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Everything posted by Nancybeth

  1. I believe Carole wrote in her book about being at Jackie's bedside with Anthony Radziwill when Jackie died. And I don't think mentioning Lee in reference to the scarf look is "name dropping" because that IS a look that both sisters were known for. I suppose she could have said, "my mother-in-law" instead. I can't remember Carole ever name dropping the Kennedys on the show. She mentions Anthony and Lee certainly, and there may have been some veiled discussion of her "friends" that died in a plane crash. And Caroline Kennedy was in Carole and Anthony's wedding. I think Bethenny is a narcissist, and I think Carole just got tired of indulging her. I have to imagine that the ladies' contract with Bravo has a pretty strong hold harmless clause in it. They probably wouldn't have much luck suing for emotional damages or whatever. They could maybe sue the boat owners. It sounded to me like the anchor was somehow deployed accidentally but maybe I'm just assuming. Tinsley was doing the right thing in staying calm. The hysteria was not helping anyone.
  2. I want to see the show group rehearsals, i.e. them working on all the extra dances they do. During the seasons when they've shown a Meet the Team-type event, the Show Group seems to have a LOT of numbers. I'm curious about who choreographs, does Judy lead the rehearsals, etc.
  3. Maggie was the one that had psoriasis. A couple candidates / cheerleaders have mentioned scoliosis. I would like to get a peek at show group rehearsals, and also the small groups. I would also like to see the TCCs get the feedback that Kelli's always muttering into her phone!
  4. LuAnn's next single will be "Money Can't Buy You Class OR Happiness."
  5. That's how it works for a lot of awards. Unless it's for individual performance (i.e,. Acting) they are often won by a team of people. For example, last year's Emmy for Breaking News Coverage went to AC360. 23 people were on the team, not just Anderson Cooper. And that's a short list compared to some of the winners. If you are part of the list of 23 people, you are an Emmy winner.
  6. Carole won three Emmys and a Peabody in her previous career as an ABC News Producer. She left broadcast after her husband died, and went to print journalism, including her memoir. I realize many people hate her around here, but she does have legit credentials. Whether she can go back to that life is another story. I think a lot of Carole's "cool girl" detached exterior is actually her guarding her heart after losing her husband, her best friend and her husband's best friend/cousin. That's hell to go through and makes a lot of other things (like Bethenny's histrionics) pale in comparison. Bethenny and Carole have always been my favorite Housewives, but I'm Team Radziwill here.
  7. Someone mentioned the size of the population in the Dallas metro area and why they couldn't find better participants. I'm not sure Dallas was the best location for this show. According to the demos I found, only 31% of the adult population in the DFW area are unmarried. That's slightly below the national average, and also below states like NY and Mass. People tend to marry younger in the South. I've never seen anyone who's been divorced on this show, no one with kids, etc. So depending on how far they're pulling from geographically, you could end up with a fairly small dating pool. Apparently this show needs to go to DC, which has the highest population of never married adults in the US -- 56%!
  8. Carole said she bought earrings for all the ladies when she brought the blue pair to Sonja's room! I thought it was strange that we never saw her give them to anyone else, but they clearly received them at some point.
  9. So far we have: - Mia was arrested due to an outstanding warrant for stalking an ex-boyfriend and was released after paying bail / on her own recognizance because the Parish chose not to extradite her from Dallas to face the charges (supported by documents posted online and public records) - Mia had her identity stolen and the thief stalked someone that she (Mia) just happened to know in her hometown. They held her for two days and then just released her (story she told Tristan upon returning to the hotel) - Mia is actually the one who was stalked by an ex-boyfriend who filed charges to get back at her (?) but she didn't want to say that because she's protecting him (online friend #1, via Twitter) - The Producers made it all up (online friend #2, via Instagram)
  10. So now the story is that HE was stalking and threatening MIA, and then filed false charges and that's why she was detained for two days but she doesn't want to say that to protect him??
  11. I had my entire wallet stolen a few months ago, including my DL, all my credit cards and insurance cards. The first thing I did was shut off the credit cards. Then I filed a police report and put in an alert with the credit bureaus. I was not held responsible for any charges that occurred after the wallet was stolen and have a paper trail that shows that I wasnt in possession of my IDs. Mia should have the same. You don't get arrested for stalking if someone else is using your ID, it doesn't work like that. Mia IS a lying liar who lies and the producers know the truth and they're trying to salvage the season. Tristan will find out the real story on Decision Day.
  12. So I was watching really old seasons this weekend and you're right. They've always talked about the number being 36. In the early years there were some TCCs that kind of slipped under the radar. I think now they do a better job of focusing on ALL of them, and they have the scene at the end of the eps where Kelli specifically says, "We've got XX girls still, I'm still not sure about [blank] and [blank]..." It just feels more clear now, a lot of which has to do with going to hour long eps and cutting WAAAAY down on the Jay segments.
