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Everything posted by Nancybeth

  1. And if you are gonna do Bananas Foster, you flambe that shit and you do it tableside! Follow Kate's advice about seeing things on fire. It would have gone over great with this group who are, in fact, boring.
  2. Why would Aleksandra and Josh allow the cameras back in if there is all this speculation about the baby and they won't show the baby? Just...let it rest. Unless maybe they need the money?
  3. Dude boarded a plane for a trans-Atlantic flight in a blazer with NO SHIRT UNDERNEATH. He very much does. I kind of hate the way this show just skips couples every week. Why can't they finish up one storyline (say, four episodes of Darcy and Jesse) and then be done with them and move on to Courtney and Antonio. I feel like that's the way it was done when "90 Day Fiance" first started and I liked it a lot better. I do have to give Courtney mad credit for packing so lightly -- I do not have that skill -- even if she looked stupid wandering around with a backpack on her front. She should have just left the pageant, found a hotel and made plans to meet up with Antonio the next day.
  4. so was last night's hour-long "episode" just the online stuff strung together? Alan and Kirlyam are still my favorite couple that have ever appeared on this show. And I actually ended up liking Melanie and Devar a lot more that I originally thought I would. But her hair always bothers me...it's so thick and heavy. I thought it was better blonde than dark.
  5. I bet you Bruno was on a cruise ship activities staff, which doesn't really correlate to the work being done by either the deck crew OR interior stews on a yacht. Activities staff are the ones who host all the events and contests (like someone said, trivia) and teach classes and run activities. They work hard but it's much more social and interactive than what would be required on a charter yacht 24/7. He could have also been a youth counselor, or been on the shore excursion staff. Anyway, my point is something that required a lot of interaction with guests but not much manual labor.
  6. I do media training and communications coaching as part of my job. I really, really hope we only saw one part of it. It's fine if you want to throw people on camera right away, just to see how they do, and then watch back the tape. But after that you REALLY need to do the actual training part! Help them understand key messages and talking points, teach them techniques like bridging, give them ways to "get out of" answering sticky or difficult questions, talk them through how to stand, where to look, how to control the interview, etc. If what we saw is all the DCC get, it's REALLY incomplete.
  7. I still don't understand WHY Antonio was never willing/able to Skype or Facetime with Courtney (or even talk on the phone, if I remember correctly)?? That's what leads me to think he wasn't at all serious about her, that she was just one of his stable of girls he liked to sext flirt with and then perhaps she approached him about visiting -- with a TV crew -- the manwhore and famewhore in him was all, "Bring it on!" (Or whatever the right phrase is in Spanish).
  8. It sounds like Antonio talks to many girls at the same time...he's probably using the same lines about marriage and having children with all of them. I think he mentioned that he likes international dating apps, so who knows where they all are! My guess is that Courtney suggested the visit and he thought, "Well hey, if this girl wants to come visit me, I'm not going to argue!"
  9. I think the "no fraternizing with players" rule has a couple effects. One, it may stop girls from trying out just to try and get close to the players. Two, it reinforces the fact that the DCC is a professional organization. It may be sexist, but the women sign a contract and should fully understand what the penalties are for breaking it.
  10. Did Patrick really fly to Europe wearing a blazer with no shirt underneath? That's just...weird. I mean for a photo shoot, sure, whatever. But if my airplane seatmate wasn't wearing a shirt for a 6 or 8 hour flight, I think I'd have some issues.
  11. Yes, if Kameron (Kameran?) wants to hold herself up as a paragon of social grace, she should stop pointing out other people's etiquette missteps! I agree that the timing and setting of Brandi asking Carey and Stephanie to go with her was probably producer-driven but yes, she shouldn't have done it in front of someone else. However, Kameron's making a big deal about it made the whole situation worse.
  12. I've definitely gotten the idea that weight warnings and weight probation are based in part on the weight they were when they made the team -- which, geez, could have been three or four years before! I think she accounts for a small amount of fluctuation but I know I've heard Kelli say, "You're X pounds heavier than you were when you made the team." But it also comes down to shape and "jiggle."
  13. So I've been buying old seasons on Amazon and have made it to S6. But some of the episodes have huge chunks cut out -- like entire segments. They'll show "coming up" scenes, like before a commercial break and then skip an entire rehearsal and go straight to the girls waiting to go into the office. I'm mystified. It seems like they tried to make the episodes shorter in some cases. Anyone else noticed this??
