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Everything posted by Nancybeth

  1. Who was the extra kid that Leah and her mom had with them when they went to the church for Children's Choir? They had an infant carrier, but Addie (or whatever the younger girl's name is) was clearly way too big for it.
  2. I bet a lot of Kathryn's parents' land is wetlands. That type of property would have been perfect for growing rice, which was one of the crops she mentioned, but it would be incredibly difficult and expensive to develop for commercial use today. It's almost certainly in a floodplain and a lot of municipalities won't allow flood zones to be developed unless there are flood risk reduction projects in place. My family had a lot of farmland in central Illinois, which was sold after my great-grandfather died and is now covered with McMansions and shopping centers. But in an ecologically-sensitive area like coastal South Carolina, about all you can do is hold onto the land or turn it into a nature preserve. No one is growing rice there anymore.
  3. I feel like Carole is trying waaaaay too hard with Adam. It's like everything she does is trying to convince him how young and fun she is...carting a dog named Baby around, plopping herself up on counters, etc. I would give Carole (or any writer) shade about "Baby and I," if she WROTE it in a blog. But in casual conversation, everyone makes grammar/word choice mistakes, even the best writers. I don't think being a writer automatically equals speaking perfectly. The true work and craft in writing is finding your voice, and then in the reviewing and editing and re-writing.
  4. OMG y'all, this show is baaaaack!! I am so happy. Add me to the list that thought Craig's new girlfriend was Cameran when they first showed her at the airport! Speaking of Cameran, there wasn't nearly enough of her last night. And too much Landon. She hasn't won me over yet. Shep was looking rough. I think he's reached the age where one cannot drink all day and stay out all night and look good in the morning. He's got the real big-boy house, now he needs the companionship and guidance of a lovely woman.
  5. Tyler basically IS the 5th Teem Mom OG at this point. They should just add him to the opening credits. He's always been treated differently than the other significant others.
  6. Yeah, what was with all those plastic bowls? Do they eat everything out of them?? You would think these girls would have cooking for a large group down to a science, but every time they tackle a family meal it's like they've never done it before. Same with the Sister Wives...it's like they have no concept of how much food they'll need or what kind of meals work well when you have that many people! I'm always surprised that it's such a struggle for them.
  7. Other than ease of production, there's no reason all three couples have to be in the same city, I suppose. Maybe they'll try a couple different ones out for casting and see where they can come up with the best potential couples?
  8. I'm super-confused about the whole documentary thing...some of the "trolls" support it, some are against the filmmaker, I have no idea. Not only did multi-millionaire Sam let his domain name lapse, now "he's" shut down his Twitter again.
  9. I don't think JO is even making money off of people going to "Sam's" blog...there are no ads, are there? I just tried to go check but half the time I get a weird "No Proxy Access Allowed" error message. So truly, those of us who can't look away from the trainwreck are only boosting her ego, not her pocket.
  10. First, the "experiment" should last longer than 6 weeks. 6 weeks is nothing...you can put up with almost anything or anyone for that amount of time! And I agree about having to live together. I would like to see production just set that up -- don't make them go through the search for new housing on-camera and have long drawn-out discussions about where they're going to live. They should come back from their honeymoons and walk right into a furnished place to live. It seems like for a lot of the couples, this season and previously, the awkward time between honeymoon and getting back to real life is where the wheels started to fall off the wagon. It was even worse in Season 2 because the holidays were jammed in there. They lose the momentum of being married when they're going back and forth between their own apartments. And there should be "homework" or challenges each week...they kind of do this now, but it should be a little more focused and structured. Like, week 1, go grocery shopping, cook meals together, discuss your daily schedules, have a social event for your shared friends. Week 2, discuss finances, talk about financial goals and career goals, have each person plan one activity for both of them to enjoy together, etc. The structured experiment shouldn't end when the couple is matched, the experiment should be about forcing them to continue confronting all these marriage issues and having to work through them. ETA if this show uses stationary cameras in the home, i.e. "Real World" or "Big Brother" style? I feel like it's just what the crew shoots and what the couples capture on their "Couple Cams." Because that could bring a whole new dynamic to the show.
  11. Can we make spoiler-free predictions here about what the couples will choose, or should we start a separate thread?
  12. Regarding the use of Tinder, I agree with the person earlier who said that Tinder skews to a younger crowd and that's the age range the producers need. I think they want to avoid participants who have been previously married and divorced, nor do they want people with kids. Speaking as a single woman in her late 30s, there are very few people in my age range that fit those two qualifications! If they're going to use dating sites (which I'm not sure is a totally great idea) then they're better off with the ones where you find larger populations of younger people. I also agree they should have to go off social media until the show finishes airing!
