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Everything posted by msrachelj

  1. i felt sorry for the new and improved andre. it was pretty shitty of them to walk out and go somewhere better (although, that party sucked too from what i could see) when andre went through all the trouble he did and seemed to really care about his brother. and i love the new andre. he is one of my favorite characters.
  2. yes. i was just going to post this. not the first time i have seen a woman on tv or in a movie casually put down that peed on stick on surfaces that should be kept clean. yuk. disgusting. i hope this is the last season too.
  3. i thought she may have dementia. who in the world is so stupid that they mistake salt for sugar? completely different packages, there should be no confusion. bad joke.
  4. i'm not sorry. i didn't really like the character/actress. i'm sorry that whoever writes this show, sucks big time.
  5. sabrina soto does not have much of a personality. for tv anyway. bland & boring.
  6. i can't access you tube. what was the reason she stated for leaving the show? was it different from what she told viewers?
  7. wendy williams had a segment on her show this morning about jedidiah and how she must have been fired. how her fiancé wanted the network to pay for her engagement ring so he could propose on air, etc. it was good dirt. i also think it is untrue she left to write a book!
  8. i think so. if she doesn't want to get pregnant again. i don't know, i am child free! if no pill, condoms.
  9. whatever, nitpick. in real live if they had used the pill or a condom, one of them would have expressed their surprise a pregnancy resulted even thought it's not 100% foolproof. agree. but the actors are making a disgusting amount of money each episode so they surely don't care as long as that big paycheck comes in.
  10. i thought accident also. it felt very weird. like they knew they had to mention that the mother died but they did't seem all that shook up about it. it has been a year but still. wife and mother. it was like they were talking about a great grandma they hardly knew. stupid show. watching because i love kevin and leah. with they were together in a better written sitcom though. this show can not hold a candle to king of queens. kevin and leah deserve much better. too bad.
  11. penny said something like " i thought you couldn't get pregnant while breastfeeding?" and bernadette said "apparently not". i assumed if she thought that, there was no other protection. what do they mean by being careful? careful is birth control. pulling out, etc. on the other hand is not being careful.
  12. i wish there were more of her too. maybe one episode a month.
  13. amy deserves much better. she is going to regret it someday. in real life, divorce would be imminent. she's too smart to be saddled with his b.s. .hard to believe she couldn't find a fellow scientist to fall for besides one who has so many issues. i would feel like i had a child instead of husband. way too needy and emotionally absent. why do they make her look so very frumpy ? wolowitzes are idiots. they are suppose to be super smart people and they don't know you can get pregnant while breast feeding and don't use protection? raj is portrayed as a fool also. this has become the sheldon show anyway. and it's too much as far as i'm concerned. now there is a spin off , which i haven't watched yet.
  14. victor is elderly and many older people have a landline as well as a cell. there are people who still have both. i am not near victors age and i have both. it's hard to give it up after all those years and technically speaking, you can HEAR clearly on it. it's a phone and it works like one! :) my problem was, he should be smart enough to not be having that conversation on any phone that could be traced, listened in on etc. gay couple being married in a catholic church fantasy is a mystery to me why they are pretending this is a thing. abby committed fraud, the idiot. she's so worried about postponing the wedding. i'd be worried about going to jail. she and hope off the top of my head. pretty little princesses who don't pay for their crimes. i loved justin stating it!
  15. she is atrocious so how could her show not be?! :) i could not believe what i was hearing. i thought they were going to break out in a a hymn or gather together to say a prayer. it indeed felt strange. it does not belong on nbc. that's a fox or religious channel show if i ever saw one. sickening , ignorant woman. are you kidding me?! has nbc lost it's mind? where do write to them? this is crazy.
  16. (since the is no megyn kelly show forum): have lost respect for nbc for giving megan kelly her own show. and for the cast of will and grace to appear on it. infuriating.sickening. the things that have come out of her mouth. fingers crossed it bombs quickly. google her, watch a clip on youtube. i hope you change your mind about her being personable.
  17. i was married many years ago in the church and we did not have to go any classes. more important: why is this show pretending that sonny and paul would even be allowed to be married in a catholic church? there is sustaining belief and there is sustaining belief. this is an actual no go, show! the pope hasn't gotten this worked out . yet :)
  18. was really looking forward to this but now have a bad taste in my mouth after seeing them appear on the vile megyn kelly show. ( i only watched because of the cast) . nauseating. why did nbc think this was a good move. why is she even on nbc? shame.
  19. very disappointed to see the cast of will and grace appearing on the disgusting megan kelly today show. lost some respect for them. did nbc make them do this? really bad move.
  20. kind of gross the goings on with the woman in the box and matt. is that supposed to be aired as part of their game show now? i could't understand what the person who was watching the monitors was doing at the end.
  21. me too! but i have no doubt this show has contributed to every one who holds a garage sale or barn sale, thinking they have gold instead of junk. as someone who is not wealthy , i have found it is hard to get a decent deal anymore. that and how those with quite the disposable income are into flea market finds, up cycling etc. (martha stewart, i'm looking at you and how you ruined jadeite dishes for those of us who love it and don't have the ability to pay the now insane prices) go to the damn store and pay full price. or the quality antique stores, leave the junk to us. some of us can't afford it and flea markets ,rummage sales , salvation army stores etc. were a way to get something of quality once in a while. now you have to compete with ebayers , auctioneers and antique store owners.
  22. well, she's not a very good actress. that could have something to do with it.
  23. is this season just all reruns of previous picks? what the hell? is anyone still posting here>
  24. i stand by what i said. they were in a cult, they were both married to one of the biggest pieces of shit in it and i bet they have information that could help others or help bring down the organization.. i guess i feel differently about trying to be selfless if at all possible.
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