  14. (Disclaimer: I haven't see the episode yet) It seems like when they moved to the new stadium and got the huge HD screen, they've become more focused on a girl's physical appearance during tryouts, so maybe they're taking in fewer "makeover candidates," or as Judy always refers to them, diamonds in the rough? Also, maybe Kelli has realized that maybe they make good TV, but aren't actually that great a candidate to make the team.
  15. Darcey looks much better in this still shot from her failed reality TV show pilot: I realize it was 7 years ago, but I think part of it is the extreme tanning and bronzer and countouring, and also her face was a tiny bit more natural and full there. Now she's had way too much botox and work done.
  16. I think Kelli specifically says, "tell us something interesting that we may not know about you after the interview process." About half the answers we've seen over the years are either stupid human tricks (Lacey did a monkey call) or useless trivia. Alexandria's answer was a good one, but I don't think they're looking for substantive stuff here.
  17. If you close your eyes, Courtney sounds JUST LIKE Vicki Gunvalson. She looks a little like her too, but it's mostly the voiec.
  18. I've seen a lot of creepy things on the 90 days franchise, but by far the creepiest was Paul proudly showing off that little girl bed, with stuffed animals and a unicorn bedspread in one moment, and then telling Karine he wanted her to get an STD and pregnancy test in the next.
  19. I think the political questions are less about media interviews and more about situations where they may be interacting with team sponsors, business and military leaders, elected officials, etc. They even chat with fans during meet and greets, one of those interactions could go badly and end up on social media. That being said, it's less about having the right answer and more about learning how to skillfully and diplomatically answer difficult questions without embarrassing the organization. The media training they get will help them, so will practice. For the girls who tryout that have never been in a formal interview setting, it's going to be a lot more intimidating at first. For example, I think Dayton would have been better off if she had said, " I didn't vote this year. I know that voting is an important responsibility and I didn't feel ready to make that decision. I definitely want to learn more about the process and look forward to voting in the next election."
  20. Was the question about the election from Andy directly, or was a it a viewer question? It might have been better if it was phrased differently, "i.e., what were your feelings about the election, and have you ever met Hillary or Donald Trump?"
  21. Paul probably could have bought a lot of that stuff in Brazil in the last major city he flew into before getting onto the Amazon cruise. And it would have been much cheaper. My family has done a lot of mission trips to Central America, and at some point the organization realized that instead of having volunteers bring stuff down, it's cheaper and easier to purchase it there, and you're supporting the local economy. Of course, Paul probably would have had to have learned more than "I love you, " in Portugese to carry out his shopping transactions.
  22. Why did she make her first trip -- their first meeting - six weeks long?? It's not like Jesse lives in some far-flung place. It's fairly easy and relatively inexpensive (all things considered) to fly from a NYC airport to Amsterdam. Maybe she could have visited for a week or so, to start with? Spending six weeks together is a lot for ANY couple!
  23. I wonder how much Kelli and Judy communicate with production during the audition process? Like, maybe we're seeing a disconnect between the girls who have good "stories" and get a lot of coverage during the audition process (i.e., Katelynn with her single mom, Lacey with the Rams moving and her brother dying) and the girls who are really front-runners. Every year a few women make it into TC and even by the end of the season we're all, "Wait, WHO are they???" I'm just thinking there are producers and story editors piecing the show together, but I don't know how much insight they get from Kelli and others with the organization to highlight certain candidates or not highlight others.
  24. So we know that Katelyn was an LSU Golden Girl and danced with several current and former DCCs. Is it possible that one or more of them didn't like her or found her to not be a good teammate, and made that known to Kelli and Judy? Heck, it could have come from Jacie or the choreographer that used to coach them and did a dance for DCC last year (can't think of her name). We know that they get reccomendations from dance teachers and coaches, it's possible that they had some Intel that was never discussed. K, J and C have the final say, I could see Katelyn (or any other woman trying out) scoring in the top 45 to make Training Camp, and then quietly being passed over for some reason.
  25. I definitely got the sense that Alexandria's house was in the Boston area, and that's where her boyfriend lives. That is a lot to give up to be a DCC.
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