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Everything posted by Bliss

  1. 2/5... Bah humbug... I'll bring some Moose Tracks Ice Cream (a Canadian fave)
  2. M/T/Th for me = 3/5 (I'm assuming Statue of Liberty guy doesn't count) I'll bring Smarties for those of us who think they'll help. Even though I don't eat (much) sugar, please don't get mad if I pinch all the blue ones.
  3. Great to be back! Hi to all. I don't keep score in any way (yay for retirement where "living my best life" means eliminating all unnecessary stress); however, we had a guest watching with us and she said, "you should get on this show" and I laughed and laughed. Note the above stress comment. FJ was a lucky guess. Lastly, I never thought I'd say this as I wasn't a Ken fan during his run... I've grown to truly enjoy him. I'm such a Ken fan now. He could be the 'only' host and I'd be oh-so-happy. His comment about H&R Block was hilarious.
  4. Found you! Looking forward to the friendly banter and the food! I've been a bit absent lately (for a few months in truth) due to my old laptop giving me issues and the advertising on this site slowed it down to less than neutral (car-speak). For some reason, my patience isn't what it used to be pre-retirement. Yes, I am officially retired. I'm not sure when it happened... as I'm still working on Freedom95 with some clients who refuse to fire me. Please count me in @Clanstarling as I saw tonight's show (Sept 11) and so far I haven't lost a FJ yet this season. LOL
  5. My #1 response to a question (which may not deserve an answer) is, "Why do you want to know?" I use this often... e.g., when someone asks "how much did that cost?" or anything equally uncomfortable. It puts the other person into a state of "wtf do I do now?". All of a sudden, they're in the hot seat so to speak. Sometimes I get an answer! LOL
  6. I feel sorry for those children who will grow up without an opportunity to know their father. (At least they'll have money for therapy.)
  7. See what I bolded? You're my sister from another mother. LOL p.s. love your magnet choices! Fun fact: Gordon Lightfoot was born in my town/city and the other day I met his "grandpuppy" - his daughter's pup. His name is Bobby McGee and he's the cutest little thing...
  8. I believe Mattea will have to pay withholding taxes in the US (probably about 40% or so). Net = approx $150,000. Luckily, our Cdn tax system considers "winnings" tax free. However, they'll eventually pay tax on whatever their winnings earn.
  9. Fantastic tournament! I enjoyed every moment/banter/laugh. Ken was actually glowing. So proud of Mattea! 24 years old, I believe, and going through their deepest grief of their life! They came sooooo close to winning the trophy... I was literally on the edge of my seat (I'd also guessed Chaucer for FJ)... and personally, I would have loved JDA getting that $100,000 (one of my daughters has T1 diabetes... horrid disease) - hopefully, having Mattea's promotion may spawn some donations. Great job, J! I look forward to next year's tournament.
  10. I am usually a huge supporter of women - in general. However, after witnessing just how superior Ken is as "host" (I thought he did an exceptional job during the Masters' tournament) vs Mayim's teeheehee at last night's DD (it was an exceptionally exaggerated giggle to me) and her constant pauses (they're only a nanosecond; however, they seem to be about 2 nanoseconds too long), I vote 100% to make Ken the (only) host of J! This being said by someone who wasn't super keen on him being host at all... I retract all my hesitations IN FULL. Sorry, Ken, for my crankiness (my Alex T fan status is finally starting to rest in peace). Ben's loss was a tough one. Sooooo close and yet WRONG! (Notice how quickly Mayim announced his demise?) That's gotta hurt. If he'd left off the "t", I think he'd be ruled correct. JMO. Bravo to the new champ. Her pauses rival Mayim's. LOL
  11. Mattea's reveal about their Dad... wow, they are so strong to continue to play!... and their placement in the finals made my day! (It's been 19 years since my Dad transitioned - I was with him when he passed - and I still talk to him every day!)
  12. 100% Agreed! This J! Masters is so enjoyable for me, especially the banter. They are ALL brilliant in their own ways. So sad Amy and Sam didn't make the semis... I'll miss Sam's hilarious comments. I feel for Mattea and their grief.
  13. This episode had me saying, "this is just a show... this is just a show..." I really felt anxiety when Rex was locked in the storage bin... yikes! If they'd ended the show with "to be continued", I'm not sure I'd be sane. Mind you, that's always debatable. I don't know who likes this show more - me, or my golden retriever. She's in love with Rex!
