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Everything posted by Nancybeth

  1. If Kelli really did bring in all the vets, I imagine there were a few conversations that weren't that positive -- I wish we had seen those, but maybe they didn't want to spoil any vet cuts.
  2. My favorite Kelsey moment was when she got the answer right last year, and the TV reporter was so excited for her. "Yes, girlfriend!"
  3. I wonder if Brianna's disinterested and aloof might really just be a little shy and out of her element and overwhelmed. Honestly, I think both she and Dayton need another year to mature a little -- both in their looks and their dancing -- and maybe tone up. They look young compared to a lot of the other girls auditioning and it's not helping them stand out.
  4. The answer to the First Lady question (at least in the preview) also sounded to me like she was saying, "I''m not sure how to pronounce it." But maybe she was just stalling.
  5. I can't remember who mentioned this, but I kinda thought Alexandria came off a little entitled too -- I think it was all the talk about the four years + the extra year as dance leader on the Patriots, and the Pro Bowl and how close she is with Holly Arielle. It might have just been the way the package was cut together. I liked her dancing! Overall I really enjoy the audition process being more drawn out this year, and the bit with the vets at the end. It was fun to see Kashara and Yuko's friendship! I can't keep most of these girls straight yet. I don't really start figuring out who's who until solos and even more so when they announce Training Camp. Someone else mentioned the kicks -- it kills me that every year they let in a couple girls who have bad kicks. I think the hope is always that the dancer just doesn't have enough experience with those types of kicks and that with enough practice and stretching they will improve. It works out for them occasionally (who was the cute little blonde a few years back - Mackenzie Lee?). But most of the time they get cut before making the team. I also noticed Jay didn't have a lot to say during judging -- was he even there? Maybe they've made a conscious decision to not include some of the more frank comments about body type?
  6. I have trouble putting Danielle and Darcy in the same category. For Danielle (and also the blonde last year, who's name escapes me -- the one who went to Morocco), I think its desperation --they feel they are not considered a "catch" in the US, and don't want to be alone, so they figure maybe they'll be more attractive to a foreigner. What they don't realize is that if someone is looking for a way to come to the US (ahem, Mohammed) they'll say and do anything they can to hook a desperate American lady. Then reality sets in. I'm a little hazy on Darcy's motivation. While I realize she's older, she's still attractive (cosmetically-enhanced, obviously) and appears to make a good living. But dating at that age is tough because a lot of men just want someone younger than she is. I can't tell if she truly misrepresented herself to the Dutch guy (i.e., lied about her age and looks) for some amount of time or not. I guess it could be desperation for her as well, if she really desires to be in a relationship and feels like she's at a disadvantage here?
  7. I think about that too, SoshulMeedya! I suppose one reason is that some men want a HOT YOUNG submissive non-feminist wife that will wear skimpy clothes, which kinda counts out the Duggers and other fundies. I think a lot of the men on these shows get off on having a woman totally dependent on them -- she doesn't speak the language well (or at all), can't drive, can't work, has no family or friends nearby. It's a control thing. The might feel like women already in the states will be too independent. I wonder if people on these international dating sites know how hard and expensive it will be to bring a fiance to the states?
  8. It would be one thing if Kitty was just giving all this harsh feedback and insulting girls and then letting them walk out the door. But it seems like she genuinely works with them to take her feedback and improve. There have been a couple instances of her helping someone re-do a solo at the last minute, or provide specific, concrete suggestions on costumes and hair. If she had let Vivian walk in there with the tin man solo, Vivian NEVER would have made training camp. Even the little things, like fixing one move, she will demonstrate and then praise the dancer when they give her what she's looking for.
  9. Wow, I didn't know all of that about their choice of Kaiser! I figured they just thought it sounded cool. Ugh, what an asshole.
  10. Nathan, you named your kid KAISER. You don't get to complain about anyone else's name choice ever. (Am I the only person who doesn't associate Kaiser with a roll, but with German rulers? To me it has a negative connotation...I mean, not as bad as naming your kid Hitler, but not great.) This show is called "Teen Mom." Why do we spend so much time with the various baby daddies. There's no reason for Nathan or Adam to be on this show, unless they're interacting with the moms.
