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Everything posted by Cotypubby

  1. “Unhoused.” 🙄 Good episode, I had sympathy for the perp’s situation but the idea that a homeless squatter can break into someone else’s home and then shoot them when they come back is disgusting. Then him using his child to lie for him makes him even more scummier.
  2. Good. I’m glad he didn’t give in to her entitled whining.
  3. It didn’t break. The end of the rope was just hooked around a small wooden knob. Once it unwound all the way the hook slipped off so it would be able to fall loose to the ground.
  4. Hey Liz, maybe if you are allergic to all foods found on Survivor, don’t fucking go on Survivor! Idiot. Zero sympathy for you!
  5. Why was the show trying to make us feel sympathetic for the mom/daughter murder duo with all that sad music at the end!? Psycho mom murders her daughter’s fiancé because he wants her to go to college, then daughter murders her stepfather to cover for mommy. Enjoy your time in prison together. I had less than zero interest in the romantic goings on between the CSIs. Please stop with that Josh and Allie shit.
  6. That risotto made with corn looked exactly like dog vomit. For a minute I actually thought he was going for that for the “chaos” but no it just looked incredibly unappealing. (Add me as another who loves Kristin’s outfits btw.)
  7. At this point it looks like both Q & Liz will be dragged along to the Final Three. I really hate the strategy of taking horrible players to the end. As a viewer it makes the show practically unwatchable.
  8. Ugh! Dammit Hunter why did you have to fuck up like that!? This season sucks.
  9. 🧐 I don’t think you understand what “cheating” actually means. If something is allowed, it is by definition not cheating. Not really. Boring tasks, every episode in a location that seems the same, bunching start-times. One of the worst seasons overall so far. (Nothing will touch the awfulness of the Family season)
  10. No… the answer is to never again have a season only set in counties that speak Spanish. If the reason this happened was because of Covid restrictions then hopefully such a season will never happen again. But it sure makes this one boring.
  11. I’m getting so sick of this entire season being in Latin America. It’s no wonder the boyfriends have been leading the whole time since they can speak the language. This season can hardly be called “a race around the world.”
  12. Ah, I predict they will choose Amy.
  13. Andrew didn’t win. The finalists were James, Matt and Mattea with James winning.
  14. One person on TAR doesn’t know Elizabeth Taylor and now “an entire generation doesn’t know older culture!!” Why are young people supposed to know everything from when Boomers were young, but you not knowing current pop culture doesn’t also mean “omg the country is dooooooomed!” Funny how you ignored that some of the younger people did the best on the rebus and map while the one who went home was one of the older teams.
  15. I really don’t know why Tevin has such a hate-on towards Venus. And Kenzie was acting so much like the Cool Girl wanting to stick with all the men while making fun of the “girly girl.” Both those two seem like such toxic people.
  16. I’ve started just fast-forwarding through all of Trixie and Matthew’s scenes. Makes the episode so much better!
  17. What was Brandon doing to that poor buzzer!? 😆 I’ve never seen anyone else hold it in such an awkward way before. I also got the meso=middle part of the clue but got stuck on noxia-noxious? Bad? Dangerous? Totally didn’t think of “night” but was obvious once revealed.
  18. “At least I made them dig for three days, so serves them right for voting me off.” uhhhhh, that’s not how that works. It’s “serves you right” for making them dig. I don’t think she was as great a liar as she thought. Every time someone would mention the idol she’d start smiling and looking like she was trying to stop laughing. Totally looked like she knew something and was pretending she didn’t. I thought Ben was pretty clever at Tribal, “you want to make sure the people you choose will stick with you after the merge. Btw I’m getting a Siga tattoo!”
  19. How in the world did all three of these champs not know FJ!? It was so easy! I immediately thought wound+nickname-> Scarface->Al Capone and spent the rest of the 30 seconds trying to figure out what the trick was because surely it couldn’t be that obvious.
  20. I had no idea Yuri Gagarin died in a plane crash! I also said Dag Hammarskjöld, after being totally stumped by what “Sochi 6” meant. All I could think of was the Chicago 7 but knew that couldn’t be right since the trial was after 1968, and finally just said a name of an international person who died in a plane crash. Mercury 7 of course! That makes so much more sense.
  21. Well that was the first time I fast forwarded through Tribal and didn’t even watch the vote. I could not stand to hear another whiny pity party for Bhanu. You did not win my heart Bhanu, you took a spot from someone who actually wanted to play the game. He’s got to be up there as of one of the worst players in Survivor history. Seeing him flopping around on the ground like a dead fish was just embarrassing! Oh and I noticed Soda yet again grabbing the idol out of Venus’s hands.
  22. I guess I am resigned to the now very likely outcome that Yogesh is going to win the whole thing. 😔 What a disappointing ending that will be.
  23. That housekeeper was a real psycho bitch. Like literally insane behavior. I’m nervous they keep on bringing up the storyline of dogs being eaten by coyotes like something will happen in a future episode.
  24. Well the mechanic was a man. Just imagine Liv saying that same exact line to a female tech who looks young. She’d probably congratulate her for being so far along in her career at a young age. Fin: “It’s not about the victims, it’s all about you, Liv!” Most accurate line of the season. I laughed. Finally an interesting case with a killer unlike others we’ve seen, and the show still manages to ruin it with St Olivia worship.
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