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Everything posted by Cotypubby

  1. The film was a time loop in which a Black man is continually killed by a cop...
  2. Ok this episode was actually pretty good. Probably because we didn’t really have much personal family drama. Except the scene in the grocery still pissed me off and I think this show is being really irresponsible. They even had background characters double masked! I thought when the checkout guy stopped her he was going to tell her she had to put a mask on, but apparently no one else cares enough to say something that they are walking around inside a grocery store with no mask on. In New York City, not freaking Arizona!
  3. This series just does not feel like Law & Order to me. It’s way too slick and “fake” than the other ones which are more gritty. It seems like I am watching Bones or Criminal Minds or CSI. The leather jacket wearing, pierced & tattooed Lisbeth Salander trope hacker grrl is just so stupid. She is straight out of something like Bones, not the world of Law & Order. The “enhance!” an Instagram photo to read the letters on a box in the background in crystal clear clarity was like a parody of that trope. That felt like something they would have done on the show 20 years ago, but to do it seriously now again is just stupid. They just have no idea how to write or film during COVID. This series has the same issues as SVU. None of the speaking characters wear masks (even when inside a grocery store!!) and yet we are supposed to believe that this is still set at the beginning of the vaccine rollout when the supply was limited and stolen vaccines would be a profitable business. Elliott: “Those vaccines were for kids!” uh no, kids can’t get it. And they only opened it up to 16+ last week. At least watching on the DVR I could FF through any scene with Liv so that made it a whole lot more palatable!
  4. Well they already had him fall three+ flights down an empty elevator shaft and walk away with nothing but a slight concussion. He’s basically Bruce Willis in “Unbreakable” now! I knew as soon as I saw that one of the Killabusters was Steven Boyer that he would turn out to actually be the killer. Ah the perils of being too familiar with names in the Broadway community! Ruins the mystery in shows like this and Law & Order! 😆 I really do not need or want to see Martin have a romance with some crazy serial killer fangirl. I was really hoping there was more to her character and she was playing him for some reason, but nope. She’s just that crazy.
  5. Even though I knew “12 Years a Slave” was not right because that does not have a title character, my brain would not come up with another film. And it’s funny because when I saw “German dentist” I immediately thought “Christoph Waltz from that Tarantino movie!” and then convinced myself that I was mistaking that for “Inglorious Basterds.” 🤦‍♀️ Oy the middle guys wager. WTF was that? That was one of the stupidest wagers I can remember seeing on the show. He would have won if he bet to actually win the game instead of giving up and trying to get 2nd. Idiot.
  6. Where is the misogyny in what he wrote because I am not seeing it in the part that’s quoted?
  7. I also feel like he’s so familiar! He looks a lot like Paul Giamatti as well, so that might be it, cause I haven’t seen anything on his IMDb page. Yeah, I can’t see anyone’s usernames when reading on my phone. They’re covered by a white box. Hope they get it all sorted soon.
  8. As soon as the one judge licked the plate clean I knew Gabe would win! Raw chicken, urgh. Yeah you cannot serve raw chicken to everyone and not go home. Kiki said that both her and another cheftestant ate the chicken and it was fine so I wonder what happened? Maybe the oil cooled down too much between the test pieces and what was served to the judges?
  9. This is what the huge notification looks like when someone likes/responds to a post on my iPhone using Safari:
  10. Me. I thought that was incredibly easy. Ron Chernow is a very well known author. It sold over 1 million copies after the musical became a hit.
  11. And they were in the bottom. Some “home advantage” there. 🙄
  12. I had no clue on FJ tonight. The phrase “household name” had me trying to think of an item that would be in a house, and I was thinking maybe some kind of typewriter.
  13. I can’t see anyone’s usernames. There is a weird white box around peoples avatars that covers their name. This was not happening a few hours ago. Using Safari on iPhone
  14. They often go on trips to various restaurants to sample different types of cuisines and they always comment about how amazing the food is. Like once or twice every season. I remember one time they went to a whole bunch of Southern barbecue type places. So that means I guess they were treating the audience like idiots who don’t know what barbecue is? Seriously, there was absolutely nothing different about this episode compared to many previous ones other than the culture of the food represented.
  15. Blaise’s comment was a joke because the food was white colored and it was a play on the words white and White. 🙄
  16. It sure is funny how for years they’ve had episodes spotlighting French, Italian, American Southern, Japanese, etc. & other type cuisines with nary a complaint, but you have one episode featuring African food and suddenly its all “Pandering, pandering, pandering, liberal white guilt SJWs setting up white chefs to lose!”
  17. I just saw the first episode on demand. Yeah this was bad. Really bad. I won’t be watching any more. I spent most of the episode trying to figure out if Chad was supposed to be trans but no he’s just played by an adult woman for...reasons?, and he just looks weird and creepy. WTF was that crying scene? And was the scene at the dentist supposed to be funny? This was cringey but not in a comedic way.
  18. Yeah, they were all just waving guns around everywhere. You’d think that would draw someone’s attention.
  19. I just so don’t care at all about Gabby and EZ. She is just too perfect in every way that she doesn’t come across as a real character. There’s no depth there, she’s just a trope. All of their scenes together this episode were just so slow and boring I ended up FF’ing through some of them. So Bishop’s son (who seemingly never existed before this season?) was killed in a car crash and he blames his ex because...? The ex that have we even ever met before? All these emotional scenes about characters we know nothing about, who cares? I’m so losing interest in this show.
  20. I said Australia immediately for FJ but I misread the clue and thought we needed both countries, and could not come up with Germany. I thought maybe the second was Italy, thinking of Rome in 1960 and either Milan or Turin. (Now I see that Turin was Winter and Milan didn’t happen yet.)
  21. Wow. ”No girl should be out at night anywhere in NYC”? Are you serious?! What century do you think it is? And you don’t magically become fully mature and knowledgeable the day you turn 18. That’s simply a legal definition, it’s not biological.
  22. Jericho is Jericho, brought back into existence by Leanne. Maybe he can only exist as long as Leanne is living there choosing to keep him alive, I don’t know. Not sure how she brought him back from nothing, when all other instances of reanimation had the body, I still don’t know if she literally turned the silicon doll into Jericho. I like mysteries and all, but this show is really just all questions and no real answers. We’re two seasons in and we still don’t know much more than we did in the first episode. Dorothy is a really awful person, I can’t stand listening to her screech “SEAN!!!!” all the time. I really wanted her to finally realize what she did but now that Jericho is back she’s still in her weird crazy bubble.
  23. Same. The show was clearly going for a strange, eerie, supernatural, horror type atmosphere from the very beginning so I thought she either literally changed the doll into a living baby or just conjured him out of thin air. I have never thought he was a different living baby that actually existed outside of that house before. That’s just what the characters in the show think because they don’t know they’re in a supernatural horror show.
  24. I don’t for a second think that Richard made up that request on the fly, those orders were all obviously created and OKed by the producers ahead of time. I think it’s a bit weird that everyone is getting angry at him specifically for just saying something written for him.
  25. Ew. Well that was thoroughly fucked up, wow. A huge improvement over last week’s episode because they actually had a new case to follow and there was no mention of Buffalo Bill or moths! If the show continues to have new cases each week I’ll stick with it but I was so close to dropping it last week after that snooze fest.
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