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Everything posted by mj2000

  1. So I guess Tripp sees Steve killing Ava for the ISA (although we know differently), as worse than Ava causing the death of Shawn Brady and endangering the lives of everyone on that plane, stalking Steve and Kayla, and seducing his teenage half brother Joe as part of her Steve obsession. Just because Angelo shows up with a recording from pregnant psycho mommy, he just decides to forget what he had learned about her? There is my problem with this. He could have listened to the recording but still be willing to hear Steve's side of things and ultimately find out it was Joe who killed his mother. Maybe he will in time.
  2. This! I was kinda enjoying Eric with attitude. I really believe GV to capable of more than this. It seems as if, just like you said, the writers are holding him back. What ever happened to good guys with an edge? Eric could be that.
  3. I wouldn't be surprised. She is so manipulative and self absorbed. She only wants Theo because she is jealous of Ciara and poor Theo cannot see her for the nauseating person that she truly is. Throwing Wyatt on Ciara would help ensure her keeping Theo. I wouldn't be surprised if she either forgot her birth control pills or poked a hole in a condom to potentially get pregnant. Then again, a pregnancy would interrupt her beloved singing career....so scratch that.
  4. I finally got caught up. Poor Theo. He cannot see what a self absorbed little snot that Claire is. She turns my stomach! I am wondering who has sent Wyatt to mess with Ciara. Hasn't that girl had to endure enough? Although I like MM's portrayal of Abby 1000 times over KM's, I still do not like her with Chad. I don't see any passion between them. As it stands right now, Tripp can move in with the Vitali's and become an Al Capone in training for all I care. He is so quick to embrace and believe every word of that family, but is so willing to reject the word of a man such as Steve. We all know who killed Ava of course. With that said, it seems to me that with him not really knowing either of his parents and their families, he should have checked them both out. Shouldn't Ava's actions (such as causing the plane crash that led to the death of Shawn Brady) be a matter of public record? Not to mention the shrine room of her never-ending obsession of Steve. Now the Nicole/Scooter situation. I hate this on so many levels. The fact that Nicole had to go on the run in the first place was ridiculous. Now, she is being threatened by a porn obsessed perv who is married to a cop. Hillary's choice of husband sure doesn't speak too highly of her cop skills. Nicole being backed into a corner with someone else getting the upper hand is getting old! Maybe she will do Hillary a favor and take out Scooter! Kudos to Marlena for putting Prictor in his place particularly in regards to Demios. Its about time! If Eric is to be banished from Salem for killing egg baby Daniel, then Demios should be tortured forever in a dungeon for Bo, Maggie, Chad, Abby, Gabi etc. The never-ending devotion to the memory of Dr Tan is a disgrace to viewers. When Daniel is mourned by more people, and for longer than Tom and Alice Horton, there is a big problem!
  5. I am going to need medication to get through the rest of this season. That was WAY to close of a call with Dylan. I was screaming at my TV "Run Dylan!" I was so relieved that Norman was able to stop "Mother". Now, we all know that the movie ended with Norman being in lockup, so I am wondering how this is going to play out. Im glad that he turned himself in though. Freddie continues to bring it!
  6. WOW! What a twist! I loved it! I think this show has really made the story of Norman Bates and his "mother" their own. Personally, I liked that the show veered off the path of the movie in certain ways. Think of it this way, if this show went along with the movie exactly, there would really be no suspense. Anyone who had watched the movie would have known how the show was going to go. There would have been nothing new. Marion being able to go free while Sam was killed is a perfect example of bringing something new to the table.
  7. Not interested in the baby drama unless it includes Chloe being institutionalized. So Brady admits his love for Nicole. Gee, nobody saw that coming. Im not surprised about Paul and Sonny, but Im not going to knock it at this point. Maybe Sonny can hire a hitman to take out Deimos after he gets demoted.
