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Everything posted by Cotypubby

  1. I had the EXACT same reaction to those scenes! First she is utterly outraged that only 2 of the 80 patients in the study are Black or Latino, and she threatens the hospital administrator to let Pray in, and then as soon as the woman says OK, we will allow you & Pray to join the study in the very next scene Blanca is complaining that "well doctors experiment on Black people and don't you remember Tuskeegee?" Bitch what!? You literally just browbeat that woman into letting Pray in by complaining that people in your community were dying and they needed to be in the study. 🤷‍♀️🤨 It felt like those scenes were written by two different people who did not compare notes.
  2. OK I admit it, when the entire choir was in black with their backs to the audience, I started sobbing. 😭 That was a beautifully moving scene.
  3. Worst parents of the year perhaps? I hate Ali so much, he is such a jackass narcissist. I was rooting for the cartel. I’m certain the kidnapping story is just a ploy, the government is not going to devote that many resources to a child kidnapping from 9 years ago. My guess is the wife (whose name I totally forget) did some kind of eco-terrorist thing in the past that killed people and then Ali took her on the run. In an earlier episode she told the daughter “Your father never killed anyone,” with an emphasis on “father.”
  4. I think that’s what the comment meant? That the host was also a woman. There have been many times when all three contestants were female, but if you include the host, then yes this would be the first time. NYC ran the past few episodes a day late so today I saw Friday’s and am now caught up. No clue on FJ but I was happy that I knew the ts of Bessie Coleman! Strangely I had just learned about her on Wednesday so it was right in the front of my mind. I like Julia and find her displays of emotions refreshing! I can’t stand contestants that are dull and lifeless.
  5. That wasn’t the finale, at the end it said “Stay tunes for scenes from our next episode.” Ugh, I hate that they are trashing Clarice’s backstory by implying that her father did something sexual to her. That is such bullshit. I can’t stand how they on the one hand slavishly recreate scenes from the movie in extreme detail and then completely shit on other parts by ruining everything about Clarice’s character.
  6. I thought she had to scrap the bloody plates and quickly replace them which is why the others ran to help and she didn’t get all ten done?
  7. Honestly I think the dessert decision was a bit suspect. As soon as they said they had to discuss that one first, instead of everyone voting what they actually thought of the dishes, I knew it’d be Byron going. He lost both first rounds overwhelmingly and Dawn won the Quickfire so they were not going to send her home.
  8. 😲😫 Well damn, guess I better start seeing all the episodes I wanted to re-watch before the end of the month.
  9. That’s quite common, the leader just doubles the score of the person in 2nd place and does the math for what they need to overtake that score by $1. Some pretty surprising TS’s today: Amazon, Inherit the Wind, the Gettysburg Address!? I got FJ instantly only because I know the animated film “Madagascar” had lemurs and it’s an island.
  10. That was a scripted comedy bit. She wasn’t actually annoyed by them…
  11. Add me as another who has never heard that Newcastle saying. I do watch a lot of British stuff but if that was ever said I didn’t notice it. Somehow I guessed FJ correct! Don’t know how, but Rossini was the name that came to mind when I thought “Just name an Italian composer.” Would not have been able to even tell you anything he wrote lol.
  12. He actually always makes me think of Jonah from Veep. It’s the eyes and teeth.
  13. Oooof. I always FF through the interviews so did not hear that. I gave him the benefit of the doubt his first episode in the TOC because being overly excited when you get a DD correct is understandable. But being a sore loser and weakly clapping when you lose, plus that story, ugh no thank you. I thought she said PalaNtine, with an N in the middle. I didn’t know the answer so don’t know which way was right, but if it’s Palatine and she added an N, that would be incorrect. They judge that kind of mistake wrong all the time.
