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Everything posted by mj2000

  1. I liked the Steve/Kayla/Jack story and the stories within those such as the Johnson family, the deaf storyline, Jack as Billy, etc. Jack's redemption was wonderfully done IMO. The scene that hooked me forever with this story was when Jack and Kayla were talking outside of Lawrence's villa. He sincerely apologized to Kayla. Excellent work by MA and MBE. Isabella's death still gets me now. It might seem morbid to say a death was beautiful, but the way it was written was beautiful. A young woman struck down at such a young age. Staci played this so well that I had to have tissue on hand each day while watching. Tragically sad, but so well done. The Curtis Brown murder was one that really got me on a personal level. So much came out of this story. Billie's abuse at the hands of her father, Kate being revealed as Austin and Billie's mother, Kristen finally realizing who Stefano really was etc.
  2. And to top it off Josh Taylor has never had a real decent story with his Roman. Both Wayne and Drake had major stories in their periods of time playing Roman. In all fairness though, every time I see Josh, I see Chris.
  3. I remember a scene after the reveal where there were a few people outside (cannot remember exactly who all was there) but Lucas and Jennifer were there. Jennifer told Lucas that she wasn't sure what all the Horton family could offer him. I'm assuming she meant something along the lines of support, compassion, or acceptance.
  4. My mother takes the same heart medicine as Sylvia. I spoonful of Hersheys syrup :) I completely agree. I can sit back and think of so many things that they done to each other. Classic!
  5. Like an anti drug campaign, I'm gonna "Just Say No" to Demios ever returning in any form. Also, I'd like to boycott any further sightings of St Daniel.
  6. I totally agree with you about this. I don't like Chad and Abby together either. I liked her with Ben. Of course that was before his trip down psycho street. Not that she has the corner market on sanity. I'm not even gonna get started on the paternity issue of Thomas.
  7. I totally agree with this. Nothing against the actor, but Tripp, is/was not needed. Ava's psycho legacy speaks for itself without the need for a spawn. For this to parallel the Jack/Steve/Kayla situation in any way, the writers would have to write Tripp as an obsessed, attention from Kayla seeking, trouble-maker who constantly keeps trying to make Steve look bad. And as for redemption, I do not see any chance of anything being written that could even come close to the way that Jack's redemption was written. Both MBE and MA were absolutely brilliant during that time.
  8. While I love Judi, I could never get into Bonnie. To me, she was a pointless and irritating character.
  9. Am I the only one who wanted to read Suzanne's story? I am so curious about the adventures of Admiral Rodcocker and Edwina.
  10. I loved seeing Piscatella get his! That's one nut that needed locked away years ago. Why oh why couldn't have Leanne and Angie suffered the same fate?
  11. My UO is that I like.... Boo, Suzanne, Nicky, Frieda, Red, and Sophia And I dislike.... Alieda, Pennsatucky, Maria, Leanne, Angie, Flacca, and Maritza I don't really care either way about.... SoSo, Piper, Alex, Healey, Black Cindy, Tastee, Morello, and many more. With all of this said, there were a few moments over the 5 seasons that stuck out to me with several characters. 1. Piper being branded. 2. Piscatella torturing Red 3. Alex and Lolly killing the hit man. 4. Poussey's death 5. Vee getting ran over by the escaped con dying of cancer. 6. Frieda, Alex, and Lolly chopping up the hit man and burying him in the garden. 7. Daya and Bennett 8. The insane Norma/toast worship. 9. The few times when the races came together.
  12. I just binged the whole series. I have to agree with everyone here about the Jackie and Fez situation in season 8. I too liked Jackie better with Hyde. I absolutely loved Red and Kitty. Wow at Kelso being a father! I was sure he would bolt. Eric and Donna' s relationship got me hooked. I may be in the minority, but I liked Donna (Laura Prepon). She is my favorite between the girls. Danny Masterson was an absolute cutie!
  13. I totally agree about Kurtwood Smith. We can still hope that he shows up :) I'm sure his famous catchphrase would come in handy. Maybe he can be brought in as Heather's father? Now that you mentioned it, leaving the bar to Colt and keeping Rooster at the ranch would have made more sense. I'm kinda sad about the thought of the baby possibly being miscarried. After spending the entire part 3 focusing on the baby and how it has effected everyone's lives would be a total waste if the baby doesn't survive.
  14. Started binge watching at 3am (east coast) and finished at 8am. What a wild ride! I'll start with my likes.... 1. Colt stepping up to be supportive of Heather and the baby. 2. Rooster and Mary still dating. 3. Beau and Joanne 4. Rooster and Beau burying the hatchet 5. Maggie leaving....again (never liked Maggie) 6. Heather calling Abby out on her crap! Dislikes..... 1. Umberto being deported 2. Abby's nasty attitude towards Heather 3. A hold being put on Beau and Joanne 4. Maggie acting like she's in some kind of prison by being there and owning her own business. 5. Beau and Rooster at odds for the majority of the 10 episodes 6.The cliffhanger at the end I enjoyed the guest stars such as Debra Jo Rupp, Conchatta Ferrell, and Lou Diamond Phillips.
  15. St Daniel sure left his mark behind. Nicole acts as if she has never done something to hurt anyone. Shes such a victim. Please! Its not like shes ever kidnapped a child, accused an innocent woman of pushing her down the stairs and causing a miscarriage, or dumped a wonderful man for money. Oh wait, those things were done to Eric, his sister, and his current girlfriend Jennifer. I guess thats ok.
  16. Maybe Im reading too much into all of this or having alot of wishful thinking, but I noticed some things in the past 2 episodes. 1. At the end of the previous episode, Frost's eyes were not staying so frosty. 2. Julian was missing in tonight's episode. 3. Why would Barry be made aware of the plans to trap Savitar in the speedforce knowing that Savitar would know? 4. Barry told Cisco that everyone should make their plans and that he was going to go so that he wouldnt know and therefore Savitar wouldnt know just before the end scenes tonight. Yet...there Barry was holding the device and trying to trap Savitar in the speedforce. 5. Cisco and Killer Frost were doing their battle during Iris's death of all times. Cisco even mentioning it to Barry just as he was about to see Iris killed and Barry telling him to go and that it was ok just seems off. 6. Killer Frost is acting a bit strange at times. 7. Although HR acts silly most of the time, I find it hard to believe that he would be so careless as to slip Iris's whereabouts in front of Barry (actually turning out to be Savitar). I just get the feeling that everything is not what it seems.
  17. Exactly! Everyone was there but Julian.....or was he? If Barry can be Lyla, why couldnt Julian be Iris?
  18. You have perfectly summed up my thoughts about Daniel with this.
  19. Where is a good serial killer when you need them? I wouldn't shed a tear if the following characters would disappear without a trace! Demios, the Nicole obsessed, psychopath who shouldn't even exist. Claire, the resident Brady Brat who reminds me of her mother WAY too much. Chloe, the Daniel Offspring Obsessed, ex drugged out hooker. Jade, the pathetic troublemaking leech. Nicole, the Wannabe Sainted, Unforgiving, living half of the Greatest Love Story NEVER told.
  20. Affectionately known as "CB".
  21. When reading this, the theme to "The Twilight Zone" started playing in my head. Coincidence? I think not!
  22. It looks like Tripp may be in possession of the Salem Brain. Yes Yes Yes to Eric and Jennifer! Burnt out on the baby drama.
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