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Everything posted by Nancybeth

  1. Did Tasha have any GUESTS at her wedding, or just photographers? She is my least favorite rookie, hands down. I don't even think she's that pretty, at least not in a natural way.
  2. Please producers, don't make us watch Brett rapping anymore. I'm going to have nightmares about it for weeks.
  3. That would explain like Chantal is always overdressed for every occasion. When they were having their lunch at the restaurant on the beach, he was in shorts and a tee shirt and she was in a cocktail dress and heels. I do not understand why Azan stays with Nicole. He could find another American girl easily, I would think...his English is excellent and he's adorable. IT just makes me so uncomfortable to watch her.
  4. Was that Jacie helping the guest choreographer teach tonight? Apparently Yuko had a translator during Training Camp. I don't we'll ever see that on camera but my guess is that that person was in the office with her. I think her trip home was over a weekend and she just missed one day of TC, which damn, a turn and burn from TX to Japan and back must have been exhausting! So far Yuko hasn't impressed me, but sometimes Kelli likes to pick girls that have a good "story."
  5. I thought Scupper was an old dog, the way they were carrying him around all the time, but he seemed rather spritely on the beach so I think he's just overly-coddled. Turkey bacon is just...a weird thing to call your favorite food, isn't it? I mean, I like turkey bacon, but I have a hard time imagining that anyone would choose it as a favorite, out of all the foods there are. Maybe we missed something in that conversation? I'll agree that Sierra definitely seems...dim, but I kind of got her confusion on the gin & tonic conversation. He said gin and tonic, and she said okay, and then all the sudden he was making a big deal about DIET tonic, so I can maybe understand that she just wanted to clarify that he still wanted a G&T, only with diet. She would have sounded less dumb if she just repeated, "So, gin & diet tonic?"
  6. TCC Jackie (the one who got in with the fan vote) reminds me a LOT of vet Jessica. Like, when I first saw Jackie I assumed she was Jessica's sister, but I think they would have made a big deal about it by now.
  7. Why do they wait so long to A) teach the field entrance and B) have the girls dance in boots? It seems like every year there are a couple TCCs who seem to be doing well, then get tripped up (figuratively speaking) by one of those things and end up getting cut. It seems like they've done a little better about getting them on the turf earlier in the process but not in boots.
  8. Because she is a terrible person. The way she talks to and treats people drives me crazy. You'll notice that every season she has different friends, presumably because she drove the last batch away with her repellent personality. If it wasn't for her money and her "fame," I can only assume her parents would have disowned her. Simon could certainly do better, so I'm not sure what the attraction is there. And the way the producers and Dr. Drew shamelessly pander to her just makes the situation worse. The funny thing is, I think she's jealous of the other Teen Moms, in a way, because all of the rest of them have found romantic partners (yes, including Amber). She thinks she's the hottest and can't believe these other girls have gotten one up on her.
  9. I think someone said this in another thread, buti it kinda seems like the long dark hair / light eyes combo is not one that Kelli finds attractive? She never seemed to be a huge fan of Natalie Woods' look, nor Ashley Paige or Kelsey. I also think Ashley just didn't have the sex appeal or sass that most DCCs have. Whitney reminded me of Lisa from "Saved by the Bell," but yeah, I totally see the Katie Holmes thing too!
  10. I didn't notice them either! I think she's probably become very good at masking them over the years, plus she said she hid things from the camera. I wonder if TLC knew?
  11. Did Bethenny make the rest of her guests stand around and watch the Housewives break a pinata and scramble to scoop up $10,000+ in jewelry?? How tacky. I assume that Andy or one of the producers was B's "source" and did the research/legwork for her, and then just fed her the info. I'm usually a Bethenny fan, but OMG, the sturm and drung over the last two eps about telling Luann has killed any remaining love I had for her. I think if she had been a lot more forthright and strong and calm about telling the Countess, perhaps the Countess wouldn't have been quite so willing to let the whole thing blow over.
  12. I get that they all have to have been together in person before applying for their K-1 visas. But all of these couples (I think) first "met" online, through a computer. The previous seasons featured at least a few couples that became acquainted in more natural spontaneous ways, in real life, before embarking on a relationship. I'm not slamming online relationships, I'm just saying that we don't have any couples this year who didn't initially meet online, if that makes sense.
  13. It suddenly occurred to me what's different this season and why, perhaps, it's even trainwreck-ier than ever. Did ANY of these couples meet in real life first? I'm reading through last season's recaps and at least three couples met each other in person and then began a romantic relationship...Melanie and Devar (she was on vacation), the Mormons (he was doing his mission in Russia) and Alexei and Loren (she was on a birthright trip to Israel). The New Orleans couple connected first online, I think, and then met in Thailand, but I'm a little confused by their story. The four S4 couples that were profiled on the special all met online, through one forum or another, and since the preview included one half of the fifth couple saying her fiance CATFISHED her, I have to assume they did too. It's always felt like the couples that met in real life from earlier seasons (Danny and Amy, Chelsea and Yamir, for example) were a bit more sincere...some of them were trainwrecks too and there's always drama, but at the heart of it were people who were genuinely attracted to one another on every level and were willing to go to great lengths to be together. And I feel like it's going to be missing this year.