  14. Hudson and Rex is a family affair here - our dog is in love with Rex! (The adults are in love with the scenery.) Curious if anyone here is also watching Sullivan's Crossing. I've searched for it on this forum and can't find a thread... any assistance will be appreciated!
  15. Thank you for the info... and thanks also to @anna0852
  16. Does anyone know who the blonde (FBI?) woman was who asked Owen to plant the device? I've seen her somewhere before and can't remember... (could be a Hallmark movie!) I searched on imdb but can't find her there either.
  17. 2 FJs in a row! Quid pro quo reminded me of my dad's joke about the conjugation of the latin verb 'po' (I'm not even sure there IS a verb 'po'... but hang in there and wait for it... and also forgive me for the phonetic spelling - it's been many moons since I took latin): Po, pis, pit... pimus, pistus, pants. (hint: say it fast) The grandkids think its hilarious.
  18. Ditto. I like the lead - Jaicy Elliot - and noticed she's also a doctor-turned-bartender in Grey's Anatomy (just started watching that show again). She's a good actor IMO.
  19. Cris reminded me of that guy who was in CSI Miami - "Speed" - played by Rory Cochrane.
  20. @shapeshifter... ditto to lots of your post, including the reference to '67. I knew we had something in common! Bah humbug is my reaction to the TOC ending and ... thump... back to reality. I really like Cris, want to put an H in his name every time I write it, respect his depth/breadth of knowledge & recollect, and also wish he'd turn his enthusiasm thermostat up just a tad. Not TOO much (to irritate us). Gawdforbid that we have a too-enthusiastic contestant! LOL I don't keep track of what I get right/wrong/almost; however, I felt really 'schmart' during the regular show after being put to my knees (some of the TOC answers). Ran a few categories and now Mr B thinks I should "get on that show!" Ha ha ha. Not in this lifetime. I'd be the female/she version of Sam (in my dreams) in lots of ways (hair colour, funny stories) except when I got it wrong, they'd have to bleep my F**K! on a fairly constant basis.
  21. @Prevailing Wind So sorry for your loss. Huge cyber hug! Steve! 🤣 SAM! I couldn't be happier! You did it! (I knew you could... but wow, you had me on pins and needles that entire game... stop that!) This untournament/not really best of seven is spoiling me... like others, I could watch it forever. Such true champions in all aspects of their play, banter, witticisms and overall non-annoyingness. Yes, sis, I know that isn't a word. By the way, Sam, I saw your doppleganger (Steve Martin) being interviewed the other day and I swear you look more like Steve Martin than he does! Now for another SAM win on Monday and then I don't give a rat's @ss who wins on Tuesday (but my money's on Amy for some reason, IF Andrew doesn't find the DDs first). Who am I kidding... I'm all for SAM for the TOC WIN. 🙏
  22. I really don't care (a lot) who wins this TOC. They are ALL champions in my opinion. They're all brilliant, all 'real' (authentic), and all are interesting people with remarkable recall. I give Sam the extra credit, being a senior. For you young whipper-snappers, you'll know what I mean when you get there... although Mr Bliss seems to be impressed with my hollering the question before Ken finishes reading the answer. Like, "What's Regina!" Yes, I've adopted Matt's WHAT - hope he doesn't trademark that. Personally, I was pleased Amy pulled "Regina" out of her memory bank. It was my home for 13 years and although I have no desire to return, I enjoyed life in that city - very family-friendly and affordable. It's also one of the sunniest places in Canada (which is appreciated during the cold, dry winters). Damn it, Sam, I've been hoping you'll pull it off - at least one game?! - and today, I thought you'd bagged a win... right up to the moment of the FJ disappointment. The fact that he'd have won if he'd bet 0 is annoying. I'd love them to announce tomorrow that they've decided to accept Romans as an acceptable 'answer'... and then each contestant would have 1 win each. I know... in my dreams.
  23. Good game. I think I'm rooting for Sam... then Amy... or maybe the other way around?... and it's pretty obvious that the DDs and fastest clicker will decide the winner. They are ALL excellent players. FJ was an instaget. Woohoo. Guess my memory isn't as bad as I thought. Just don't ask me what I had for breakfast ;-)
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