  11. Yeah, this was a couple years ago...Season 9, I think? I was just trying to find a shot of all of them together, and I think this one illustrates my point about different styles.
  12. I think Melissa Rycroft just looks kind of...sloppy next to Kelli and Judy and Charlotte. Her personal style seems to trend more towards casual/hippie/bohemian. Looking at Google images and her instagram, she favors shorts and rompers a lot, even on the red carpet or in interviews, along with chunky jewelry and messy, beachy hair. It's not bad, per se, and it works for her but Kelli and Judy and Charlotte go for either professional wear or a "ladies who lunch" vibe, especially at auditions. This is the best example I can find: (P.S. That is Broadway legend Betty Buckley at the end, although I have NO CLUE why.)
  13. What's interesting in the pic with the gold dresses is that the poms almost look gold and burgundy, i.e., the Redskins colors!
  14. I wonder if it's less probation or being cut, and more, "You made a mistake and your punishment is that you don't get to go on a cool trip"?
  15. Truth. That's a big difference between LuAnn and Ramona -- LuAnn has a great body AND she dresses more appropriately for her age. Ramona's stuff is too tight and too short and too too much. Exhibit A:
  16. I don't feel like we've seen Hannah doing less work than we usually see Kate doing when she's Chief Stew on Below Deck. The one thing that Kate seems to enjoy more is putting together the "tablescapes", and Hannah has delegated that to Bugs. But Hannah is a manager, and more of her work is going to be behind the scenes. That's WHY they have other stewardesses that can do the hands-on stuff!
  17. I thought the bigger flower arrangement was from Scott to Tinsley, and the smaller one was from Adam to Carole? Carole was reading the card. Why would someone send two flower arrangements at the same time to the same person? The tequila tour was super cheesy and touristy. Literally, the vans SAID "Tequila Tour," on them. So either there was a lot we didn't see, where Bethenny was actually interacting with important people who supply her tequila for Skinny Girl, or she made it out to be a much bigger deal than it really was.
  18. He looked much better when they first met then in the Skype call when he had cut his hair really short again! So did anyone else but me suspect that it may have been a bit of a set-up? Like, Kelsie and Brandon kinda arranged things beforehand and really just wanted to meet in person and pulled a fast one on Nev and Max and the producers?
  19. Does anyone know if TCC Lauren has tried out before? I could have sworn I saw her in the crowd shots during the marathon of last season.
  20. #relationshipgoals Oh man, Kelli is NOT A FAN of the "square" girls. She really wants that hourglass shape with the tiny waist.
  21. So in watching the marathon of last season, there was a fair amount of discussion about Allie's figure when she came in for her fitting that I had forgotten about. And when they did the cameo shoot, there was only one pose that really worked for her. If she came in "not looking her best," as Kelli and Jay have been known to say, I suspect that was likely the reason for her cut.
  22. Not only could Bugs see his texts with Hannah, but because he was still logged in, she could see ALL of his texts, emails, photos, etc. Let's say the iPad was dinging and she found him sexting and sharing graphic photos with someone else entirely. Or she found an email with personal financial details, I don't know. Whatever. The point is, Bugs should have either logged out of his account on the iPad and gone about her work, or taken it to her superior to handle. The fact that it was him texting with Hannah doesn't change anything for me. She invaded his privacy and just because it was with someone Bugs knew, that doesn't change the fact that it was wrong. Hannah was also wrong to get involved with a charter guest, and she knew that. But her mistake in getting involved doesn't excuse Bugs' mistake in breaching the trust of a guest.
  23. Kelli looks so much better as a brunette with the reddish tones than as a blonde!
  24. They're using KaShara and Robin in promo graphics -- I was watching the marathon yesterday and they showed up so many times. I wonder if they re-shot the credit sequence finally??
  25. And Bugs is apparently going to make the situation with Hannah worse by going to the Captain to tattle about her flirtation with the primary charter guest! By the time she finds out, the guy is already off the boat. They have their tip. Should Hannah have hooked up with him? No. But once he's not a paying guest, I'm not sure what the additional harm in her keeping in touch with the guy is. If Bugs really wanted to smooth things over with Hannah, she would have gone to her directly, not Big Mouthed Bobby and certainly not the Captain.
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