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Silver Raven

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Everything posted by Silver Raven

  1. But her mother just had that money lying around in a CD!
  2. Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman continuing their feud for a charity sponsored by Sam's Club.
  3. Derek Kidwell has an extensive criminal history. At least three different arrests that I could find on a brief search. I do wonder if he's related to the Derek Kidwell from Ohio who was Mister Football in the 90s.
  4. Yeah, I always have to stop and think "Now how are these people related?"
  5. Hee hee, Claire, burn for you. The curtains in the room that Claire and Theo are in look like a shower curtain.
  6. I wish Show would give us more background about Stefan and Jake. Who are their adoptive parents? Do they have siblings? I know Stefan didn't have a happy family life. Uhoh. Hints from Charlie about his background? Ah, more loving Abigail. I was hoping Gabi would walk in on Jake and Kate. "Of all people, you." You mean the Jack who is a rapist, and has gone missing on and off for years? The Jack who ran for mayor on a racist platform?
  7. Wentworth Miller says he's through playing straight characters. https://ew.com/tv/wentworth-miller-done-prison-break-straight-roles/?did=579012-20201110
  8. Ah, there's the Abigail we all know and loathe. Why do they believe that JJ spent the night with Gabi and nothing happened after he tried to kill himself, but can't believe that nothing happened between Jack and Kate?
  9. There were reports that once the lockdown ended, they were going to go with story arcs, with actors rotating in and out.
  10. They just ran this full two minute Amazon ad on football today. Who's crying?
  11. I was on Jeopardy!, but by rules, we weren't allowed to talk to Alex except on air, because they were worried about charges of collusion. I wish I had had more interaction with him.
  12. Here's to Jack dragging Princess Abigail.
  13. Ugh. They're running ads for Campbell's mushroom soup telling us we are required to have green bean casserole for holiday dinners. I detest green bean casserole.
  14. Yeah, but Abe was worried that Theo was living alone. Where's Brandon?
  15. "You look like your own self." Well, no. And is he living in South Africa alone? Isn't Brandon there? In a town where DNA results get switched all the time, how is Kayla adamant that the test is correct? Wait. If that was a letter from Jack to Kate, why did it have a postmark on it? Kate got it?
  16. Has any spoiler said it was Kate he slept with?
  17. It's probably an unpopular opinion, but I like Kate and Jake. Bad camera work, we didn't catch JJ's face when Abigail grabbed him. The Beverly HIllbillies is literary? Dammit, NBC broke in with non-news news.
  18. No, I'm talking about Max Holden. Nicholas Walker didn't play Todd/Victor.
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