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Everything posted by Ceindreadh

  1. Burnham had no rank when she was originally assigned to billet with Tilly. As they’re now friends, perhaps Burnham just didn’t want to request a move.
  2. Maybe Vina just got bored and asked them to give her a new look 😉
  3. @ElectricBoogaloo IIRC, Mercedes had picked a shirt as well as the duvet - only to realise partway through it was a blouse. She did get away with that though. Janet’s transformation challenge garment was reversible as well which I think pushed her up to first place because of the extra difficulty. And it was waterproof when reversed. Leah’s transformation challenge, yes she did make her task easier by choosing to make a smaller garment, but the judges could have specified an adult garment if they’d wanted to, so she just took advantage of the openness of the challenge. (Personally I wouldn’t even have known where to start with such an open challenge!) I liked Ricardo’s dress. A shame he didn’t get garment of the week, but Juliet’s was outstanding. Did they mention where she’d sourced the blue lining though. It didn’t look repurposed. Not really surprised that Mercedes left. I think she’d been on borrowed time for a few weeks now. A part of me hopes that Jen wins, simply because she seems to add pockets to everything! They did do the using curtains for dresses as part of a transformation challenge a few seasons back during a Sound of Music themed ep. Interesting to see what they could do given time to plan. Surprised that nobody used tablecloths in the made to measure. I have a nice set of curtains that a friend made me from some tablecloths a few years back.
  4. To be fair though, Sybok was IIRC, much older than Spock and didn’t seem to have been raised with him. Michael on the other hand was his foster sister for a good chunk of time when he was a child so it makes less sense that she wouldn’t have been brought up in conversation. Then again, I don’t think that Spock mentioned that his father was the Vulcan ambassador until after he showed up in TOS. So maybe he is just that circumspect when it comes to his family.
  5. Agreed. I mean, they do a sketch where Idris Elba's clothes are getting all ripped up and we don't get to see any skin? Shame on them! 😉
  6. Perhaps Talla’s ‘boarding protocols’ should be extended to all visitors and not just the ones they want to stall! i loved the “have you met a Selayan before?” (Thud) “you have now” exchange.
  7. That cat isn't having the best of luck with its owners!
  8. New season starts airing Tuesday 5th March!
  9. Or better yet, waited until she’d actually got a husband or at least a boyfriend who’d be willing to stand by her. I found it difficult to be as sympathetic towards her as I’m sure the viewers were expected to be. Yes, it’s terrible that she was forced to give up her first baby but what on earth did she expect was going to happen the second time round? my first thoughts though when she mentioned the adoption was to start counting backwards and wondering whether she was going to be Angela’s birth mother.
  10. When they said the mother was pregnant with Macy in 1989 I was wondering how old the other two were supposed to be if Macy was only 20...and then I realised that 1989 was 30 years ago and i'm suddenly feeling very very old!
  11. Exactly. Somebody on Moclan has to know the exact % of female births. IIRC, one of the justifications for the procedure was that a sole female Moclan would be an outcast. But if the truth is that there are a lot more female births than they’re being told about, then that argument loses its impact.
  12. I’m not convinced that the ‘one every 75 years’ statistic is accurate. That is, I know that that’s the rate that has been said on the show and what the general Moclan population seem to believe. But Khlyden isn’t 75 years older than Topa, is he? And if the rate of female births is so low, how can the gender reassignment surgery be such a simple procedure if they only get to do it once every 75 years or so. I won’t be surprised if we find out a few episodes/seasons later that there’s a much much higher incidence of female births but that the government cover it up and each family think that they’re the only one in that generation who’ve had a daughter.