  8. If the writing for her is anything like the writing for Victor, all will be forgotten.
  9. Duke Johnson (her own father) raped her. She shot and killed him just minutes before Steve arrived. When Steve found her, she was in shock with the gun in her hand. In a effort to save Adrienne from jail, Steve confessed to the murder. Adrienne couldnt remember what happened. When Steve was about to be sentenced, Adrienne remembered and stood in court telling what happened. Very powerful performances by all!
  10. All I can say is WHYYYY???? Can Erin have a break for 2 seconds? Of all of the storylines, they had to write Jay as being married? Once again, loved the scenes with Al. Kudos to the actor :) What a messed up case. Its not too often we get a woman who does this kind of thing. Didnt see that one coming.
  11. WANTED: One Serial Killer or Accurate Hit Man to take out Demios Kiriakis. Must have a desire for justice, despise show-eating, characters who should not exist, and have the ability to wipe that smirk off of Demios' face permanently. MISSING: Victor Kiriakis. Victor was once a very smart business man who had a dark side but also would stick it to anyone who messed with his family. Victor has been replaced with a pod person who allows a should-not-exist brother to hurt his wife, terrorize anyone without thought and consequence, and has little thought or feeling about his family. IN SEARCH OF: Salem brain. It seems to stay hidden way too much and is desperately needed. We have a woman on the loose obsessed with being the only mother to the offspring of St Daniel now in cahoots with an careered assassin, a biological mother forced to kidnap her own child who is on the run with the carrier of the heart of St Daniel who has a hero complex, a psycho who kidnaps on a weekly to bi weekly basis but is never caught, a father who puts his own daughter up to meddling in the business of his girlfriend, and a teen crowd who are too stupid to function.
  12. I guess I'll just call this an "I Wish Spoiler." To begin with, I do not see need for 3 speedsters. The only good part is that there is a female. With that said, I do not understand why Jessie is the only female allowed to use her powers. Caitlin also has powers, but cannot use them. Enter my gripe! My solution is this: With Jessie moving on, we do need another female with powers. I think Caitlin should be this person. Although it is written that her alter "Killer Frost" is evil, we have seen her struggle but overcome the evil (saving Iris a few episodes ago by freezing her arm). When everyone else got their powers, we watched them practice. Why cant Caitlin practice her control? I see her as being very valuable. There have been several instances when freezing the villain to allow him to be captured would have worked. She can remain unpredictable to a point but also be a hero. Also she can still perform her duties as Caitlin Snow.
  13. Just when I thought that Freddie Highmore couldn't possibly impress more than he already has, he brings out the "stare". He really brought the creepy on that one! Madeline, girl you need to run as fast and as far away as you can. You dodged a bullet, or in this case a knife! Well, I guess nobody will ever have to worry about Caleb's body being discovered. Romero is my bullet surviving hero with incredible endurance :)
  14. I would like to file a missing person's report for Nicole Walker. This pod person is too dumb to live. The real Nicole would never be this stupid! Can a serial killer please show up and take out Demios, Chloe, and Claire? These 3 are a waste of airtime. In a dream, the character of Eric was written as a strong man who accepts his mistakes and moves on. Then I woke up to see a bus continuously running over him.....again!
  15. I cant believe Caleb went out this way! Norman didn't like him, "Mother" wanted him dead, Chick was out to get him after the beating. It looks like Chick is the winner with death by vehicle. I know Romero isn't going out like this. A random person shooting him? I don't think so! I'm on the "Chick is writing Psycho" train.
  16. As soon as Al's daughter was found, I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Watching it all play out was heartbreaking.....and made me want revenge on the evil who did it. Never had I wanted Voight to take someone to the silos so badly! Great acting by Elias in particular. He brought it.
  17. Thankfully, I can come here to keep up with what's going on rather than watch it and have my eyes and ears be subjected to the crap spiral storylines. The Orwell was utterly pointless and forgettable. The mob wars is just ridiculous. The sainted offspring battle is just bad all the way around. The murdering princess and her propped lover are sickening. The teens are boring. The only bright spots are Steve and Kayla and the now possible, and hopefully sober, Eric and Jen. I wait in anxious anticipation for the new writer's material.
