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Everything posted by mj2000

  1. No kidding. It went from him slamming doors in her face to the greatest love story of Nicole's life faster than a speeding bullet. Pathetic!
  2. I'll be sure to stock up on all my stomach meds so I can tolerate the return of The Creature From the Great Beyond. I would rather have watched Theresa die tragically than see her pretty much leave the way that she came. Even though we know that she's doing this to protect Brady and Tate, I think it's a crappy way to go out. One thing I look forward to is the return of Eric. I just hope that he doesn't get the "Aiden" treatment and get continously ran over by a very large bus.
  3. COMING SOON TO BABIES OF OUR LIVES.... Super Baby (aka baby Jonas), battles the Jaded One (aka baby Johnson) while his toddling peers watch in amazement. Are the writers trying to reach the toddler demographic by writing in all of these baby stories?
  4. Are you freaking kidding me? Super Dan is the father! I guess this baby should just go ahead and have a cape presented at its Christening! Now, Chloe's womb is housing the tanned fetus! Please tell me I'm hallucinating. Hey Justin, get a life! What Adrienne done with the money is HER business! I don't recall hearing that there was a "Cannot Buy Spectator" clause in the divorce agreement. Mateo who? This is how Theresa's story is playing out? Give me a break! Of all of the stories that could have been told with Theresa, this is what we get? On the plus side, we get to see Victor act as a human being.
  5. Steve and Kayla set the bar for soap couples 30 years ago, and haven't lost their touch. A little cute, a little sexy, and a whole lot of great acting. Dario and Blanca's dance was ? So Kate is going to turn down Eduardo? Kate turning down a guy is a shocking twist. Who is going to take over as the "Salem Welcome Wagon."? This can't last! Chad and Gabi couldn't be more obvious. But as long as I'm getting those baby blues on my screen I'm ok.
  6. I may be in the minority here, but I like this show (except for the laugh track) just the way it is. I'm on episode 8 so I'm not exactly half way through. I'm a sucker for the silly/insulting type of character. The cursing is not an issue to me since I talk that way myself. It makes the characters more relatable to me. Sam Elliott. Need I say more? I'm hooked!
  7. Not shocked about Jenn's reaction to Hope's mess. She coddled Failure to no end. For the family that she chooses to acknowledge, they are always the victim. Clyde's takedown was way too easy. For that matter Xander leaving was too. I have a feeling that this will come back to bite Demios one day. It looks like Orpheus is the man with the plan. He was the brains of the operation from the beginning. This Gabi and Chad thing is just a time filler. We all know what Chad's end game will be. On the plus side, anything that puts Billy Flynn on my screen will be tolerated :)
  8. You were spared. He might as well have been literally hit by a bus. So does mine!
  9. Are we all to quickly forget that Paul was what came in between WilSon? To me, pairing Sonny and Paul is a slap in the face! Am I the only one who thinks that Theo should have received some of the credit for Joey being freed? If Theo hadn't showed up and distracted Clyde, JJ and Steve couldn't have charged up so quickly making Clyde throw Joey toward them and run. So Marlena has devised a plan by assessing each man's psychological profile? I'm curious how this will play out.
  10. How cute. Rafe is taking over in Slappy's place. I guess we can call him Punchy. Orpheus, you need to school Clyde and Xander. Aiden, please do us all a favor and turn in the evidence of Hope killing Stefano. Then, find yourself a decent woman who isnt a self righteous, neanderthal loving, murderess.
  11. I started watching right around the time that Steve gave Jack a kidney. There was so much great storyline there. Jo was one of my favorite mothers. She was flawed but came across so realistically. Watching her relationship with all three of her children play out was great storytelling.
  12. Thats right.Quite a bit of murderous and abusive behaviors exists in the family. Wasnt Eve also considered a suspect during this?
  13. Oh ok. I need to find this. I've heard a little about the Miami storyline. It sounds pretty interesting. Of course that was back in the 80's when writing was at its best.
  14. Well this isn't surprising me. Consider the females in her family. Not to mention her mother's continuing man saga.
  15. Oh yeah. That is right. I wasn't watching then but I read about it.
  16. I dont know if i am having a Twilight Zone moment, but I actually enjoyed the Orpheus and Joey scenes. I think they played pretty well off of each other today. And Hope played the "Chase killed his mom card." Does she not realize that she is part of the coverup herself? As an officer of the law she should have reported it when she found out. Although both Hope and Chase comitted murder, Chase killing his mother was accidental. Hope killing Stefano was premeditated. But she will get out of it by claiming temporary insanity.
  17. That's surly the truth. Its just when a character like JJ tries to come off like his family is above another when his has a less than perfect history, it really irritates me. Chad in all of his insanity really loved Failure. He really loves the baby. Hopefully JJ can grow up and ease up a bit.
  18. I keep waiting for a statue of her to be erected next to a tanned one of you know who. No wonder the residents of Salem don't know what to do with themselves. They can walk freely without a self righteous slap.
  19. Jack was a rapist. Harper was a psychotic murderer. Duke was a rapist, child abuser, and spousal abuser. Jennifer is a pill addict. Failure was a psychotic adulteress. Oh yes JJ, your family is clearly the Salem version of the Vontrapp family.
  20. I have no doubt that you are right on the money with this. Certainly her mental status will not play into it all. She was just fine pre Ben. Yeah right! And Andre is a choirboy!
  21. My unpopular opinion is that I have never liked Hope. Thinking that there was something that I missed, I viewed stories back to 1983. It didn't change my mind. I don't think its particularly an issue with KA. Now that arched eyebrow thing irks me for sure. Its just that I see Hope as being written as a spoiled, entitled, brat that has the entire town ready to defend her every word and action. The only time that I could tolerate her was when she was with Aiden before he was hit with the bus. Wasnt his name Derek and he worked at the Salem Inn?
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