  14. The guests were awful, no doubt. But at times, it seemed like the guests and the crew were trying to out-passive aggressive each other, so to speak. And I also think that Capt. Mark and/or Hannah missed a great opportunity to improve the guests experience...as soon as they heard that the charter was being expended, I would have tried to be very proactive with the guests to find out what it is that could be better for them. Breakfast taking too long? We'll set something up, continental style, and then serve plated breakfast at 10 a.m. Drinks taking too long? We'll set up a second bar and/or have someone on deck to take your orders and radio them to the galley. Let's agree when the crew will set out morning and afternoon snacks. Basically, the crew was waiting to react to requests, and there were some things the they could have done to get out in front of it or be better prepared. But I also think the guests should have been much more forthcoming about their unhappiness, rather than just bitching to each other/the camera.
  15. Ugh, Travis. I don't get what Brenda sees in him. Cappucino remains the best individual on this show. It sounds like George has a job with a decent salary (isn't that what he told her dad?), so I think ultimately that may have been more the reason they moved to UT versus both of them relocating to somewhere new. By the way, does George remind anyone else of a young Josh Charles (Sports Night, The Good Wife)??
  16. I'm not a fan of Landon usually, but my favorite moment of last night's reunion was Kathryn boasting about her jewelry line, and saying that the hideous choker she was wearing was one of her creations, then the cut to Landon and Cameran quietly snicker. I don't care what else anyone thinks about Kathryn, but can't we come together on the fact that her necklace was godawful?
  17. I am NOT a Danny fan or apologist, but I think a good compromise on Captain Mark's part: "Danny voluntarily removed himself from the tip pool this time around...but remember he was responsible for the "VIP" tip that everyone divided. So I'm going to leave an envelope, and if anyone wants to kick in a little from their tips this time towards Danny, it's your choice." Bryan is an asshole and not a good manager...but he's still their boss. Neither Jen nor Danny seem to really get that.
  18. Oh god, is Taylor pregnant? Please don't be pregnant. David will never be free!
  19. Another poster did an awesome wig vs. no-wig breakdown in another thread: But I think the answer is yes, is she filmed something after she married, she has to wear a wig or cover her hair. The catch is that there is some footage/photos from before they married when she has her real hair uncovered.
  20. Out of the couples, Emma and Joey are the ones I suspect were having sex before marriage. But they come from a small town, and it seems like they have other friends who married young. Plus neither of them seem terribly motivated to do big things with their life -- I know she's in college but there hasn't been any talk about what she's studying or what she wants to do, has there? I assume they were all, "Eh, we want to live together and getting married seems the thing to do so let's go ahead and get it done."
  21. It's also hard to drive when you're holding a plate of four breakfast sandwiches! I did wonder if maybe Joey didn't have a drivers license or it had been suspended or something, but I think we saw him getting in or out of a car at work one time by himself. It's so funny that Emma parrots exactly what her parents were saying about buying a house in the interviews, while Joey's parents were all, "They don't need to buy a house right now." It's clear they're both getting a lot of parental advice. And speaking of parental advice, Halie's dad may have gone into a bit more detail than his kids needed. They needed, like, budgeting 101 and how savings and credit cards worked, and he was on retirement planning -- which is, absolutely, important, but you gotta crawl before you can walk. Start small, dad!
  22. Maneka seems to want it both ways. She's said several times that her first marriage was as love marriage and this time she wants a traditional Indian arranged marriage. To me, that sounds like she accepted very traditional gender roles in the marriage and that she would be willing to submit to her husband's demands. But now she doesn't want to change her name and objects to her husband telling her what to do. I'm not saying Mayur is right here, by any account, and it's definitely not the marriage I'd want...but I think it's what Maneka signed up for! Taylor's shoe buying spree was ridiculous. Those are not the shoes she's going to need for flight attendant training. I have never seen a flight attendant wearing tacky gold sandals!
  23. There have been several housewives who have missed reunions over the years, including Kim Richards sitting it out when she was in rehab. Now, that doesn't generally go over very well with Andy and/or the viewers. But I honestly think that if Kathryn or her lawyer said, "Look, we have someone who is mentally ill or struggling with a drug problem and this is not a healthy situation for her to be in," Bravo would let them off the hook. Maybe she'd get her own interview off to the side that they could insert into the program. But Kathryn is a famewhore, and I don't think she has the wherewithal to realize the state she's in mentally or the fact that this show has in some ways contributed to it. She was never going to voluntarily sit out the reunion and the producers aren't going to suggest it!
  24. Last week we also saw Danny plugging his phone into one of the guests' (the middle-aged guys who loved Daniel-San) computers to presumably copy photos Danny had taken of them. However, he very well could have provided the other photos as well, and that's uber-creepy. Danny has boundary issues. He doesn't understand that there should be a division between crew and guests, and he doesn't seem to understand that while he may not LIKE Bryan and Hannah, they outrank him. You're not that charming and you're not that cute, Danny. Shut up. I did feel bad for him being so sick this week though (I'm not completely heartless) and I can't believe it took so long for the Captain to suggest getting him off the boat. They are living in very close quarters, and a contagious illness could spread like wildfire. That's one reason you see those types of outbreaks on cruise ships! Simply isolating him in his room isn't enough if you've got all the other crew going in and out of there and checking on him.
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