  18. At this point, I think Caleb is as good as dead. He saw Norma 's corpse, Norman knocked him out, and he abused Norma resulting in Dylan being conceived. He's right at the top of "mother's" crap list. There is no way that "mother" is going to allow witnesses anyway. She is far too smart to allow that. Romero still makes me wish I was incarcerated along side him. Since I'm female, it's a long reaching wish :( On another note, I believe he will be Norman's undoing. Their confrontations are the best! He's a man on a revenge mission.
  19. I was just thinking the very same in terms of what is real. We all know that Norma is dead now. But, if you noticed "mother's" reactions to Norman and Madeleine, it sounds the same as when Norma would react to Norman having a relationship with a girl. So, I am just wondering if who we saw in past seasons was Norma overreacting to Norman having a girlfriend, or was it "mother" even then?
  20. In a just world, things like this wouldn't have to be endured by a viewing public. Somebody was either on too high of a dose, or not a high enough dose of meds when this was written. I realize that outlandish stories are common on soaps, but there needs to be a fine line somewhere. I long for the days when Nicole had a backbone, the Hortons were a respectable family, Steve and Shane upheld the law, Rafe was nonexistent, and Demios was not yet created.
  21. I admit, I haven't watched in about 2 weeks. Let me make sure Ive got all of this right..... CS (Shane) posed as JM (Stefano), got arrested in Fake Prague, and escaped just to free the murdering Horton Princess Hope? Nobody was supposed to notice that CS and JM have two completely different body types? Chad and Gabi were kidnapped a week or 2 ago (real time) and still have not gone to the bathroom? Chloe, the ex drugging prostitute surrogate who got impregnated without notifying anyone, has custody of Nicole's child? Nicole, is still a whining, Demios obsessed idiot? An offscreen death about a character that most do not even know about has prompted a paternity reveal? Steve and Kayla got married surrounded by friends and family without a disaster stopping the wedding? A death occurred in Hope's family but her main focus was Rafe? Dena did this didn't she????
  22. Wow on the Dylan and Emma baby surprise! Please keep that baby FAR away from White Pine Bay. Seeing Romero in prison makes me want to get incarcerated. Can this man look bad ever? Police uniform or inmate clothes he's SO gorgeous :) I think its a pretty safe bet that Romero put a hit out on Norman. Well, it looks like Norman and "mother" just got rid of another body! Its official.....Norman is completely out of his mind! Great episode!!!
  23. Chloe needs to make an appointment with Marlena when Marlena returns. She is nuts! It is as if she is purposely toying with Nicole and trying to make her look bad. That entire scene with her getting the cop on Nicole was crazy. All Nicole did was ask her if she could hold HER baby. Will somebody please shoot Deimos!
  24. Let me guess. The bomb that Belle drops on Nicole is a legal document secretly signed by Chloe and Daniel prior to his death, that states that if a baby is conceived and Nicole is associated with anyone dangerous, that Chloe is to have sole custody of the baby.
  25. Chloe has sank into a new low. The only reason she seems to want to nurse the baby is because it will bond them and therefore make it more difficult to separate them if, and when, the time comes. It is just a plan to earn sympathy points for herself in the eyes of a judge. Why wasnt she asking for meds for her milk before now? Because Nicole didnt know the truth and she was free and clear to keep the baby. She is obsessed with the offspring of the sainted Daniel. She knows that Holly will be the jewel of Salem due to Daniel's death and the fact that the conception happened afterwards. I have missed Jennifer in reporter mode. She is getting into dangerous situations for a story like the Jennifer from long ago. Please writers, keep this going! Wow Nicole! How does it feel to have eyes that see and ears that hear reality? Now, stay true to the words that you spoke to Deimos, and kick him to the curb! I cannot believe that I am saying this, but I am actually not irritated beyond belief when Abigail is on my screen anymore. Miracles do happen!
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