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Everything posted by mj2000

  1. I know. I'm right there with you on this.
  2. Just once, I'd like to see Abby pay! I'm all Team Gabi on this one. That engagement will be short lived...if accepted. I'm calling it now.
  3. While I love this show, I will admit that I was super disappointed in the miscarriage storyline. I could see so much potential if the baby had survived. I feel as if Part 3 was just a waste of time as far as getting everyone invested in the baby storyline....and then just dropping it. Loved seeing Kurtwood Smith as Peterson. A perfect addition. He was even able to get a "dumbass" in there :) Sam Elliot continues to be my favorite. Colt and Abby's arguing is really getting old. Why make these 2 endgame if all they do is argue? It just makes me miss Heather even more. RIP Rooster and Mary :(
  4. Today was the conversation that Ericole needed to have long before now. At the end, when Eric said "Before I do something", I was screaming at the TV "Do it. Do it!!!" Under normal circumstances, I don't like cheating. Technically, Nicole hasn't broken up with Brady. So anything that may happen with Eric would be cheating. Considering Brady's controlling attitude, I wouldn't mind if Nicole did cheat. To be honest, if I was in a room with GV and he was saying those things to me and acting that way, I would have to remind myself that I was married. It's been a while since I've seen that kind of passion in a scene. Chabby..... Take notes! The Steve and Kayla scenes were confusing. Why was she mad at Steve for doing exactly what she wanted regarding Tripp? So now he has to ask her permission for everything? I guess if they run out of TP Steve should say, "Sweetness, we are out of TP. Do you mind if I go to the store and buy some?" In all seriousness, Steve has done things that I'll never agree with. There were quite a few times that he has underestimated her and was way too overprotective, and would not consider her feelings. If this is the way that the writers are trying to correct that, I'm gonna have to disagree. This entire conversation did not make sense. I could see it if Steve had invited him to the wedding and didn't tell Kayla. He did the exact opposite!
  5. Lessons from today's show.... 1. Qualifications for the Salem Police Commissioner must include murder and a cover up. 2. Chad and Abby's main takeaway from the almost wedding was Abby's amazing punch ability and her oh so awesome mental stability. 3. JJ being in the room with Ben is absolutely allowed because conflict of interest means nothing. 4. As escaped murderer from a mental institution gets the opportunity to further torture the loved ones of his victims without being returned to lockup. I had to include #4, but I'm willing to overlook Ben just because he's bringing the crazy right now :) That alone is a reason to miss her.
  6. I agree with you. These are the ones that I'm most invested in. I gotta have my Boo snark. Letting Pennsatucky stay in the guard house without being discovered would be a mistake.
  7. Team Steve here. I feel torn because I like Matt. He is a great addition. It's just that I always hoped that DJ and Steve would have gotten back together. Steve has known her for many years. He knows her quirks and habits. I'm a nostalgia junkie :)
  8. I could SO get on board with this! I hope the "Clyde" music is a thing of the past. Oh how I wish that Kate would find out that when she brought Clyde to town, she actually brought Curtis 2.0.
  9. Bonnie is trying to go retro....(((eye roll))) Is it really possible that the Kiriakis men have gotten a visit from the Salem Brain? I think an APB should be issued for Alex, Vic, and Joey Kiriakis. Although the whole story was a giant retcon, I liked Tori (Paul's mother). She seemed like a nice person. I don't see why she and John couldn't be on speaking terms in a similar way as Roman and Marlena are when it comes to their kids. It's like she was just there to spill the beans about Paul's paternity and then leave. We are supposed to believe that Tori and John were friendly enough to have sex but can't be friendly enough to keep in touch when it comes to Paul? Epic Fail!
  10. I'd be willing to bet that he remembered to get his prescription of Viagra filled when Hattie was around. That is unless it would have interfered with his bp meds.
  11. I would pay money to see this. I would clear my schedule and invite friends over like it was a Super Bowl party.
  12. If not Kimmy I see DJ doing it. Although with DJ her job would be an issue.
  13. I never liked Gia either. Her smart mouth ruined her for me. Knowing that Gia is Rockys mother sure explains Rocky's attitude. Jimmy and Fernando moving in together works for me. After all, Fernando was Jimmy's brother-in-law.
  14. As a Steve fan, I hope they do end up with putting DJ and Steve together. That said, I see Matt as a definite asset to the show. Maybe he can find someone. I did notice during the karaoke that he and CJ had a similar reaction. I might be reading too much into it, but anything is possible.
  15. Can't remember which episode (maybe the last one) but it was mentioned that Jesse and Becky were going to name the baby Pam.
  16. One of my least favorites was the episode where DJ and Stefanie kept getting blamed for the things that Michelle was doing. What put it over the top was when Michelle brought her pool into the kitchen and Danny stepped in it.... and blamed the girls. I actually think I screamed at my TV on this one.
  17. I understand Stephanie not wanting to throw too much at Jimmy too soon, but she should have at least talked to him about it. I'm glad Kimmy was a blabbermouth on this one. He made the decision. The only thing missing was a Gibbleriffic proposal (I'm waiting as patiently as possible). DJ.... You don't know what you've done now. If only you knew that it was Steve that you were spilling your guts to. I wouldn't want to be in his position right now. Poor Matt. He's planning a surprise proposal and his girlfriend is pouring out her feelings about her ex...to her ex. By the way, I didn't see CJ on the plane. I wonder why she would take a different flight than her wedding party. Medical emergency?
  18. Does anyone have a cage for Joey's kids? How could he let those kids act that way? It's like he never helped raise DJ, Stephanie, and Michelle. I almost cried when the Dr gave Stephanie the news. Now, we just need a Gib-Tan wedding to make it all complete :)
  19. Now did anyone really think that this wedding was gonna go off without the leftover feelings coming up? DJ ending up wearing CJ's dress was like a giant anvil falling. It seems to me that Gia needs to get her priorities straight. Rocky does not even recognize family affection.
  20. I knew from the start that Jackson wasn't really interested in becoming a vet. Poor DJ sets her sights way out there on this one. But Jackson's secretary skills are impressive :)
  21. I've always wondered about the Gibbler house... Now I know :) Has Jesse really fallen this far down? He wasn't this bad back in the day when he first moved in 30 years ago.
  22. I also used Stephanie's makeup cover-up back in my day :)
  23. I love Fernando! He tries his best to embrace the holiday.
  24. Kimmy killed it! There's no way I wouldn't "Do it Gibbler Style." Steve and CJ should have chosen her to begin with.
  25. No amount of bribery was gonna make Jackson want to go to summer school. But DJ, ya gotta love her...she tries.
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