  13. Well even a blind pig can find an acorn once in awhile! JO got lucky with that bit of fiction. I can't wait for Sam to start giving parenting advice...clearly he's an expert at time management, because he will no doubt keep churning out entries while juggling two babies.
  14. If the mom's water broke, why would they do a C-section? Yet another thing that makes no sense and proves this is so clearly fake fake fake. Kohola, that's sad...I hope the other baby makes it.
  15. The Miss America pageant is the one where there is a talent competition, and also wherein they are required to have a "platform," i.e. a special cause they advocate for. Miss USA is really ALL based on appearance. There is a brief interview portion, and maybe a final question -- although they could have done away with that now.
  16. Absolutely. I will PayPal you some Monopoly money!
  17. Heston? What the hell kind of name is that? Those are pretty sizeable babies for twins that came a few weeks early, aren't they? With everything going on in his life, Sam found time to play arcade games on his website all day yesterday! I can't wait to see him continue to churn out entries while dealing with NEWBORN TWINS.
  18. It's so nice of Sam to post all of this family drama on his public blog for the world to read!
  19. How do you get BEHIND on sending out eBooks? It's an email with a link or a file attached! Keep a draft email, copy and paste all the email addresses of those who have ordered it that day into the BCC line, hit send. DONE. There should be no getting behind. They're not printed copies. I know, I know, this is all make believe. I don't know why I try to use logic and reason. Also, Sam, stop watching terrible 80s and 90s comedies about parenthood and name-check some goddamn legitimate parenting and adoption books. Start with Dr. Benjamin Spock.
  20. I agree...Ashley was looking for the first opportunity to put David in the hot seat and blame him for their "marriage" not working out. I think she was getting desperate and was planning to keep bugging him about the 4th of July party...and then she found out about the text. The text was kinda shady behavior on David's part, but at least he had been TRYING up until then. Regarding Sam and Neil's new house...I saw David and Ashley's place on Air BnB (fully furnished) and I'm wondering if that's how S&N found their place too. Sammie looked so sad when Sam was leaving, which struck me as odd. I don't get the two of them. I think Tres and Vanessa will stay together. I can see them being the next Jason and Courtney.
  21. My recording of The Hidden Tapes cut off at the very end, while Kris Jenner was talking about the relationship between OJ and Robert K., post-verdict. I think he testified in the civil trial. But it sounded like maybe Kris was saying that OJ didn't see Robert before he died, or something? Does anyone know what happened to their friendship? Like someone else up-thread, I mostly ignored this case at the time it was going on, and in the years since. It was just so pervasive during the time of the murders and the trial, and you couldn't get away from it. I was so damn sick of hearing about OJ. But now, watching American Crime Story and going back to research what actually happened, it's like this fuzzy memory and I'm sort of newly curious about the whole thing.
  22. Is it possible that the unnamed, never-before-mentioned librarian is actually the village librarian? And perhaps he manages the books and historic papers and whatnot at the big house as well? The problem with Barrow is that for every one step he takes forward towards redemption, there are two steps back. I'm not sure the good side of him has ever outweighed all the black marks against him. I mean, especially in the first couple seasons he was really not nice to anyone and always scheming.
  23. I don't think that's the wet bar. I think all the houses have a central kitchen island/counter, don't they? I feel like the wet bar is further away from the fridge.
  24. I'm kind of liking this idea! Because all of their stupid tests and questionnaires and insight can't predict being physically attracted to someone or having that spark of chemistry. Or maybe there's a mixer that that experts watching on hidden camera to at least get a sense of how people are interacting.
  25. I watched the OJ Tapes yesterday and for the first time noticed Kardashian's stunned look when the verdict was announced. My best friends and I were just talking about where we were during the OJ Trial...one of them fully admitted she had little to know memory of it (although she has a terrible memory of almost everything). I told her the night of the Bronco chase we had gone to the cheap theaters to see "Four Weddings and a Funeral." When I came home, my dad was flipping channels between the chase and a movie on TV. I don't know why that's such a clear memory for me, but it is. The trial lasted through my senior year of HS and the summer into my freshman year of college, and we convinced my Mass Communications professor to let us out of class a few minutes early so we could see the verdict being announced. I watched it on the TV in our campus snack bar, and the room was a mix of cheers and disbelief.
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