front pee stain or worse. just classless and disgusting. i'm surprised the actual mother was ok with this.
  4. maybe in your circle of friends and family. to me, it's pretty damn distasteful at the least and repulsive at the most. but hey, if it floats your boat, hope your friends and family are comfortable!
  5. i'm not saying one network has anything to do with the other. just stating my opinion on recent sitcoms on television.. don't know what "went fractional" means. and just because something is badly rated doesn't mean that some people for whatever reasons did enjoy it. from what i can see there is no accounting for taste in general lately in entertainment and in other areas so theres that.
  6. a special snowflake i am not by any means. i don't think the majority of people walk around their homes in their underwear. i do wear pants in my own home and i don't know of anyone who does not. changing into comfy clothes even pjs is one thing. walking around like you live in a trailer in the woods is another . class.
  7. yes, her plastic surgeon should win an award! much better than most plastic surgery victims. of course , she did have good genes to begin with if you look at her younger photos. exercises a lot, probably eats well. but yes, the face is a work of art. i wonder what her doctors name is and where he is located!
  8. can that happen? lots of people have stained glass door windows etc. what about suncatchers? anxious person asking! yes, it is an actual thing. i don't think they stay afloat very long. i never went to see one, so not sure.
  9. omg! when we had cake at work it was always a disgusting grocery store bought sugary piece of inedible crap! they are horrible brats, no doubt about it. with horrible parents.
  10. i'm grossed out by the father walking (sitting) around the house in his tighty whities. it's disgusting actually. his family is subject to his manly parts being so out in the open like that? especially around his daughter. and what if someone comes to the door? and sitting on the furniture with only a pair of underwear between you and the couch. yuk .it skeeves me out. it's a little surprising beverly would think this is just fine.
  11. tim gunn! i wish he would have a fashion/lifestyle talk show.
  12. no way you could not tell after reconstruction. and she probably has fake nipples.
  13. re: the warden saying he won't release adrienne unless bonnie takes her place. what kind of crazy , illegal, bullshit is that!? was thinking the same thing. judy must have over tweezed her eyebrows and not they won't grow back. plus they thing with age to begin with so you get that bald look if you are not careful. i envy people who make their eyebrows so natural and beautiful . i still haven't been able to perfect this. color is off, shape is off. i just give up! am i the only one who did not like the princess bride? i have tried to rewatch it twice now recently and still, i don't get all the hoopla.
  14. don't know where to put this but joanna garcia swisher was on conan last night. she has a really nice figure for someone with 2 kids i must say. though i don't like her hair. well anyway. conan mentioned that her father , who is a gynecologist, delivered her first child. that is just horrifying to me. why why why!? i'm all for openness when it come to your body and sex etc but up to a point. that just seems over the top and completely unnecessary and way too intimate.
  15. they are all not very nice to megan. especially bow. who is half white which i only mention because that seems to be her major issue with her. if i were megan i would have been in tears at some point. i was torn on the episode. it was funny at times but i was bored with the whole episode being a game of monopoly. and dre is not a nice person most of the time. but then again his parents aren't either.
  16. we didn't read it in school either. wasn't it on the "banned list" also? am i thinking of another of his books? maybe some schools (because of parents?) don't want to have it in their curriculum.
  17. why so long between episodes? is it cancelled already? i haven't checked my dvr.
  18. i was looking forward to this, trepidatiously . i love and miss phil donahue but it was a terrible interview . she is horrible. this show needs to go.
  19. i thought he was unnecessarily mean to his step father who did not spoil things intentionally and has been a great dad to him. that sucked.
  20. what the hell? plenty of people rent their homes and their kids go to public school!! not everyone owns their own home. they should not have added jacob full-time on the show. when kids are involved the whole dynamic changes. in real life and on tv or in movies . you can either be a hit man and a con artist etc or you can be parents and role models for the kids sake . this does not work for me with a child involved. a child who was much better off with his grandmother as his mother is teaching him how to be dishonest and a criminal . and she slipped up and mentioned his real name when talking to her friend. i thought she was supposed to be street smarter than that. she has castrated him. he is becoming pussy-whipped. the show has changed from the first season. and i am finding her more and more unlikeable.
  21. why? we said it in the 70's.
  22. i wish we would have seen vincent give abby shit about her obviously taking him to the party for shock value. which didn't work. and he is a little slow on the pick up at times, isn't he? i also got a little skeeved out about abby borrowing the prostitutes dress. was it washed first? and then after she wore it, she just gives it back to her without cleaning it. she IS a pig. yuk.
  23. i thought i heard that too!
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