  13. Camryn wasn't pregnant last season so I'm not sure how she's been complaining about it for almost two seasons. There was a lot of debating from her about whether to HAVE children or not and she was pregnant by the time the reunion was shot, so that's the first time it would have been discussed on the show. Kathryn's problem -- always -- is in the styling of an outfit. The dress last night wasn't terrible on its own (although it didn't match everyone else's level of attire) but it really needed simplicity everywhere else -- delicate earrings and toned down hair, because the dress itself had some much embellishment. Patricia needs to teach her the old Coco Chanel adage about looking in the mirror and taking one thing off before she leaves the house. Like in the finale, she didn't need the big blingy necklace AND the earrings AND the tiara. For some reason she always goes WAY over the top on her reunion looks. It's always too too much: F
  14. In the first few seasons of this show, they didn't make as big a deal about the numbers...the whole countdown of, "We started with 44 and we want a squad of 36 so there are X number of cuts left." I seem to remember that occasionally TCCs would disappear and we would never see their cuts. Thanks to a lovely stomach flu I watched a couple old seasons last weekend and there was one year (maybe Season 7) where a total mystery TCC (to me at least) showed up! She was in the early shots of Training Camp, in the "pink and blue" scenes where everyone's on the floor. She had medium skin, looked maybe biracial, with long curly hair. I have no memory of this girl whatsoever, and after the first couple eps she was just GONE.
  15. Honestly, if Hannah was truly having an anxiety attack (which is a real medical condition) she didn't even have to tell Captain Sandy WHY. A simple "I suffer with anxiety disorder, there's nothing specific that caused the onset of this panic attack but I need a few hours off to regroup," should have sufficed. Tying it to her relationship with Conrad is NOT going to help her with the Captain, in the long run.
  16. I have no idea what went on with Cersten. Like I said, it was speculation on my part, I was just giving examples of people that could have said something to Kelli about Kaitlin. The point is that Kelli is VERY circumspect about what she says when she cuts girls, or even in judging during auditions. I think she has a lot more info than she ever lets on.
  17. This is from a few pages back, but I totally agree. I think a lot of vets are cut for stuff that happens behind the scenes, or just because they didn't "wow" Kelli and Judy during the year, but that doesn't always make compelling TV. It's easier and safer to criticize appearance, or come up with a vague "She didn't come back at her best," explanation than to be fully honest and say she wasn't a great team player, she caused drama in the locker room, she wasn't good at public appearances, what have you. I'm also fully convinced that Kaitlin who tried out last year (tall, long legs, good dancer, LSU Tiger Girl, Kelli kept harping on the fact that her hair was too dark and heavy -- I may have the name wrong) didn't make the team because of some kind of backstage gossip/interference from current or former DCCs who were on the team with her. We know that Kelli gets feedback from others in the dance world, and I'm sure if Jacie or Erika or Cerstyn were like, "Look, this girl is kind of toxic," it would have an impact on the decision making. This is purely conjecture on my part but it makes sense.
  18. Right. My point is that Customs wouldn't be detaining her in a US airport -- TSA would. I think Tristan just misspoke, but it's confusing to watch the previews. Customs would detain you IN a foreign country, or coming back to the US.
  19. I think this is simply Tristan misspeaking, but you wouldn't be held up by customs on your way TO a foreign country, would you? They were still at the DFW airport, which means she was detained by the TSA. They would only process through customs (and get detained) if they were entering Mexico, or returning to the US after the honeymoon. Also, why do these women never bring any "cute" pajamas for their wedding night. I realize that obviously they're not going to bust out the lingerie with a stranger. But there are a lot of other options between Victoria's Secret and Lululemon's finest workout gear. How about silk shorts and a matching camisole? Something?? It drives me crazy every season. One bride (I can't remember who, they all blend together) spent her wedding night in a tee-shirt that said something about pizza!
  20. I forgot to see if there was a forum for this show! I love Tara and Johnny, so I found it a perfectly fine hour of escape each week, but nothing spectacular. What really bugged me, as others have mentioned, is the time that they are expected to do everything. My friend is a wedding cake designer and her schedule is like, bake the cakes one day, crumb coat and maybe fondant the next, and then work on all the design elements. Those cakes were always sinking and going wonky and falling apart because they're forced to rush the process. They're frosting cakes that aren't completely cool, and then stacking them and adding all this heavy stuff to the sides and the tops and the frosting hasn't even set. I think they should make one layer of cake for tasting, and then decorate cakes that are pre-baked, or even Styrofoam "cakes" cut into different shapes that are available for them.
  21. Did anyone else think the editing on last night's episode was super choppy and weird? I can't put my finger on why exactly, but it felt like they didn't have enough footage to craft the stories they were trying to tell. The whole story that Joao told Brooke was just kind of dropped in, apropos of nothing, and half the time I couldn't tell which sick person I was looking at and it all just felt...off.
  22. Hannah! I am trying to like you but why are you making it so hard? Stop being such a terrible manager. I miss Kate's passive-aggressiveness. Hannah is just aggressive. At first I thought the gumballs were like the old "no green M&Ms" in someone's backstage rider -- a way to make sure the crew had paid attention to the preference sheet. But it seemed like those ladies really, really just liked gumballs.
  23. Totally! She's not doing it out of the goodness of her heart, she's there to make money. She wants to stir up as much suspicion as she can in order to make it seem like the only option they have is to hire a PI. Notice that the whole "Maybe he's married to someone else...maybe he's not even Pedro..." insinuations came from her and not Family Chantel.
  24. I haven't finished the episode yet (I can only stand to watch so much of it in one sitting) but OMG, can we talk about Annie's new friend Tuk? I LOVE Tuk! She looked fab, she seemed to have her shit together (unlike almost everyone else we are subjected to) and she was giving Annie some tough love in the most sincere way possible. Is Tuk a therapist, or a plant from production? I really want to know more about her.
  25. Didn't Kate get really frustrated with Jen last year on Below Deck (Original Version) because she wasn't serving from the correct side, wasn't serving ladies first, etc.? All the seasons of BD and BD: Med get mixed up in my mind.
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