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Everything posted by msrachelj

  1. to me she looks much older. but of course her nasty hair "style" and color may have something to do with that. i also see no chemistry between them as lovers. friends, yes. or something motherly.
  2. i agree. and i can't get over the fact that eric and jennifer look like son and mother together. i will never buy them as a couple. unless he is into milf's which we haven't seen before, have we?
  3. i was just going to ask this. why can't jacob go to public school? $20,000 for a semester?! and totally true. you must suspend belief, this show should be in the fantasy genre.
  4. can't believe this crap was renewed and they cancelled my beloved " real o'neals". kevin can wait is bad also. should have just remade 'king of queens"
  5. but there are guidelines nonetheless. which she did not even look into.
  6. do these stores not have cameras and theft protection devices? i call bull shit she never got caught . and there are guidelines and rules for homeschooling a child. you can't just get some books and think you are going to teach him when and what you want. there are state mandated tests etc. you don't just wing it on your own. ass. i really don't like letty but i am not ready to quit yet.
  7. how old is she? she might have had some sort of maintenance? she does look pretty good for an older, by hollywoods standards, actress. could have been make up , hair , lighting, who knows.
  8. the show seemed to want us to think she gave them lice though. defying logic as many sitcoms do.
  9. although i like the actress (abby) you can't erase history . well you can in a soap! but for conversations sake: in some ways this abby is worse because the first one gave the slutty look and qualities out in the open . this one they have acting and dressing like a saint but underneath it all she was also nasty, though somehow she had miraculously changed into a virginal good girl.
  10. horrible psycho bitch to intentionally give your child and friends lice. why do they want us to hate her? she was fine as an out of place , loud but funny mother and wife. this is over the top crazy. the daughter should have smacked her and not spoken to her for a good long time. that was cruel. i hate when they start ruining characters. and is anna cat intellectually slow? thinking lice are pets, putting them back on her head. is she getting special help?
  11. i could not agree more. i am livid about this whole thing. this whole administration. this should have been a widely discussed topic today. what he did yesterday was no better than trump. just said it more eloquently.
  12. i fast forwarded, had a long day. so sorry if this was addressed. but did they talk about the speech john kelly made and how he said that the senator in the car with the soldiers widow was listening in and all the rest of it? does no one in the white house do any fact checking? what the hell. the widow asked the congresswoman to drive with her when she took the call on speakerphone. i am getting mighty pissed off with the lie stated as facts from one party and the other party letting them slide in many cases. i would have thought this would have been the first thing they talked about. i thought joy would have been livid.
  13. on todays show julie was telling a story about her friend who would not come to her wedding because she does not get on a plane unless the whole family does also. this is in case the plane goes down, so the kids would not be orphaned. i was like, wtf!! are you mad?! and julie just thought this was fine, no one else commented on it either. so she is saying her friend would rather her children die a possible terrifying, fiery death than be raised by someone else. someone needs to speak to a therapist pronto. not even kidding. we all die together children, you can not Iive , literally, without your parents ! the ultimate in controlling behavior. wow just wow. i feel terrible for those children. what does everyone think of this? it was one of the most disturbing things i have heard on this show lately.
  14. and i'm sure he is still worth millions. while many of us watching are struggling to pay the bills. if it's one thing i wish celebrities who'd shut the f*** up about it's their "money problems" bull shit.
  15. and it's breast cancer awareness month . and this totally unrealistic , never would happen situation is how they bring it up?
  16. this was insane. i was flashing back to remembering how many years ago a woman would go in for a possible breast cancer issue and wake up without a breast. what doctor these days puts a woman under without her knowing it (!) to give her a biopsy? AND...she was way way way too calm about it and the fact that she might have cancer! wtf!? completely unrealistic. especially for someone like grace. i have been more anxious about a rash. just set each show to record 5 minutes early and end 5 minutes later. i do this a lot. otherwise you can miss the beginning or end of many shows and i don't know why this happens.
  17. i admit i was only half watching the first episode but wasn't kevin driving the vintage truck when he and his niece chased the falling whatever it was? and i don't remember the sister coming home. was it explained what kind of strange job she has? this show is hard to follow for some reason. maybe because i don't really like it but jason ritter is a wonderful actor. he deserves something that flows better.
  18. just watch the show. it is ridiculous crap.
  19. this show can't last long. she is getting no guests that are interesting. has everyone blacklisted her? . matt lauer, who works on the same show?
  20. when was this on? i don't see it anywhere in my search on direct tv.
  21. haven't watched real housewives of orange county in years. vicky looks a mess for someone who is a millionaire. very unflattering hair and clothes. she couldn't find a shirt that fits?! those buttons were about to pop any second. i hate all the housewives franchises. i do hate watch new jersey still though :)
  22. just watched hoda and kathie lee. what the ****! was that with that no talent carla bruni? i could not look away because it was so bad. although my ears started to bleed from her "singing"...holy shit. just another example of what money, power and fading looks will get you. meanwhile there are people out there with talent who can actually sing who can't get anywhere due to whatever happens to be standing in their way. maddening.
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