  13. The Long Winter is my least favourite of the series. Partly because I’d I’d take get to read it until years after I’d read the rest of the books - for some reason it never showed up in the local library and I only found it by chance in a second hand bookshop. But also because there’s so much of it written from outside Laura’s perspective that it just didn’t feel like a proper ‘little house’ book. (And no, I don’t feel the same way about Farmer Boy because that doesn’t jump around to different POVs)
  14. I presumed it was a universal translator that translated their word for their home world to the English word planet. Much like it translated their medical terminology to the word ‘c-section’ because that was the equivalent term. I don’t know if you’ve ever read the Sector General series by James White. It’s a sci-Fic series set in a hospital that caters to a multitude of different life forms. They make heavy use of translator systems and nearly every book has a reference to how when an alien is asked what their species is, the translator always translates their reply to ‘human’. So to combat that they have a detailed classification system with letters designating whether they’re air breathers, water breathers, warn blooded, cold blooded etc.
  15. Same here. I don’t like waiting a week for a resolution!
  16. I’m only a few episodes in but I’m really liking the Magnum P.I. reboot. I’m glad they didn’t make too many too many drastic changes with the characters and their relationships to each other. (Yes, I know, female Higgins etc, they’re still starting out with the same working relationship as the original) My only complaint initially was that the guys seemed too young. And then I checked IMDb.com and realized that the actors - Rick and Magnum anyway - are actually older than the originals were starting out. And now I’m realizing that it’s just that I’m no longer younger than the characters, doh! Hopefully TPTB won’t screw it up like they did H50.
  17. Easy fix for the visual age gap, just have the simulation give Claire a new face as well so it won’t offend anyone’s sensibilities. Isnt Isaac at least a few hundred years older than her anyway after the time he spent on the time warp planet last season?
  18. Not really the same thing though. Singapore has a specific law against chewing gum and if somebody breaks it they get prosecuted. Kelly and Bortus were criminalized simply for existing and through no actions of their own.
  19. Oh but Gina did win the chess game, didn’t you hear her say checkmate at the end? Because rules of course are for other people, not her I lasted until the start of Amy’s scene and then figured I’d check here and see if it got any better. I can understand a little why Amy might want Gina’s approval. After all, Gina is supposed to be Jake’s oldest friend and Amy would probably figure that it would make Jake happy if his wife and oldest friend were on good terms. Gina obviously doesn’t care one way or the other. Question though, have we ever seen Jake’s reactions to Gina dissing Amy? Is he cool with that? I know Amy should be able to fight her own battles but Jake should have her back.
  20. The new season is scheduled to start on BBC2 on Tuesday the 12th February.
  21. The UK equivalent of The Day After was a two part mini series called Threads. I remember I only saw the first part as my parents (wisely) decided it wouldn’t be a good idea to let me watch the second episode. One thing I did find somewhat ‘reassuring’ was that the bomb didn’t get dropped out of nowhere, in the first episode there was a few weeks or even months of a preamble before things went bad and I remember thinking that at least there’d be some warning if it happened in real life.
  22. I was hoping they’d both end up dumping her two-timing ass. And I say this as a Rosa fan, but having her cheat on her partners is not a positive attribute. (Poly relationships are fine as long as parties are properly in the loop) And count me among the good riddance to Gina bunch. Has there ever been an episode or stroryline where her crappy behavior was called out and she learned from it? Ah well, fingers crossed it’s not a fake out and there’s only one more episode of her to suffer through.
  23. The Prime Directive prevents them from influencing the natural development of a pre-warp culture, so beaming the inhabitants off the planet to save them wouldn’t be allowed. Or indeed any sort of intervention that would have exposed their presence to the population. Since they were able to save the day without making the humans on the planet aware of it, I don’t think the Directive was broken. (Who knows how many times Earth has been saved from ELE’s by kindly aliens! 😜)
  24. Vulcans have a longer life span than humans. Spock could be several years older than Michael but just aging more slowly.
  25. I don’t think many of the characters are aware of Trixie’s alcoholism. Nurse Crane and Sister Julienne are because they’re in charge and I think Barbara knew there was a problem when she had to cover for her at one point. But as far as the others knew, Trixie was just visiting her Aunt and not drying out/getting back on the wagon.
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