  14. Yeah, I just did not get this at all. Elektra gives this big inspiring speech (which sounds incredibly fake and out of place and it clearly just the writers speechifying for the audience) about how amazing it is that Angel will be “the first!” Uhhhh, the first what? Do the writers expect the audience for this show to think that never before has a transwoman married a male partner in a commitment ceremony? Because it certainly would not be the first legally recognized wedding, not in 1998. Which their audience would also know. So, what is she supposed to be the first of!? God this episode was so stupid. Just everything about this episode was bad. I kept expecting it to be someone’s dream or story they were telling. Suddenly out of nowhere Elektra is a millionaire because she’s in with the mob. (Who very nicely say she would make a good boss. Because of course they would say that. 🙄) Plus the stupidity of trying to pretend like a random guy would actually clock those women as being trans, come on now.
  15. I got FJ but it was just a random guess of “Name a famous American author from the 1800s. Edgar Allen Poe?” I could only remember the daughters names from Lear so that was no help. (For a second when I read the clue, my mind went to John Wilkes Booth with the mention of a Shakespearean actor parent, then I remembered the category! 😆)
  16. Wasn’t it last season on Prodigal Son where there was a scene with Malcolm showing just where to stab someone to make it look serious but not be fatal? I swear I can remember that. Maybe it was a different serial killer show? I’m sure had the show returned they would have had the wound not be fatal (no way were they planning to get rid of Michael Sheen) and Malcolm would have to deal with the trauma of having almost killed his father.
  17. Got a few TS’s tonight, Leyte Gulf and Daniel Moynihan (which seemed like a rather obscure clue that I only knew because I’ve been in Penn Station since the new concourse opened. Would a non-New Yorker know that?) Not even a chance at a guess on FJ.
  18. Ho-lee SHIT. There have not been many times in TV shows where I've legitimately been surprised at a character dying, this was one of them! I did not see Zabel getting killed at all! That is just not how these mystery cop shows go so kudos to them for not following the rules. Wow! I've thought since pretty early on that the murder and the kidnappings were not actually related. My suspicions have been on Siobhan's ex, the one that puked in the radio station. There is something off about her behavior and she's not been shown as a suspect yet so... I'm thinking that the murder being made to look sexual, but there being no physical evidence points towards a female trying to stage an attempted rape.
  19. I recognized Bill Sikes more from the dog than from him! 😆
  20. I admit that geography is one of my weaker categories and I had no clue for FJ, but why was Israel not listed in the countries that border the Red Sea? I’ve visited Israel and while I was there I swam in the Red Sea when I was in Eilat! 🤔
  21. Jackie Kennedy!? 🤣 I could not come up with FJ even though I knew the translation was tank-pig. Never would have got to armadillo. I was trying to think of some kind of wild boar. There were a lot of missed 200/400 clues, but in their defense I don’t think I knew any of those either. Or rather couldn’t come up with the answer in seconds like “tattletale” or “address.” Obvious once given, but could not get there that quick.
  22. How could they have had Norm Lewis and all that music and not have him sing!?
  23. I’m usually not own to root against a player but I was so glad douchey Justin did not win.
  24. I don’t know why I am supposed to care about Catherine’s love life. Why is she even a character in this? She was fine as a one-off callback to Silence, but stop trying to make her an actual storyline here. Yeah, the whole “they/they’re” thing when Julia was talking about Buffalo Bill? No, just no. The scene between her and Clarice was good and then the writers screw it up by forcing that late-2010s piece of dialogue in there. No one talked like that. And “they” wouldn’t even fit for Bill anyway. That was such a fake “gotta show how woke we are!!” move by the writers. At least they still used the term transsexual and didn’t try to ret-con transgender in there instead.
  25. None of the Sharks brought up what to me was the most obvious problem with the pillow: You still can’t try it out. “People don’t like to try out pillows in the store so here’s a way to buy them online with out ever even feeling them!” You’d still need to know the same exact info you’d need in store, do you like soft or hard pillows, and foam or filled, and for the low low price of $95 you can get one without even know what it feels like!
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